标签:style blog io ar color os 使用 sp for
(1).首先定义自己的异常类 可以直接定义也可以从标准异常类派生
class CEGUIEXPORT Exception
virtual ~Exception(void);
const String& getMessage(void) const {return d_message;}
const String& getName() const { return d_name; }
const String& getFileName(void) const {return d_filename;}
const int getLine(void) const {return d_line;}
Exception(const String& message = "", const String& name ="CEGUI::Exception", const String& filename = "", int line = 0);
String d_message;
String d_filename;
String d_name;
int d_line;
Exception::Exception(const String& message, const String& name, const String& filename, int line)
: d_filename(filename), d_line(line), d_message(message), d_name(name)
// Log exception or send it to error stream (if logger not available)
Logger* logger = Logger::getSingletonPtr();
if (logger)
logger->logEvent(name + " in file " + filename + "(" + PropertyHelper::intToString(line) + ") : " + message, Errors);
std::cerr << name << " in file " << filename.c_str() << "(" << line << ") : " << message.c_str() << std::endl;
(2).派生出具体的异常类 此处就是不便归类的异常
class CEGUIEXPORT UnknownObjectException : public Exception
UnknownObjectException(const String& message, const String& file = "unknown", int line = 0)
: Exception(message, "CEGUI::UnknownObjectException", file, line) {}
#define UnknownObjectException(message) \
UnknownObjectException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__)
const Image& Imageset::getImage(const String& name) const
ImageRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_images.find(name);
if (pos == d_images.end()) //这里可能会因为找不到图形文件造成意外 为了处理这种意外可以在此处抛出异常
throw UnknownObjectException("The Image named ‘" + name + "‘ could not be found in Imageset ‘" + d_name + "‘."); //抛出异常时会创建一个异常类对象,就会执行异常类的构造函数,从而执行到我们赋予异常类的一些特殊行为,比如向日志里输出错误信息等
return pos->second;
(4).使用可能出现异常的功能函数时,使用try{} catch(){}块来截获异常并进行处理
image = &ImagesetManager::getSingleton().getImageset(imageSet)->getImage(imageName);
catch (UnknownObjectException&)
image = 0;
1 // ExceptionDemo.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 2 // 3 4 #include "stdafx.h" 5 #include<afx.h> 6 #include <string> 7 #include <afxwin.h> 8 9 using namespace std; 10 11 12 class Exception 13 { 14 public: 15 virtual ~Exception(void) {} 16 const string& getMessage(void) const {return d_message;} 17 const string& getName() const {return d_name; } 18 const string& getFileName(void) const {return d_filename;} 19 const int getLine(void) const {return d_line;} 20 protected: 21 Exception(const string& message = "", const string& name ="ExceptionDemo::Exception", 22 const string& filename = "", int line = 0) : d_filename(filename), d_line(line),d_message(message), d_name(name) 23 { 24 CString str; 25 str.Format("name: %s in file: %s ( %d ): %s",name.c_str(),filename.c_str(),line,message.c_str()); 26 AfxMessageBox(str); 27 } 28 string d_message; 29 string d_filename; 30 string d_name; 31 int d_line; 32 }; 33 34 class UnknownObjectException : public Exception 35 { 36 public: 37 UnknownObjectException(const string& message, const string& file = "unknown", int line = 0) 38 : Exception(message, "ExceptionDemo::UnknownObjectException", file, line) 39 { 40 41 } 42 }; 43 44 #define UnknownObjectException(message) 45 UnknownObjectException(message, __FILE__, __LINE__) 46 47 48 void function(int n) 49 { 50 if (n>5) 51 throw UnknownObjectException("pass the n volue limited!"); 52 } 53 54 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 55 { 56 try 57 { 58 function(6); 59 } 60 catch (UnknownObjectException& e) 61 { 62 AfxMessageBox("抓到了异常!"); 63 } 64 return 0; 65 }
标签:style blog io ar color os 使用 sp for