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Linux 安装配置Domino901

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标签:linux   domino901   




1  安装准备

1.1 关闭Linux自带邮件服务



1.   输入命令lsof -i:25,找打占用PID

2.   ps -f -p 进程号,找到占用25端口的服务


1.  chkconfig postfix off (postfix服务开机不会自动启动)

2.  [root@vm601~]# chkconfig --list postfix(确认postfix关闭状态)

postfix         0:关闭  1:关闭  2:关闭  3:关闭  4:关闭  5:关闭  6:关闭

3.  service postfix stop (关闭postfix服务)


1.2 配置notes用户及群组

2.  增加notes用户,命令如下:

useradd notes


3.  配置notes用户密码,命令如下:

passwd notes



4.  增加notes群组,命令如下:

groupadd notes


5.  配置notes用户所在群组,命令如下:

usermod –g notesnotes


1.3 解压安装包及语言包

1.   解压安装包

tar –xvf DOMINO_9.0.1_64_BIT_LIN_XS_EN.tar


2.   解压语言包

tar –xvf Do_9.0.1_LP_AIX_Lix_SC.tar



2  安装服务器

2.1 安装domino

1.   进入domino安装程序锁在文件夹,如:

cd linux64/domino/

2.   启动安装程序



IBM Domino for Unix Install Program


You have to set environment variable DISPLAYto run in graphic mode

Answer Yes to continue in console mode

Answer No to exit application.

Do you want to continue installation inconsole mode?[Yes]


3.   按任意键,确认后出现如下内容:

Continuing in console mode

InstallShield Wizard


正在初始化 InstallShield Wizard...


正在准备 Java(tm) 虚拟机...











































Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for IBMDomino Social Edition


The InstallShield Wizard will install IBMDomino Social Edition on your


To continue, choose Next.



IBM Domino Social Edition








Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 toRedisplay [1]


4.   按任意键,确认后出现如下内容:




     第一部分 - 通用条款







     * 则请勿下载、安装、复制、访问、单击“接受”按钮,或使用程序;并



     * 立即将未使用的介质、文档和权利证明退还至提供方,以便获得您所支付




按 Enter 键继续查看本许可协议,或者按 "1" 接受本协议,按 "2"

拒绝本协议或按 "99" 回到上一屏幕, "3" 打印, "5"


5.   输入1,按回车:


Selecting the option below allows you toinstall additional or upgrade existing

Server Partitions. The existing Programdirectory must be specified in order

for new Server Partitions to be created, butit will not be upgraded. Existing

Data directories do not need to be listed.Only those Data directories

specified will be upgraded or added. If youwish to add more than one Partition

to your existing Domino server, check the boxwhen asked if you want to install

a Partitioned server. Otherwise you will onlybe able to upgrade or install one

Data directory. Warning: If you do not havean existing Domino Server on your

system, please do not check the box below forthe option to add data

directories only.


[ ] 1 - Install Data  Directories Only for Partitioned DominoServer


To select an item enter its number, or 0 whenyou are finished: [0]

6.   继续回车:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

7.   继续回车,显示domino程序文件所在目录:



IBM Domino Social Edition Install Location


Please specify a directory or press Enter toaccept the default directory.


Program Files Directory Name[/opt/ibm/domino]

8.   继续回车,显示是否安装分区服务器,默认是[No]


Server with more than one partition

Answer Yes to install partitioned server

Answer No to install non-partitioned server

Partitioned Server: [No]

9.   继续回车:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

10.  继续回车,显示domino的data文件目录(可不更改):


IBM Domino Social Edition Install Location


Please specify a directory or press Enter toaccept the default directory.


Data Files Directory Name [/local/notesdata]

11.  如需更改,则要输入新的data文件夹地址:


Data Files Directory Name [/local/notesdata]/app/notesdata


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

12.  继续回车,输入用户名,默认为notes:



Input Unix/Linux user name and group namepanel




User Name [notes]

13.  继续回车,输入用户群名,默认为notes:

Group Name [notes]

14.  继续回车:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

15.  继续回车,选择服务器配置模式,默认为Manual模式:


Select Server Setup


After the installation completes, for newinstallation server setup will be

launched and for upgrade the server will berestarted automatically.


The default value is "Manual ServerSetup" which does not launch server setup

or restart the server after installation.


Select "Local Server Setup" tolaunch server setup after a new server

installation or to restart the server after aserver upgrade.


Select "Remote Server Setup" tolaunch server setup in listen mode for new

server installations. You will then be ableto connect to the server with the

Remote Server Setup tool.


[ ] 1 - Local

[ ] 2 - Remote

[X] 3 - Manual


To select an item enter its number, or 0 whenyou are finished: [0]

16.  继续回车:


Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

17.  继续回车,显示服务器安装类型,默认Enterprise:


Choose the setup type that best suits yourneeds.


[ ] 1 - Domino Utility Server

       Installs a Domino server that provides application services only. Note

       that it does not include support for messaging services. See full

       licensing text for details.


[ ] 2 - Domino Messaging Server

       Installs a Domino server that provides messaging services. Note that it

       does not include support for application services or Domino clusters.


[X] 3 - Domino Enterprise Server

       Installs a Domino server that provides both messaging and application



[ ] 4 - Customize Domino Server

       Allows you to select the features you want to install.


To select an item enter its number, or 0 whenyou are finished: [0]

18.  继续回车:

Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

19.  继续回车,显示服务器安装信息:


IBM Domino Social Edition will be installedin the following location:


       Program Files:       /opt/ibm/domino

       Data Files:          /app/notesdata

       Domino Kit Type:     EnterpriseServer


       Unix Install Options:

                User Name: notes

                Group Name: notes

                Install Data Only: No

                Start Server Setup: No (Manual)


with the following features:


Program Files

  Billing Support

  Clustering Support

Data Files

  Required Templates

  Administration Templates


Press ENTER to read the text [Type q to quit]

20.  继续回车:

  Optional Templates

  Certificate Management

  Readme File



Domino EnterpriseConnection Services

Domino Offline Services

IBM iNotes

   WebServices Data Files

Resource Modeling Engine



for a total size:




Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancelor 4 to Redisplay [1]

21.  继续回车,出现安装进度条:

Installing IBM Domino Social Edition. Pleasewait...




0%        25%         50%         75%        100%


22.  安装完成显示内容如下:


0%        25%         50%         75%        100%



Please, manually configure the Domino Serveras follows:

1) Login as the appropriate Unix user:‘notes‘;

2) Change to the data directory using thecommand:‘cd /app/notesdata‘;

3) Configure the server using the command:‘/opt/ibm/domino/bin/server‘

     Toconfigure server remotely, the remote server setup tool

     isrequired and you can use the command:


    After issuing this command, additional instructions will appear

    for remote server setup. For additional details see the section

    ‘Using the Domino Server Setup remotely‘ in the IBM Domino

    Administrator Help Documentation.




The InstallShield Wizard has successfullyinstalled IBM Domino Social Edition.

Choose Finish to exit the wizard.


Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3]

23.  按回车完成安装

2.2 安装语言包

1.   进入domino语言包安装程序所在文件夹:


2.   输入如下命令启动安装:




cd /opt/ibm/domino/notes/latest/linux/jvm/bin

./java -cp/soft/domino901/CITI0SC/DomLP901_Suite.jar:/soft/domino901/CITI0SC/DomLP901_zh_CN.jarrun –console

3.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino Social Edition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

    欢迎使用 IBM Domino Social Edition Server Language Pack 安装程序


  IBM Domino Social Edition ServerLanguage Pack 安装程序在 Domino服务器上添加、替换以及移除

  Language Pack。Language Pack 包括已翻译的源文件和模板。

  Language Pack 包括已翻译的源文件和模板。


  如果有要保留的英文或定制的模板,请将这些文件拷贝到 Domino 数据目录外的目录中。


  如果正在 Unix 上运行,请确保作为 root 用户登录。



-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

4.  继续回车:




第一部分 - 通用条款







* 则请勿下载、安装、复制、访问、单击“接受”按钮,或使用程序;并


* 立即将未使用的介质、文档和权利证明退还至提供方,以便获得您所支付




按 Enter 键继续查看本许可协议,或者按 "1" 接受本协议,按 "2"

拒绝本协议或按 "99" 回到上一屏幕, "3" 打印, "5"


5.  按1,回车:


按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

6.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  指定要安装 Domino 服务器和 Language Pack 的目录。如果 Domino 服务器已安装,请输入 Domino 服务器的程序目录。



  输入新的目录  [/opt/ibm/domino]

7.  继续回车:

按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

8.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  安装程序已在选定目录中找到 Domino 服务器。


  要安装 Language Pack,需要 Domino 服务器具有适合的版本安装到系统。


  如果 Domino 服务器的版本不适合,可以通过安装英文版 Domino 服务器将其升级,也可以在此安装中安装 Language Pack。(需要英文版

  Domino 服务器的光学媒体或安装程序映像。)



  是否安装英文版 Domino 服务器? “是[Y]”或“否[N]”:

9.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                             -

  安装程序已在选定目录中找到 Domino 服务器。


  要安装 Language Pack,需要 Domino 服务器具有适合的版本安装到系统。


  如果 Domino 服务器的版本不适合,可以通过安装英文版 Domino 服务器将其升级,也可以在此安装中安装 Language Pack。(需要英文版

  Domino 服务器的光学媒体或安装程序映像。)



    [未安装 Domino Social Edition 服务器。]


-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

10.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  检测到以下 Domino 程序和数据目录。


  Domino 服务器程序目录

   : /opt/ibm/domino


  Domino 服务器数据目录

   : /app/notesdata


-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

11.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  选择 Language Pack 的安装类型。


  将 Language Pack 添加到 Domino 服务器

    将选定语言的翻译文件和/或设计添加到 Domino 服务器文件中。


  替换 Language Pack

    用选定语言的翻译文件覆盖 Domino 服务器的文件和/或设计。


  删除 Domino 服务器中的 Language Pack

    从 Domino 服务器文件中删除选定语言的文件和/或设计。


  [ ] 1 - 将 Language Pack 添加到 Domino 服务器

  [ ] 2 - 替换 Language Pack

  [ ] 3 - 删除 Domino 服务器中的 Language Pack


  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0]

12.  输入2,选择“替换Lanuage Pack”,回车:

  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0] 2



  [ ] 1 - 将 Language Pack 添加到 Domino 服务器

  [X] 2 - 替换 Language Pack

  [ ] 3 - 删除 Domino 服务器中的 Language Pack


  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0]

13.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -



    [ ]  将 Language Pack 添加到 Domino 服务器

    [X]  替换 Language Pack

    [ ]  删除 Domino 服务器中的Language Pack


-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

14.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                             -

  Domino 服务器检查已完成。


    确认 Domino 服务器的版本:

        Release 9.0.1|October 14, 2013             (Release 9.0.1)




-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

15.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -


  下列 Language Pack 可用。选择要安装的 Language Pack。


  [ ] 1 - 中文 (简体)


  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0]

16.  输入1,回车:


  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0] 1



  [X] 1 - 中文 (简体)


  要选择一个选项,请输入它的编号或在完成时输入 0: [0]

17.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -



  Language Pack 选择:

      [X] 中文 (简体)

-                                                                             -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

18.  继续回车:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  分区          空间要求        可用空间

  /opt         1.88 MBytes     3.85 GBytes

  /app         332.81 MBytes           45.41GBytes


  确认以下设置。 选择“下一步”,开始使用选定的 Language Pack 安装。


  Language Pack 的安装类型:

    替换 Language Pack



  需安装的 Language Pack 数据目录:



    中文 (简体)

-                                                                            -



按 1 到下一步, 2 到上一步, 3 取消 或者 4 重新显示 [1]

19.  回车后,开发打语言包:


  替换 Domino 数据库中的文件...





















20.  回车完成安装:


- IBM Domino SocialEdition Server Language Pack 安装程序 -


-                                                                            -

  已成功安装选定的 Language Pack。



-                                                                             -



按 3 完成 或者 4 重新显示 [3]

3  配置服务器

3.1 启动domino服务侦听

1.   切换notes用户:

su – notes

2.   进入notesdata目录:

cd /app/notesdata

3.   输入命令:

/opt/ibm/domino/bin/server -listen

4.   启动侦听服务,如下:

./java -ss512k-Xoss5M -cp jhall.jar:cfgdomserver.jar:./ndext/ibmdirectoryservices.jarlotus.domino.setup.WizardManagerDomino -data /app/notesdata -listen

Remote server setup enabled on port 8585.


The Domino setup server is now in listeningmode.

A remote client can now connect to thisserver and configure Domino.


To connect to this server, launch the RemoteDomino Setup program from a command-prompt as follows:

From a Domino administrator client:serversetup -remote

From a Domino server: server -remote


To end this server, launch the Remote DominoSetup program from a command-prompt as follows:

From a Domino administrator client:serversetup -q null

From a Domino server: server -q null


For more information, see the printed guideSetting Up Domino Networks and Servers.

3.2 配置domino服务器

1.   侦听服务启动后,点击Remote Server Setup程序(安装notes选择全部选项会安装,如果没有,则需要安装Remote Server Setup才能配置):

2.   输入服务器IP地址,点击OK按钮(服务器需要开放8585端口才能访问):

3.   点击Next:


Linux 安装配置Domino901

标签:linux   domino901   


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