标签:des blog http io ar os sp for 数据
$module = basename($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME‘], ‘.php‘); $__doc__ = "Usage:{$module}.php start|stop|restart \n"; $cmd = isset($_SERVER[‘argv‘][1]) ? strtolower($_SERVER[‘argv‘][1]) : ‘start‘; $procNum = isset($_SERVER[‘argv‘][2]) ? intval($_SERVER[‘argv‘][2]) : 1; $daemon = new ForkPool(array( ‘module‘ => "rsyncdata", ‘pidDir‘ => "/home/services/daemon/" )); $msg= new MsgTask(IPC_KEY_FILE_EXPORT,IPC_MSGQUEUE_SIZE,‘msgHandle‘); $log = ResourceManager::get_logger(); $invoice = ResourceManager::get_logger(‘rsync_invoice‘); $db = ResourceManager::getDatabase(‘chaohaowan‘); $daemon->setTask($msg, $procNum); switch ( $cmd ) { case ‘start‘: $daemon->start(); break; case ‘stop‘: $daemon->stop(); break; case ‘restart‘: $daemon->restart(); break; default: echo $__doc__; echo "please input [start | stop]\n"; break; } function msgHandle($data) { global $invoice; $invoice->err(‘data:‘ . var_export($data, true)); if (empty($data[‘cmd‘]) || empty($data[‘data‘])) return; $cmd = abs(intval($data[‘cmd‘])); switch ($cmd) { case CMD_RSYNC_ADD_POST:rsync_add_post($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_DELETE_POST:rsync_delete_post($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_MOD_POST:rsync_modify_post($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_ADD_TAG:rsync_add_term($data[‘data‘], TERMTYPE_TAG);break; case CMD_RSYNC_MOD_TAG:rsync_modify_term($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_ADD_CATEGORY:rsync_add_term($data[‘data‘], TERMTYPE_CATEGORY);break; case CMD_RSYNC_MOD_CATEGORY:rsync_modify_term($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_ADD_USER:rsync_add_user($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_MOD_USER:rsync_modify_user($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_MOD_POSTMETA:rsync_modify_postmeta($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMD_RSYNC_BBS : rsync_bbs($data[‘data‘]);break; case CMB_RSYNC_BBS_GAMESTORE : rsync_gamestore($data[‘data‘]);break; default: break; } return; }
class ForkPool { /** * 任务中实现修饰ForkPool的装饰方法名 * */ const FUCTIONNAME_DRESS =‘dressFork‘; public $_options = array( ‘pidDir‘ => ‘./‘, ‘module‘ => ‘‘, ‘maxPerChild‘ => 36000, ‘startNum‘ => 1 ); protected $_running = true; protected $_procList = array(); /** * Fork_Task * * @var Frok_Task */ protected $_task = array(); protected $_procNum = 1; protected $_pidFile; public function __construct(array $cfg = array()) { $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $cfg); if ( empty($this->_options[‘module‘]) ) { $this->_options[‘module‘] = basename($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME‘], ‘.php‘); } } public function setTask(Fork_Task $task, $procNum = ‘‘) { $procNum = ( empty($procNum) ) ? $this->_options[‘startNum‘] : intval($procNum); if ( $procNum > 1 ) { require_once BASE_PATH . ‘/baselib/Fork/Multi.php‘; $this->_task = new Fork_Multi($task);; } else { $this->_task = $task; } /* 调用任务的装饰方法 */ $func_name_dress=self::FUCTIONNAME_DRESS; if(method_exists($task,$func_name_dress)){ $task->$func_name_dress($this); } /**/ $this->_pidFile = rtrim($this->_options[‘pidDir‘], "\\/") . ‘/‘ . $this->_options[‘module‘] . ‘.pid‘; /**/ $this->_procNum = $procNum; } public function start() { if ( $this->isRunning() ) { echo "daemon is running\n"; exit; } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ( $pid == -1 ) { die("fork(1) failed!\n"); } elseif ( $pid > 0 ) { //让由用户启动的进程退出 exit; } //建立一个有别于终端的新session以脱离终端 posix_setsid(); $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ( $pid == -1 ) { die("fork(2) failed!\n"); } elseif ( $pid > 0 ) { //父进程退出, 剩下子进程成为最终的独立进程 exit; } //设置进程信号过滤器 pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, array($this, ‘interrupt‘)); file_put_contents($this->_pidFile, posix_getpid()); $log = Logger::getLogger(); $log->server(‘daemon started.‘); if ( $this->_procNum > 1 ) { $space = ceil($this->_options[‘maxPerChild‘] / $this->_procNum ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->_procNum; ++$i ) { $pid = $this->_task->run($space * ($i + 1)); $this->_procList[$pid] = time(); usleep(100000); } unset($space); $count = 0; $status = 0; while ( true ) { $pid = pcntl_wait($status, WNOHANG); if ( $pid > 0 ) { unset($this->_procList[$pid]); } if ( $this->_running ) { if ( $pid > 0 ) { //$pid = $this->_task->start($this->_options[‘maxPerChild‘]); $this->_procList[$pid] = time(); $log->server(‘fork new process pid: ‘ . $pid); } } else { if ( $pid > 0 ) { $count = 0; } ++$count; if ( ($count > 500) || (count($this->_procList) === 0) ) { break; } usleep(1000 * (count($this->_procList) + 1)); } usleep(10000); } } else { while ( $this->_running ) { $this->_task->run(); } } echo "daemon stopped.\n"; $log->server(‘daemon stoped.‘); } public function isRunning() { clearstatcache(); if ( is_file($this->_pidFile) ) { $pid = intval(file_get_contents($this->_pidFile)); if ( is_link(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/exe‘) ) { $execLink = readlink(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/exe‘); if ( $execLink == PHP_BINDIR . ‘/php‘ ) { $cmdline = file_get_contents(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/cmdline‘); $execName = basename($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME‘]); if ( strpos($cmdline, $execName) === false ) { } else { //running return true; } } } } return false; } public function stop() { if ( is_file($this->_pidFile) ) { $pid = intval(file_get_contents($this->_pidFile)); if ( $pid > 0 ) { if ( is_link(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/exe‘) ) { $execLink = readlink(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/exe‘); if ( $execLink == PHP_BINDIR . ‘/php‘ ) { $cmdline = file_get_contents(‘/proc/‘ . $pid . ‘/cmdline‘); $execName = basename($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_FILENAME‘]); if ( (strpos($cmdline, $execName) === false) ) { //非自己启动的进程 echo "process check error!\n"; } else { $ret = posix_kill($pid, SIGUSR1); if ( $ret === false ) { echo "stop daemon error!\n"; } else { echo "stop daemon....\n"; //unlink pid file unlink($this->_pidFile); } } } else { echo "process check error!\n"; } } else { echo "process has exited!\n"; } } } else { echo "pid file not find!\n"; } } public function restart() { $this->stop(); echo "restarting.......\n"; sleep(1); $this->start(); echo "restart finished\n"; } public function interrupt() { $log = Logger::getLogger(); $this->_running = false; if ( $this->_procNum > 1 ) { foreach ( $this->_procList as $pid => $info ) { $ret = posix_kill($pid, SIGUSR2); if ( $ret === false ) { $log->err("stopped process $pid error!"); } else { $log->server("process $pid stopped!"); } } } } }
class Fork_Multi { protected $_taskRuns = 0; protected $_running = true; /** * wrap task * * @var Fork_Task */ protected $_task = null; protected $_pid = 0; public function __construct(Fork_Task $task) { $this->_task = $task; } public function run($taskRuns = 3600) { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ( $pid === -1 ) { exit; } elseif ( $pid === 0 ) { pcntl_signal(SIGUSR2, array($this, ‘stop‘)); $this->_taskRuns = $taskRuns; $log = Logger::getLogger(); $this->_pid = posix_getpid(); while ( $this->_running ) { if ( $this->_taskRuns < 1 ) { //stop exit(0); } $this->_task->run(); --$this->_taskRuns; } } elseif ( $pid > 0 ) { return $pid; } //must exit exit; } public function stop() { $this->_running = false; } }
class MsgTask implements Fork_Task { protected $_date,$log; public $code = 0; public $msg = ‘‘; private $delay = 5000; protected $callback,$key,$size; protected $msg_queue; public function __construct($key=null,$size = null,$callback=null) { $this -> _date = date(‘Y-m-d‘); $this -> log = Logger::getLogger(); $this->key = $key; $this->size = $size; $this->msg_queue = MsgQueue::init($this->key)->open($this->size); $this->callback = $callback; } public function run() { $this->main(); usleep($this->delay); } public function dressFork(ForkPool &$fork_pool){ $fork_pool->_options[‘module‘].=‘_‘.$this->key; } public function main(){ if(is_callable($this->callback)){ $this->getAndDo(); }else{ $this->log->fatal("this handle have not method: msgHandle!"); exit(3); } } public function setKey($key){ $this->key=$key; return $this; } public function setDelay($microseconds) { $this->delay = $microseconds; return $this; } public function setCallback($callback){ $this->callback=$callback; return $this; } public function getAndDo($callback=null){ if(is_null($callback)) $callback=$this->callback; $content = $this->msg_queue->get(); if (empty($content)) return false; if(is_callable($callback) && !empty($content)){ $ret=call_user_func_array($callback,array($content)); } } protected function _clearErr(){ $this->code=0; $this->msg=‘‘; } public function __destruct() { } }
/** * 队列 * */ interface Queue { public function open($size=0xffff, $seq_key = 1); /** * 从队列中获取一条记录 * * @return mix */ public function get(); /** * 添加到队列 * * @param mix $v * @return bool */ public function add($v); } /** * 通过消息队列实现的队列 * */ class MsgQueue implements Queue { protected $key=‘‘; protected $msg_queue=null; protected $msgtype=0; function __construct($key){ $this->key=$key; return $this; } /** * 建立一个基于消息队列的队列 * * @param string $key KEY,可采用ftok(__FILE__,‘Q‘) * @return MsgQueue */ static function init($key) { return new self ( $key ); } /** * 获取队列 * * @param int $size * @param int $msgtype * @return MsgQueue */ function open($size=0xffff,$msgtype=1){ $key=$this->key; $this->size=$size; $this->msgtype=$msgtype; //权限要够, 不然httpd进程写不进来 $this->msg_queue = msg_get_queue($key, 0777); if (!$this->msg_queue) { $this->msg_queue = msg_get_queue($key, 0777); if (!$this->msg_queue) { //$this->log->fatal("fail get queue,key:{$key}."); return FALSE; } } return $this; } function get(){ $content = null; $code = 0; $dummy = null; //echo microtime(TRUE)."\n\n"; if(!is_resource( $this->msg_queue)){ return FALSE; } //-----------------队列, 期望类型,真实类型,最大字节数,内容回传, 反序列化,阻塞,错误码 //最大字节会过大会导致内存不够 $ret = msg_receive ( $this->msg_queue, $this->msgtype, $dummy, $this->size, $content, TRUE, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT, $code ); //echo microtime(TRUE)."\n\n++"; //收包出错 if (!$ret) { //$this->log->fatal("fail receive queue, retrying",$code); //收包出错, 重新获取消息队列再来过 return FALSE; } return $content; } function add($content){ if(!is_resource( $this->msg_queue)){ return FALSE; } //向消息队列中写 return msg_send( $this->msg_queue, 1,$content,TRUE); } function destory(){ return msg_remove_queue($this->msg_queue); } } /** * 基于共享内存的队列 * */ class ShmQueue implements Queue { protected $key = ‘‘; protected $sem_id, $shm_id, $seq_key; public function __construct($key) { $this->key = $key; return $this; } /** * 建立一个基于共享内存的队列 * * @param string $key 内存地址KEY,可采用ftok(__FILE__,‘Q‘) * @return ShmQueue */ static function init($key) { return new self ( $key ); } /** * 开辟内存空间 * * @param int $size 空间大小 (bytes) * @param mix $seq_key 内存key * @return unknown */ public function open($size=0xffff, $seq_key = 1) { $IPC_KEY = $this->key; if (! $this->sem_id) { $sem_id = sem_get ( $IPC_KEY ); //创建或获得一个现有的,以$IPC_KEY为KEY的信号量 $this->sem_id = $sem_id; $this->seq_key = $seq_key; } else { $sem_id = $this->sem_id; $seq_key = $this->seq_key; } $this->shm_id = $shm_id = shm_attach ( $IPC_KEY, $size, 0666 ); //创建或关联一个现有的,以$IPC_KEY为KEY的共享内存 sem_acquire ( $sem_id ); //占有信号量,相当于上锁,同一时间内只有一个流程运行此段代码 $val = @shm_get_var ( $shm_id, $seq_key ); //从共享内存中获得值 if ($val && is_array ( $val )) { } else { $val = array (); shm_put_var ( $shm_id, $seq_key, $val ); } sem_release ( $sem_id ); //释放信号量,相当于解锁 return $val; } /** * 关闭共享内存关联 * */ public function close() { $shm_id = $this->shm_id; //创建或关联一个现有的,以$IPC_KEY为KEY的共享内存 shm_detach ( $shm_id ); //关闭共享内存关联 } /** * 销毁共享内存中的所有数据 * */ public function destory() { $sem_id = &$this->sem_id; if($this->shm_id){ shm_remove ( $this->shm_id ); shm_detach ( $this->shm_id ); //关闭共享内存关联 } if ($sem_id) { sem_remove ($sem_id); } } /** * 从队列中获取一条记录 * * @return mix */ public function get() { $shm_id = $this->shm_id; $sem_id = $this->sem_id; if (! ($sem_id && $shm_id)) return FALSE; sem_acquire ( $sem_id ); //占有信号量,相当于上锁,同一时间内只有一个流程运行此段代码 $val = @shm_get_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key ); //从共享内存中获得值 if ($val && is_array ( $val )) { $v = array_shift ( $val ); shm_put_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key, $val ); //将修改后的值写入共享内存 } else { $v = NULL; } sem_release ( $sem_id ); //释放信号量,相当于解锁 return $v; } /** * 添加一条记录到队列中 * * @param mix $v * @return bool */ public function add($v) { $shm_id = $this->shm_id; $sem_id = $this->sem_id; if (! ($sem_id && $shm_id)) return FALSE; sem_acquire ( $sem_id ); //占有信号量,相当于上锁,同一时间内只有一个流程运行此段代码 //$this->shm_id=$shm_id = shm_attach($this->key); $val = shm_get_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key ); //从共享内存中获得值 if ($val && is_array ( $val )) { array_push ( $val, $v ); } else { $val = array ($v ); } $status = shm_put_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key, $val ); //将修改后的值写入共享内存 sem_release ( $sem_id ); //释放信号量,相当于解锁 //shm_detach($shm_id);//关闭共享内存关联 return $status; } /** * 一次添加多条记录到队列中 * * @param mix $v * @return bool */ public function addAll($v) { $shm_id = $this->shm_id; $sem_id = $this->sem_id; if (! ($sem_id && $shm_id)) return FALSE; sem_acquire ( $sem_id ); //占有信号量,相当于上锁,同一时间内只有一个流程运行此段代码 $val = shm_get_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key ); //从共享内存中获得值 if ($val && is_array ( $val )) { $val=array_merge ( $val, $v ); } else { $val = $v; } $status = shm_put_var ( $shm_id, $this->seq_key, $val ); //将修改后的值写入共享内存 sem_release ( $sem_id ); //释放信号量,相当于解锁 return $status; } } /** * 同步数据到旧的数据库 * * @param int $cmd 命令 * @param int $type 要同步的类型 * @param array $data 同步的数据 */ function rsync_data($cmd, $type ,$data, &$code, &$msg) { $code = 0; $msg = ‘‘; if ($cmd < CMD_RSYNC_ADD || $cmd > CMD_RSYNC_UPDATE) { $code = CODE::PARAM_SCALE_ERR; $msg = "cmd {$cmd} is valid"; return false; } if ($type < TYPE_RSYNC_POST || $type > TYPE_RSYNC_USER) { $code = CODE::PARAM_SCALE_ERR; $msg = "type {$type} is valid"; return false; } if (empty($data)) { $code = CODE::PARAM_IS_NULL ; $msg = "data is empty"; return false; } static $queue; if (empty($queue)) $queue = MsgQueue::init(IPC_KEY_FILE_EXPORT)->open(IPC_MSGQUEUE_SIZE); $queue->add(array(‘cmd‘=>$cmd, ‘type‘=>$type,‘data‘=>$data)); return true; } //end of script
标签:des blog http io ar os sp for 数据