- - (void)appendAttachment: (M80AttributedLabelAttachment *)attachment
- {
- attachment.fontAscent = _fontAscent;
- attachment.fontDescent = _fontDescent;
- unichar objectReplacementChar = 0xFFFC;
- NSString *objectReplacementString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&objectReplacementChar length:1];
- NSMutableAttributedString *attachText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:objectReplacementString];
- CTRunDelegateCallbacks callbacks;
- callbacks.version = kCTRunDelegateVersion1;
- callbacks.getAscent = ascentCallback;
- callbacks.getDescent = descentCallback;
- callbacks.getWidth = widthCallback;
- callbacks.dealloc = deallocCallback;
- CTRunDelegateRef delegate = CTRunDelegateCreate(&callbacks, (void *)attachment);
- NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:(__bridge id)delegate,kCTRunDelegateAttributeName, nil];
- [attachText setAttributes:attr range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
- CFRelease(delegate);
- [_attachments addObject:attachment];
- [self appendAttributedText:attachText];
- }
- CGFloat ascentCallback(void *ref)
- {
- M80AttributedLabelAttachment *image = (__bridge M80AttributedLabelAttachment *)ref;
- CGFloat ascent = 0;
- CGFloat height = [image boxSize].height;
- switch (image.alignment)
- {
- case M80ImageAlignmentTop:
- ascent = image.fontAscent;
- break;
- case M80ImageAlignmentCenter:
- {
- CGFloat fontAscent = image.fontAscent;
- CGFloat fontDescent = image.fontDescent;
- CGFloat baseLine = (fontAscent + fontDescent) / 2 - fontDescent;
- ascent = height / 2 + baseLine;
- }
- break;
- case M80ImageAlignmentBottom:
- ascent = height - image.fontDescent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ascent;
- }
- CGFloat descentCallback(void *ref)
- {
- M80AttributedLabelAttachment *image = (__bridge M80AttributedLabelAttachment *)ref;
- CGFloat descent = 0;
- CGFloat height = [image boxSize].height;
- switch (image.alignment)
- {
- case M80ImageAlignmentTop:
- {
- descent = height - image.fontAscent;
- break;
- }
- case M80ImageAlignmentCenter:
- {
- CGFloat fontAscent = image.fontAscent;
- CGFloat fontDescent = image.fontDescent;
- CGFloat baseLine = (fontAscent + fontDescent) / 2 - fontDescent;
- descent = height / 2 - baseLine;
- }
- break;
- case M80ImageAlignmentBottom:
- {
- descent = image.fontDescent;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return descent;
- }
- CGFloat widthCallback(void* ref)
- {
- M80AttributedLabelAttachment *image = (__bridge M80AttributedLabelAttachment *)ref;
- return [image boxSize].width;
- }
- - (void)drawAttachments
- {
- if ([_attachments count] == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
- if (ctx == nil)
- {
- return;
- }
- CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(_textFrame);
- CFIndex lineCount = CFArrayGetCount(lines);
- CGPoint lineOrigins[lineCount];
- CTFrameGetLineOrigins(_textFrame, CFRangeMake(0, 0), lineOrigins);
- NSInteger numberOfLines = [self numberOfDisplayedLines];
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < numberOfLines; i++)
- {
- CTLineRef line = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, i);
- CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
- CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(runs);
- CGPoint lineOrigin = lineOrigins[i];
- CGFloat lineAscent;
- CGFloat lineDescent;
- CTLineGetTypographicBounds(line, &lineAscent, &lineDescent, NULL);
- CGFloat lineHeight = lineAscent + lineDescent;
- CGFloat lineBottomY = lineOrigin.y - lineDescent;
- // Iterate through each of the "runs" (i.e. a chunk of text) and find the runs that
- // intersect with the range.
- for (CFIndex k = 0; k < runCount; k++)
- {
- CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runs, k);
- NSDictionary *runAttributes = (NSDictionary *)CTRunGetAttributes(run);
- CTRunDelegateRef delegate = (__bridge CTRunDelegateRef)[runAttributes valueForKey:(id)kCTRunDelegateAttributeName];
- if (nil == delegate)
- {
- continue;
- }
- M80AttributedLabelAttachment* attributedImage = (M80AttributedLabelAttachment *)CTRunDelegateGetRefCon(delegate);
- CGFloat ascent = 0.0f;
- CGFloat descent = 0.0f;
- CGFloat width = (CGFloat)CTRunGetTypographicBounds(run,
- CFRangeMake(0, 0),
- &ascent,
- &descent,
- NULL);
- CGFloat imageBoxHeight = [attributedImage boxSize].height;
- CGFloat xOffset = CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(line, CTRunGetStringRange(run).location, nil);
- CGFloat imageBoxOriginY = 0.0f;
- switch (attributedImage.alignment)
- {
- case M80ImageAlignmentTop:
- imageBoxOriginY = lineBottomY + (lineHeight - imageBoxHeight);
- break;
- case M80ImageAlignmentCenter:
- imageBoxOriginY = lineBottomY + (lineHeight - imageBoxHeight) / 2.0;
- break;
- case M80ImageAlignmentBottom:
- imageBoxOriginY = lineBottomY;
- break;
- }
- CGRect rect = CGRectMake(lineOrigin.x + xOffset, imageBoxOriginY, width, imageBoxHeight);
- UIEdgeInsets flippedMargins = attributedImage.margin;
- CGFloat top = flippedMargins.top;
- flippedMargins.top = flippedMargins.bottom;
- flippedMargins.bottom = top;
- CGRect attatchmentRect = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, flippedMargins);
- id content = attributedImage.content;
- if ([content isKindOfClass:[UIImage class]])
- {
- CGContextDrawImage(ctx, attatchmentRect, ((UIImage *)content).CGImage);
- }
- else if ([content isKindOfClass:[UIView class]])
- {
- UIView *view = (UIView *)content;
- if (view.superview == nil)
- {
- [self addSubview:view];
- }
- CGRect viewFrame = CGRectMake(attatchmentRect.origin.x,
- self.bounds.size.height - attatchmentRect.origin.y - attatchmentRect.size.height,
- attatchmentRect.size.width,
- attatchmentRect.size.height);
- [view setFrame:viewFrame];
- }
- else
- {
- NSLog(@"Attachment Content Not Supported %@",content);
- }
- }
- }
- }