标签:oracle sql plsql exception cursor
/**example**/ set serveroutput on; --将输出server打开 show serveroutput; set verify off; show verify; --调取数据库中的值 declare emp_first_name varchar2(30); emp_last_name varchar2(30); emp_phone varchar2(30); begin select first_name,last_name,phone_number into emp_first_name,emp_last_name,emp_phone from it_employees where employee_id=&v_employee_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The information of this employee is '||emp_first_name||' '||emp_last_name||' '||emp_phone); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('There is not any information for this employee!'); end; --替代变量 declare input_value number:=&v_input; output_result number; begin output_result:=power(input_value, 2); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(output_result); end; --圆面积 declare radius number:=&v_radius; pai constant number:=3.14; area number; begin area:=power(radius,2)*pai; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is '||area); end; --输出系统时间 declare v_day varchar2(20); begin v_day:=to_char(sysdate,'Day, HH24:MI'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Today is '||v_day); end; --嵌套语句块和标签 << outer_block >> declare num_test number:=123; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('outer_block:'||num_test); << inner_block >> declare num_test number:=345; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('inner_block:'||num_test); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('in inner_block call outer_block:'||outer_block.num_test); END inner_block; end outer_block; --变量声明和IF语句嵌套 declare course_name varchar2(30); num number(8,2); room_num constant varchar2(10):='603D'; check_res BOOLEAN:=true; begin_date date:=sysdate+7; begin course_name:='Introduction to Oracle PL/SQL'; num:=987654.55;/*NUMBER TYPE*/ dbms_output.put_line('room number:'||room_num||',and begin date is:'||begin_date); if course_name='Introduction to Underwater Basketweaving' then dbms_output.put_line('course name is :'||course_name); else if room_num='603D' then dbms_output.put_line('course name is: '||course_name||',and room number is '||room_num); else dbms_output.put_line('there is not any information for this course!'); end if; end if; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('NO DATA!'); end; --PL/SQL语句块中的SELECT ---<扩展> declare v_salary number; v_department_id number; v_department_name DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME%type:='&Department_Name'; cursor num is select salary from it_employees where department_id=v_department_id; begin select department_id into v_department_id from departments where department_name=v_department_name; open num; loop fetch num into v_salary; exit when num%notfound; v_salary:=v_salary+&increase_salary; update it_employees set salary=v_salary where department_id=v_department_id; end loop; close num; end; --插入一条新员工记录 declare v_employee_id number; begin select max(employee_id) into v_employee_id from it_employees; insert into it_employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, e_mail, phone_number, job_id, salary, manager_id, birth_date, department_id) values (v_employee_id+1,'&First_name','&Last_name','&E_mail','&Phone_number',&Job_id,&Salary,&Manager_id,'&Birth_date',&Department_id); end; --COMMIT declare v_counter number; begin v_counter:=0; for i in 1..100 loop v_counter:=v_counter+1; if v_counter=10 then commit; v_counter:=0; end if; end loop; end; --ROLLBACK和SAVEPOINT select * from chap4; create table chap4 (id number,name varchar2(20)); create sequence chap4_seq increment by 5; declare v_name varchar2(30); v_id number; begin select first_name||'.'||last_name fullname into v_name from it_employees where salary=(select max(salary) from it_employees); insert into chap4 (id, name)values(chap4_seq.nextval,v_name); savepoint A; select first_name||'.'||last_name fullname into v_name from it_employees where salary=(select min(salary) from it_employees); insert into chap4 (id, name)values(chap4_seq.nextval,v_name); savepoint B; select first_name||'.'||last_name fullname into v_name from it_employees where employee_id=10003; insert into chap4 (id, name)values(chap4_seq.nextval,v_name); savepoint C; select job_id into v_id from it_employees where employee_id=10003; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('JOB ID is: '||v_id); rollback to savepoint A; end; select * from chap4; delete chap4; --比较两个数值大小 declare large_num number:=&number1; small_num number:=&number2; temp_num number; begin if large_num<small_num then temp_num:=large_num; large_num:=small_num; small_num:=temp_num; end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('large number is: '||large_num||', and small number is: '||small_num); end; --辨别奇偶数 declare input_num number:=&new_number; begin if mod(input_num,2)=0 then dbms_output.put_line(input_num||' is an even number!'); else dbms_output.put_line(input_num||' is an old number!'); end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('done'); end; --查看提供的时间是不是周末 declare v_date date:=TO_DATE('&input_new_date','DD-MON-YYYY'); v_day varchar2(15); begin v_day:=to_char(v_date,'DAY'); if v_day in ('星期日','星期六') then dbms_output.put_line('This day is weekend!'); else dbms_output.put_line('This day is '||v_day||', not weekends!'); end if; end; --判断今天的日期时间 declare v_day varchar2(15); v_hour varchar2(10); v_time varchar2(10); begin v_day:=to_char(sysdate,'DAY'); v_hour:=to_char(sysdate,'HH24'); v_time:=to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI'); if v_day not in ('星期日','星期六') then dbms_output.put_line('Today is '||v_day||', not weekends!'); else dbms_output.put_line('Today is weekend!'); if v_hour<12 then dbms_output.put_line(v_time||', Morning right now!'); elsif v_hour=12 then dbms_output.put_line(v_time||', Noon right now!'); else dbms_output.put_line(v_time||', Afternoon right now!'); end if; end if; end; --CASE语句实现日期 declare v_date date:=to_date('&Input_Date','DD-MON-YYYY'); v_day_num varchar2(10); begin v_day_num:=to_char(v_date, 'D'); dbms_output.put_line(v_day_num); case v_day_num when '1' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Sunday'); when '2' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Monday'); when '3' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Tuesday'); when '4' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Wednesday'); when '5' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Thursday'); when '6' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Friday'); when '7' then dbms_output.put_line('Today is Saturday'); end case; end; --搜索型CASE实现查看工资等级 declare v_emp_id number(10):=&Employee_ID; v_salary number(20); v_level char(1); begin select salary into v_salary from it_employees where employee_id=v_emp_id; case when v_salary is null then dbms_output.put_line('This employee has no any salary record!'); else case when v_salary>=20000 then v_level:='A'; when v_salary>=18000 then v_level:='B'; when v_salary>=15000 then v_level:='C'; when v_salary>=12000 then v_level:='D'; when v_salary>=10000 then v_level:='F'; else v_level:='E'; end case; dbms_output.put_line('This employee salary level is '||v_level); end case; end; --NULLIF函数查看奇偶 declare v_num number:=&Input_Number; v_res number; begin v_res:=nullif(mod(v_num,2),0); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('result is '||v_res); end; --序列递增 create sequence seq_num increment by 1; drop SEQUENCE seq_num; begin loop DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No.'||seq_num.nextval); exit when seq_num.currval=100; end loop; end; --简单的红绿灯问题 declare s_timer_green number(10):=20; s_timer_red number(10):=30; v_trigger boolean:=&Trigger; begin while s_timer_green!=0 loop dbms_output.put_line('Allow Crossing the Road, and remaining time is: '||s_timer_green); s_timer_green:=s_timer_green-1; end loop; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Cannot Cross the Road any more! Please wait for red light!'); while s_timer_red!=0 loop dbms_output.put_line('Cannot Cross the Road, wait for time: '||s_timer_red); s_timer_red:=s_timer_red-1; if (v_trigger = true) and (s_timer_red<=5)--exit when then exit; end if; end loop; end; --逆向相乘 declare v_num number(20):=1; begin for counter in reverse 1..10 loop v_num:=v_num*counter; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_num: '||v_num); end loop; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('the final v_num: '||v_num); end; --1--100每10个数字求和 declare v_num number:=0; v_sum number; v_counter number:=0; begin v_sum:=v_num; loop v_counter:=v_counter+1; v_num:=v_num+1; v_sum:=v_sum+v_num; continue when v_counter<10;--if v_counter<10 then continue; end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('sum is: '||v_sum); v_counter:=0; v_sum:=0; if v_num=100 then exit; end if; end loop; end; --*状三角形 declare begin for i in 1..10 loop for j in 1..i loop dbms_output.put('*'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' '); end loop; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(''); end loop; end; --内部异常处理和用户定义异常处理 declare v_dep_id number(3); v_name varchar2(30); e_dep_id exception; begin v_dep_id:=&Department_ID; if v_dep_id<0 then raise e_dep_id; end if; select first_name||' '||last_name into v_name from it_employees e, departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.department_id=v_dep_id; dbms_output.put_line('The name of this student is: '||v_name); exception when e_dep_id then dbms_output.put_line('The department id cannot be negative!'); when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('There is not any record for this student!'); when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('Returns one more student records!'); when value_error or invalid_number then dbms_output.put_line('Error occurs for values!'); end; --当PL/SQL语句块儿的声明部分出现运行时的错误时,该语句块儿的异常处理部分不能捕获此项错误。 --再次抛出异常 declare v_num number(10); e_v_num exception; begin begin v_num:=&In_num; if v_num<0 then raise e_v_num; else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Number is: '||v_num); end if; exception when e_v_num then raise; end; exception when e_v_num then dbms_output.put_line('The value cannot be negative!'); end; --Raise_application_error() declare count_total number; begin select count(*) into count_total from it_employees where department_id=&department_id; if count_total>1 then raise_application_error(-20000,'The number of employee in this department is invaild!'); end if; end; --SQLCODE 和 SQLEERM declare num number(2); error_number number; error_msg varchar2(200); begin num:=# dbms_output.put_line(num); exception when others then error_number:=SQLCODE; error_msg:=substr(SQLERRM,1,200); dbms_output.put_line('Error Code: '||error_number); dbms_output.put_line('Error Message: '||error_msg); end; --简单的显式游标 select * from it_employees; declare cursor c_it_emp is select * from it_employees where employee_id<=10003; emp_info it_employees%rowtype; begin open c_it_emp; loop fetch c_it_emp into emp_info; exit when c_it_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(emp_info.first_name||'.'||emp_info.last_name||' '||emp_info.e_mail); end loop; close c_it_emp; end; --用户自己定义类型 declare cursor c_it_emp is select first_name,last_name,e_mail from it_employees where employee_id<=10003; type emp_info is record (firstname it_employees.first_name%type, lastname it_employees.last_name%type, email it_employees.e_mail%type); emp_information emp_info; begin open c_it_emp; loop fetch c_it_emp into emp_information; exit when c_it_emp%notfound; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(emp_information.firstname||'.'||emp_information.lastname||',email is: '||emp_information.email); end loop; close c_it_emp; exception when others then if c_it_emp%isopen then close c_it_emp; end if; end; --游标FOR循环实现部门人数 declare dep_id it_employees.department_id%type; cursor c_emp_info is select * from it_employees where department_id=dep_id; begin dep_id:=&department_id; for emp_info in c_emp_info loop dbms_output.put_line(emp_info.first_name||'.'||emp_info.last_name); end loop; exception -- when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('There is not any employees from this department!'); when value_error then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR on input data!!!'); end; select * from departments; --嵌套CURSOR实现查看部门人员 declare dep_id it_employees.department_id%type; cursor c_loc_id is select department_id,department_name from departments where location_id=&Location_id; cursor c_emp_name is select first_name||'.'||last_name name from it_employees where department_id=dep_id; begin for loc_id in c_loc_id loop dep_id:=loc_id.department_id; dbms_output.put('Employees who are in '||loc_id.department_name||': '); for emp_name in c_emp_name loop dbms_output.put(emp_name.name||'; '); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(''); end loop; end; --嵌套的带参CURSOR实现所有员工信息输出 declare cursor c_emp_info is select employee_id, first_name||'.'||last_name name, department_id from it_employees; cursor c_dep_info (dep_id in departments.department_id%type) is select department_name from departments where departments.department_id=dep_id; begin for emp_info in c_emp_info loop dbms_output.put(emp_info.employee_id||' '||emp_info.name||' '); for dep_info in c_dep_info(emp_info.department_id) loop dbms_output.put(dep_info.department_name); end loop; dbms_output.put_line(''); end loop; end; --Before Trigger 实现插入新员工并分配给一个manager。 create or replace trigger emp_insert_bi before insert on it_employees for each row declare v_emp_id it_employees.employee_id%type; begin select max(employee_id)+1 into v_emp_id from it_employees; :new.employee_id:=v_emp_id; :new.salary:=10000; :new.manager_id:=10001; end; insert into it_employees (first_name, last_name, e_mail, phone_number, job_id, birth_date, department_id) values ('Lily','Black','Lily.B@oracle.com',10163735464,1002,'30-5月 -89',101); delete from it_employees where employee_id=(select max(employee_id) from it_employees); drop trigger emp_insert_bi; --After Trigger实现对员工表操作的记录 create table statistics (record_id number(10), table_name varchar2(30), transaction_name varchar2(10), transaction_user varchar2(30), transaction_date date);--创建记录表 create or replace trigger tab_stat--创建触发器 after insert or delete on it_employees declare v_id statistics.record_id%type; v_type varchar2(10); v_count number(10); PRAGMA autonomous_transaction; begin select count(*) into v_count from statistics; if v_count=0 then v_id:=1; else select max(record_id)+1 into v_id from statistics; end if; if inserting then v_type:='Insert'; elsif deleting then v_type:='Delete'; end if; insert into statistics (record_id, table_name, transaction_name, transaction_user, transaction_date) values (v_id,'it_employees',v_type,user,sysdate); commit; end; select * from STATISTICS order by record_id asc;--查看 delete from STATISTICS; --触发器实现办公时间! create or replace trigger check_date before insert or delete or update on it_employees declare v_date_day varchar2(30); v_date_time number(10); begin v_date_day:=rtrim(to_char(sysdate, 'DAY')); v_date_time:=to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'HH24')); if v_date_day like 'S%' then raise_application_error(-20001,'Today is Weekend, it is invaild day to operate tables!'); else if v_date_time<9 or v_date_time>=18 then raise_application_error(-20002,'Invaild time to operate tables!'); end if; end if; end; update it_employees set salary=11000 where employee_id=10009; drop trigger check_date; --复合触发器实现对表IT_EMPLOYEES的插入和更新 create table operation_record (record_id number(10),table_name varchar2(30), operation_name varchar2(30), operation_user varchar2(20), operation_date varchar2(20)); create sequence record_operation_id increment by 1; create or replace trigger emp_table_trig_comp for insert or update on it_employees compound trigger v_date_day varchar2(30); v_date_time number(10); v_emp_id it_employees.employee_id%type; v_record_id operation_record.record_id%type:=record_operation_id.nextval; v_name operation_record.operation_name%type; before statement is begin v_date_day:=rtrim(to_char(sysdate,'DAY')); v_date_time:=to_number(to_char(sysdate,'HH24')); if v_date_day like 'S%' then raise_application_error(-20001,'Today is Weekend, it is invaild day to operate tables!'); else if v_date_time<9 or v_date_time>=18 then raise_application_error(-20002,'Invaild time to operate tables!'); end if; end if; end before statement; before each row is begin if inserting then select max(employee_id)+1 into v_emp_id from it_employees; :new.employee_id:=v_emp_id; end if; end before each row; after each row is begin if inserting then v_name:='Insert'; elsif updating then v_name:='Update'; end if; insert into operation_record (record_id,table_name, operation_name, operation_user , operation_date) values (v_record_id,'IT_EMPLOYEES',v_name,user,to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')); end after each row; after statement is begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This Operation has been Completed!'); end after statement; end emp_table_trig_comp; insert into it_employees (first_name, last_name, e_mail, phone_number, job_id, salary, manager_id, birth_date, department_id) values ('Hill','Jobs','Hill.J@oracle.com',10167445585,1003,10000,10001,'13-7月 -1992',102); update it_employees set manager_id=10012 where employee_id=10006; select * from operation_record; --实现存放名字的索引表 declare cursor c_name is select first_name||'.'||last_name name from it_employees; type t_name_table is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer; name_table t_name_table; counter number:=0; begin for r_name in c_name loop counter:=counter+1; name_table(counter):=r_name.name; dbms_output.put_line('Name ('||counter||') is: '||name_table(counter)); end loop; end; --索引表和嵌套表的方法 declare type t_num_table1 is table of number(10) index by binary_integer; num_table1 t_num_table1; type t_num_table2 is table of number(10); num_table2 t_num_table2:=t_num_table2(11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,101); begin for n in 1..10 loop num_table1(n):=n+1; end loop; if num_table1.exists(10) then dbms_output.put_line('NO.10 is '||num_table1(10)); end if; dbms_output.put_line('Table1 total has '||num_table1.count); num_table2.delete(3); if num_table2.exists(3) then dbms_output.put_line('No.3 is'||num_table2(3)); else dbms_output.put_line('No.3 has been deleted!'); end if; dbms_output.put_line('Table2 total has '||num_table2.count); if num_table2.exists(9) then dbms_output.put_line('Prior num is '||num_table2.prior(9)||', next num is '||num_table2.next(9)); end if; num_table2.trim(2); dbms_output.put_line('Last number is '||num_table2.last); end; --变长数组实现存储2遍名字 declare cursor c_name is select first_name||'.'||last_name name from it_employees; type t_name_var is varray(25) of varchar2(30); name_var t_name_var:=t_name_var(); counter number:=0; begin for r_name in c_name loop counter:=counter+1; name_var.extend; name_var(counter):=r_name.name; end loop; for n in 1..counter loop name_var.extend(1,n);--扩展一个,并添加第n个元素 end loop; for n in 1..name_var.count loop dbms_output.put_line('Name ('||n||') is '||name_var(n)); end loop; end; --多层数组实现二元次数组输出 declare type t_var1_tab is varray(10) of number(5); type t_var2_tab is varray(10) of t_var1_tab; var1_tab t_var1_tab:=t_var1_tab(2,3,7,9); var2_tab t_var2_tab:=t_var2_tab(var1_tab); begin var2_tab.extend; var2_tab(2):=t_var1_tab(7,8,3,6); for n in 1..2 loop for m in 1..4 loop dbms_output.put_line('varrary ('||n||')('||m||') is '||var2_tab(n)(m)); end loop; end loop; end; --嵌套记录类型实现个人信息输出 declare type name_type is record (first_name it_employees.first_name%type, last_name it_employees.last_name%type); type info_p_type is record (name name_type, email it_employees.e_mail%type, phonenum number(20)); info_person info_p_type; begin select first_name, last_name, e_mail, phone_number into info_person.name.first_name, info_person.name.last_name, info_person.email, info_person.phonenum from it_employees where employee_id=&employee_id; dbms_output.put_line('Name: '||info_person.name.first_name||'.'||info_person.name.last_name); dbms_output.put_line('Email: '||info_person.email); dbms_output.put_line('Name: '||info_person.phonenum); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('Please input vaild employee id!'); end; --动态SQL execute immediate declare sql_stmt varchar2(300); total_emp_num number; v_emp_id it_employees.employee_id%type:=&employee_id; v_salary number(10); begin sql_stmt:='select count(*) from it_employees'; execute IMMEDIATE sql_stmt into total_emp_num; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total employee number is: '||total_emp_num); sql_stmt:='declare v_date varchar2(30); begin v_date:=to_char(sysdate, ''DD-MON-YYYY''); dbms_output.put_line(''v_date is: ''||v_date); end;';--字符串中的字符串用''***'' execute IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; sql_stmt:='select salary from it_employees where employee_id=:10001'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt into v_salary using v_emp_id; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary is '||v_salary); end; --动态SQL OPEN-FOR根据部门号输出员工名字 declare first_name varchar2(10); last_name varchar2(10); type emp_cur_type is ref cursor; emp_cur emp_cur_type;--定义一个游标变量 dep_id number:=&department_id; begin open emp_cur for 'select first_name, last_name from it_employees where department_id=:101' using dep_id; loop fetch emp_cur into first_name, last_name; exit when emp_cur%notfound; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is:'||first_name||'.'||last_name); end loop; close emp_cur; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('INVALID DEPARTMENT ID!'); when others then if emp_cur%isopen then close emp_cur; end if; end; --For 和 Forall 效率对比(批量效果更佳)把批量数据插入到索引表中 create table cc_emp (emp_id number(10),emp_name varchar2(30)); select * from cc_emp; truncate table cc_emp; declare type emp_id_type is table of cc_emp.emp_id%type index by pls_integer; type emp_name_type is table of cc_emp.emp_name%type index by pls_integer; emp_id_cc emp_id_type; emp_name_cc emp_name_type; start_time integer; end_time integer; v_total number; em_id number:=10000; begin select count(*) into v_total from it_employees; for i in 1..v_total loop em_id:=em_id+1; select employee_id into emp_id_cc(i) from it_employees where employee_id=em_id; select first_name||'.'||last_name name into emp_name_cc(i) from it_employees where employee_id=em_id; end loop; start_time:=dbms_utility.get_time; for i in 1..v_total loop insert into cc_emp (emp_id, emp_name)values (emp_id_cc(i),emp_name_cc(i)); end loop; end_time:=dbms_utility.get_time; SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('For total time is: '||(end_time-start_time)); start_time:=dbms_utility.get_time; forall i in 1..v_total insert into cc_emp (emp_id, emp_name)values (emp_id_cc(i),emp_name_cc(i)); end_time:=dbms_utility.get_time; SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Forall total time is: '||(end_time-start_time)); commit; end; --使用bulk collect into 批量检索数据并存放到数组中 declare type emp_id_type is table of it_employees.employee_id%type; type emp_name_type is table of varchar2(30); emp_id emp_id_type; emp_name emp_name_type; begin select employee_id, first_name||'.'||last_name name bulk collect into emp_id, emp_name from it_employees;---使用select bluk collect into 不再需要为嵌套表初始化和扩展,自动完成。 for i in emp_id.first..emp_id.last loop dbms_output.put_line('Employee ID is: '||emp_id(i)); dbms_output.put_line('Employee Name is: '||emp_name(i)); end loop; end; --用bulk collect into实现将员工信息放入到员工信息类的集合中 declare cursor emp_info_cur is select employee_id, first_name||'.'||last_name, salary from it_employees; type emp_rec is record (emp_id it_employees.employee_id%type, emp_name varchar(30),emp_salary it_employees.salary%type);--定义一种类型 type emp_tab_type is table of emp_rec; emp_tab emp_tab_type;--定义一个集合 begin open emp_info_cur; loop fetch emp_info_cur bulk collect into emp_tab; exit when emp_tab.count=0; for i in emp_tab.first..emp_tab.last loop dbms_output.put('Employee ID is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' Employee name is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' Employee Salary is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_salary); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(''); end loop; end loop; end; --含参过程实现同一地址的员工名字输出 create or replace procedure name_procedure (loc_id in number, v_first_name out varchar2, v_last_name out varchar2) as cursor name_cur is select e.first_name, e.last_name from it_employees e, departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=loc_id; begin for i in name_cur loop v_first_name:=i.first_name; v_last_name:=i.last_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: '||v_first_name||'.'||v_last_name); end loop; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error!'); end name_procedure; declare loc_id departments.location_id%type:=&location_id; v_first_name it_employees.first_name%type; v_last_name it_employees.last_name%type; begin name_procedure(loc_id,v_first_name,v_last_name); end; --function实现员工工资输出 create or replace function salary_fuc (emp_id in number) return number is v_salary number(10); begin select salary into v_salary from it_employees where employee_id=emp_id; return v_salary; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('Invaild employee id!'); end salary_fuc; declare emp_id it_employees.employee_id%type; begin emp_id:=&employee_id; dbms_output.put_line('the salary of employee '||emp_id||' is: '||salary_fuc(emp_id)); end; --创建包 create or replace package emp_pac is v_current_date varchar2(30); procedure name_procedure (loc_id in number, v_first_name out varchar2, v_last_name out varchar2); function salary_fuc (emp_id in number) return number; end emp_pac; create or replace package body emp_pac is procedure name_procedure (loc_id in number, v_first_name out varchar2, v_last_name out varchar2) as cursor name_cur is select e.first_name, e.last_name from it_employees e, departments d where e.department_id=d.department_id and d.location_id=loc_id; begin for i in name_cur loop v_first_name:=i.first_name; v_last_name:=i.last_name; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: '||v_first_name||'.'||v_last_name); end loop; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('Error!'); end name_procedure; function salary_fuc (emp_id in number) return number is v_salary number(10); begin select salary into v_salary from it_employees where employee_id=emp_id; return v_salary; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('Invaild employee id!'); end salary_fuc; begin--包中变量 v_current_date:=to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'); end emp_pac; declare loc_id departments.location_id%type; v_first_name it_employees.first_name%type; v_last_name it_employees.last_name%type; begin loc_id:=&Location_id; emp_pac.name_procedure(loc_id,v_first_name,v_last_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Current Date is: '||emp_pac.v_current_date); end; --利用user_objects查看数据字典 select object_type, object_name, status from user_objects where object_type in ('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE','PACKAGE','OBJECT_BODY') order by object_type; --创建一个对象类型的集合展示员工信息 create or replace type emp_info_type as object (emp_id number(10),emp_name varchar2(30),emp_email varchar2(30),emp_salary number(10),emp_dep_id number(10)); declare type emp_tab_type is table of emp_info_type index by binary_integer; emp_tab emp_tab_type; begin select emp_info_type(employee_id, first_name||'.'||last_name, e_mail, salary, department_id) bulk collect into emp_tab from it_employees where salary>=15000; for i in 1..emp_tab.count loop dbms_output.put_line('Employee ID is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_id); dbms_output.put_line('Employee Name is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_name); dbms_output.put_line('Employee Email is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_email); dbms_output.put_line('Employee Salary is: '||emp_tab(i).emp_salary); dbms_output.put_line('Employee Department ID: '||emp_tab(i).emp_dep_id); dbms_output.put_line('--------------------------------------'); end loop; end; --对象类型的方法 create or replace type employ_info_type as object ( emp_id number(10), emp_first_name varchar2(20), emp_last_name varchar2(20), emp_salary number(10), constructor function employ_info_type(self in out nocopy employ_info_type, i_id in number) return self as result, constructor function employ_info_type(self in out nocopy employ_info_type, i_id in number,i_f_name in varchar2, i_l_name in varchar2, i_salary in number) return self as result, member procedure get_emp_info(out_id out number, out_name out varchar, out_salary out number), static procedure get_cur_date, member function show_emp_salary(i_id in number)return number ); create or replace type body employ_info_type as constructor function employ_info_type(self in out nocopy employ_info_type, i_id in number) return self as result is begin self.emp_id:=i_id; select first_name,last_name, salary into self.emp_first_name, self.emp_last_name, self.emp_salary from it_employees where employee_id=self.emp_id; return; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No related records!'); end; constructor function employ_info_type(self in out nocopy employ_info_type, i_id in number, i_f_name in varchar2, i_l_name in varchar2, i_salary in number) return self as result is begin self.emp_id:=i_id; self.emp_first_name:=i_f_name; self.emp_last_name:=i_l_name; self.emp_salary:=i_salary; return; end; member procedure get_emp_info(out_id out number, out_name out varchar, out_salary out number) is begin out_id:=self.emp_id; out_name:=self.emp_first_name||'.'||self.emp_last_name; out_salary:=self.emp_salary; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee ID: '||out_id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Name: '||out_name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Salary: '||out_salary); end; static procedure get_cur_date is cur_date varchar2(30); begin cur_date:=to_char(sysdate,'HH24:MI'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Current Time is: '||cur_date); end; member function show_emp_salary(i_id in number) return number is v_salary number(10); begin select salary into v_salary from it_employees where employee_id=i_id; return v_salary; end; end; declare--执行调用 employ_info employ_info_type; id number(10); name varchar2(30); salary number(10); begin employ_info:=employ_info_type(10003); employ_info.get_emp_info(id,name,salary); employ_info_type.get_cur_date; salary:=employ_info.show_emp_salary(id); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary: '||salary); end; --运用UTL_FILE来写log CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY D_OUTPUT AS 'C:\Users\ziwzhang\Desktop\temp\';---这三句话必须由dba来执行 GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY D_OUTPUT TO system; GRANT EXECUTE ON utl_file TO system; create or replace procedure emp_number(log_directory in varchar2, log_name in varchar2) as file_handler UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; emp_counter number; begin select count(*) into emp_counter from it_employees; file_handler:=UTL_FILE.FOPEN(log_directory,log_name,'A'); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(file_handler); UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file_handler,'----------USER LOG-----------'); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(file_handler); UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file_handler,'on '||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(file_handler); UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file_handler,'The number of employee is: '||emp_counter); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(file_handler); UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(file_handler,'-----------END LOG-----------'); UTL_FILE.NEW_LINE(file_handler); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(file_handler); exception when UTL_FILE.INVALID_FILENAME THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('FILE IS INVALID!'); when UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('THE FILE CANNOT BE WRITTEN!'); WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_PATH THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('PATH IS INVALID!'); END; BEGIN emp_number('D_OUTPUT','user_log.log'); END; --运用utl_file来读file create or replace procedure read_file (file_dir in varchar2, file_name in varchar2) as file_handler utl_file.file_type; file_content varchar2(1024); begin file_handler:=utl_file.fopen(file_dir, file_name, 'R'); loop utl_file.get_line(file_handler,file_content); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(file_content); end loop; exception when no_data_found then utl_file.fclose(file_handler); end; begin read_file('D_OUTPUT','user_log.log'); end; -- create or replace procedure my_first_page as begin htp.htmlopen; htp.headopen; htp.title('My First Page'); htp.headclose; htp.bodyopen; htp.p('<p>This is my first web page!</p>'); htp.bodyclose; htp.htmlclose; exception when others then htp.p('ERROR OCCUR!'); end; begin my_first_page; end;
标签:oracle sql plsql exception cursor