//实践1:封装PV原语 union mySemUn { int val; // Value for SETVAL// struct semid_ds *buf; // Buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET// unsigned short *array; // Array for GETALL, SETALL// struct seminfo *__buf; // Buffer for IPC_INFO (Linux-specific)// }; //封装V操作 int sem_V(int semid) { struct sembuf buf = {0,+1,0}; return semop(semid,&buf,1); } //封装P操作 int sem_P(int semid) { struct sembuf buf = {0,-1,0};; return semop(semid,&buf,1); } int main() { //创建或获取信号量 int semid = semget(0x12345670,1,0666|IPC_CREAT); if (semid == -1) { err_exit("semget error"); } //设置信号量的值 int valueForSetSem = 0; cout << "Please input the value to set sem: "; cin >> valueForSetSem; union mySemUn setValue; setValue.val = valueForSetSem; //设置信号量 if (semctl(semid,0,SETVAL,setValue) != 0) { err_exit("semctl SETVAL error"); } //进入临界区 sem_P(semid); cout << "Hello Xiaofang!" << endl; //退出临界区 sem_V(semid); return 0; }
//实践2:线程与信号量综合实践 union mySemUn { int val; // Value for SETVAL// struct semid_ds *buf; // Buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET// unsigned short *array; // Array for GETALL, SETALL// struct seminfo *__buf; // Buffer for IPC_INFO (Linux-specific)// }; //封装V操作 int sem_V(int semid) { struct sembuf buf = {0,+1,0}; return semop(semid,&buf,1); } //封装P操作 int sem_P(int semid) { struct sembuf buf = {0,-1,0};; return semop(semid,&buf,1); } unsigned long long int count = 0; void *threadForAddCount(void *arg) { int semid = *static_cast<int *>(arg); for (;;) { sem_P(semid); ++ count; sem_V(semid); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void *threadForPrintCount(void *arg) { for (;;) { cout << "count = " << count << endl; sleep(1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } int main() { //创建或获取信号量 int semid = semget(0x12345670,1,0666|IPC_CREAT); if (semid == -1) { err_exit("semget error"); } //设置信号量的值 int valueForSetSem = 0; cout << "Please input the value to set sem: "; cin >> valueForSetSem; union mySemUn setValue; setValue.val = valueForSetSem; //设置信号量 if (semctl(semid,0,SETVAL,setValue) != 0) { err_exit("semctl SETVAL error"); } pthread_t addThread[2]; pthread_t printThread; //创建线程 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pthread_create(&addThread[i],NULL,threadForAddCount,&semid); } pthread_create(&printThread,NULL,threadForPrintCount,NULL); //等待线程终止 for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pthread_join(addThread[i],NULL); } pthread_join(printThread,NULL); return 0; } void err_exit(std::string str) { perror(str.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
CC = g++ CPPFLAGS = -Wall -g -pthread BIN = main SOURCES = $(BIN.=.cpp) .PHONY: clean all all: $(BIN) $(BIN): $(SOURCES) clean: -rm -rf $(BIN) bin/ obj/ core