#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #define OK 1 #define FAIL 0 //最大队列长度 循环队列的大小减1 为了区分队空与队满的判断 #define QUEUE_MAX_SIZE (10+1) typedef int QElemType; //基于数组 typedef struct { QElemType *queue; int front; //表示当前队列的头 int rear; //表示队尾 插入数据的位置(没有数据) }MY_QUEUE_T; int my_atoi(char *str, int m) { int i; int num = 0; if(!str) return FAIL; while(str[i] != '\0') { if(!isdigit(str[i])) return FAIL; num = num*10 + str[i] - '0'; i++; } return OK; } //初始化队列 void Queue_Init(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { q->queue = (QElemType *)malloc(QUEUE_MAX_SIZE * sizeof(QElemType)); q->front = 0; q->rear = 0; if(!q->queue) exit(-1); else printf("Queue Init OK!\n"); } //队列空判断 int Queue_Empty(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { if(q->front == q->rear) { printf("The queue is empty!\n"); return OK; } else return FAIL; } //队列满判断 int Queue_Full(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { if((q->rear + 1)%QUEUE_MAX_SIZE == q->front) { printf("The queue is Full!\n"); return OK; } else return FAIL; } //取队头元素 并将队头元素出队 int Queue_Pop(MY_QUEUE_T *q, int *e) { if(Queue_Empty(q)) return FAIL; *e = q->queue[q->front]; q->front = (q->front + 1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; return OK; } //队尾插入元素元素 返回插入是否成功 int Queue_Push(MY_QUEUE_T *q,int <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">e)</span> { if(Queue_Full(q)) //队列满 则返回插入失败 return FAIL; q->queue[q->rear] = e; q->rear = (q->rear + 1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; printf("Insert %d at the queue position %d!\n",e,q->rear); return OK; } //打印队列元素 void Queue_Print(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { int i; if(!Queue_Empty(q)) { printf("The queue is:"); for(i=q->front; i!=q->rear; i++) { printf(" %d",q->queue[i]); if((i+1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE == 0) i = -1; //for 循环自动+1 } printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { MY_QUEUE_T my_queue; char *str; int num; Queue_Init(&my_queue); printf("Please input action,'P' or 'q'\n"); while(scanf("%s",str)!=EOF) { if(*(str) == 'p' || *(str) == 'P') { printf("Please input insert num:"); scanf("%d",&num); if(!Queue_Push(&my_queue,num)) { printf("Queue Push Fail!\n"); } } else if(*(str) == 'q' || *(str) == 'Q') { if(Queue_Pop(&my_queue, &num)) { printf("Get the queue head :%d\n",num); } } Queue_Print(&my_queue); printf("Please input action,'P' or 'q'\n"); } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #define OK 1 #define FAIL 0 //用链表队列长度无限制 typedef int QElemType; //定义链表 typedef struct ListNode { QElemType data; struct ListNode *next; }ListNode; typedef ListNode *PtrList; ListNode Head; //基于链表的队列模型 typedef struct { PtrList front; PtrList rear; }MY_QUEUE_T; //初始化队列 void Queue_Init(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { q->front = q->rear = (PtrList)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); q->front->next = NULL; if(!q->front) exit(-1); else printf("Queue Init OK!\n"); } //队列空判断 int Queue_Empty(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { if(q->front == q->rear) { printf("The queue is empty!\n"); return OK; } else return FAIL; } //取队头元素 并将队头元素出队 int Queue_Pop(MY_QUEUE_T *q, QElemType *e) { PtrList p; if(Queue_Empty(q)) return FAIL; p = q->front; //获取队列头结点 p用于释放出队后的结点空间 *e = p->data; //获取头结点数据 q->front = p->next; //移动队列头指针到下一个结点 free(p); return OK; } //队尾插入元素元素 返回插入是否成功 int Queue_Push(MY_QUEUE_T *q, QElemType e) { PtrList new_node = (PtrList)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); new_node->next = NULL; if(!new_node) return FAIL; //申请内存失败 插入不成功 q->rear->data = e; //插入数据到当前结点 q->rear->next = new_node; //当前结点next指向新申请的结点 q->rear = new_node; //队列尾指针指向新申请的结点 printf("Insert %d at the queue!\n",e); return OK; } //打印队列元素 void Queue_Print(MY_QUEUE_T *q) { PtrList p; p = q->front; if(!Queue_Empty(q)) { printf("The queue is:"); while(p != q->rear) { printf(" %d",p->data); p = p->next; } printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { MY_QUEUE_T my_queue; char *str; int num; Queue_Init(&my_queue); printf("Please input action,'P' or 'q'\n"); while(scanf("%s",str)!=EOF) { if(*(str) == 'p' || *(str) == 'P') { printf("Please input insert num:"); scanf("%d",&num); if(!Queue_Push(&my_queue,num)) { printf("Queue Push Fail!\n"); } } else if(*(str) == 'q' || *(str) == 'Q') { if(Queue_Pop(&my_queue, &num)) { printf("Get the queue head :%d\n",num); } } Queue_Print(&my_queue); printf("Please input action,'P' or 'q'\n"); } return 0; }
头文件 #include <queue>