标签:des android style class c code
The Android testing framework, an integral part of the development environment, provides an architecture and powerful tools that help you test every aspect of your application at every level from unit to framework.
The testing framework has these key features:
and then go on to use more
sophisticated classes. 安卓测试套件基于JUnit.
安卓JUnit扩展提供了特定组件的测试用例类. 这些类对创建mock objects 和methods提供了帮助,从而帮你控制这些组件的生命周期.
SDK的构造和测试的工具在Eclipse的ADT中是可用的,并且在其他IDE中的命令行模式下一样可用.这些工具从被测应用的project中得到信息并且自动用这些信息创建,build files,manidest file和测试包的目录结构.
SDK也提供了monkeyrunner, 一个用python 语言编写的API测试工具, 和UI/Application Exerciser Monkey, 一个通过发送伪随机事件的做压力测试的命令行工具.
This document describes the fundamentals of the Android testing framework, including the structure of tests, the APIs that you use to develop tests, and the tools that you use to run tests and view results. The document assumes you have a basic knowledge of Android application programming and JUnit testing methodology.
这个文档描述了安卓测试框架的基础,包含了测试结构,提升测试的API, 你做测试和看结果的工具. 这个文档假设你有安卓程序编程和JUnit测试方法论的基础.
The following diagram summarizes the testing framework:
标签:des android style class c code