标签:style blog http ar color os 使用 sp for
注意1:转义字符 \ ,字符串内含有引号""、反斜杠\或换行等都需要使用“\”输出。
1 string string1 = "This is a string created by assignment."; 2 Console.WriteLine(string1); 3 string string2a = "The path is C:\\PublicDocuments\\Report1.doc"; 4 Console.WriteLine(string2a); 5 string string2b = @"The path is C:\PublicDocuments\Report1.doc"; 6 Console.WriteLine(string2b); 7 // 显示结果: 8 // This is a string created by assignment. 9 // The path is C:\PublicDocuments\Report1.doc 10 // The path is C:\PublicDocuments\Report1.doc
String(Char[]) String(Char*) String(SByte*)
String(Char, Int32)
String(Char*, Int32, Int32) String(Char[], Int32, Int32) String(SByte*, Int32, Int32)
1 char[] chars = { ‘w‘, ‘o‘, ‘r‘, ‘d‘ }; 2 sbyte[] bytes = { 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x00 }; 3 4 // 通过字符数组实例化一个字符串. 5 string string1 = new string(chars); 6 Console.WriteLine(string1); 7 8 string stringFromBytes = null; 9 string stringFromChars = null; 10 unsafe 11 { 12 fixed (sbyte* pbytes = bytes) 13 { 14 // 通过byte数组指针实例化一个字符串. 15 stringFromBytes = new string(pbytes); 16 } 17 fixed (char* pchars = chars) 18 { 19 // 通过字符数组指针实例化一个字符串. 20 stringFromChars = new string(pchars); 21 } 22 } 23 Console.WriteLine(stringFromBytes); 24 Console.WriteLine(stringFromChars); 25 26 // 实例化一个由20个c组成的字符串. 27 string string2 = new string(‘c‘, 20); 28 Console.WriteLine(string2); 29 30 //将字符数组中第1个字母(从0开始)起长度为2的字符串实例化 31 string string3 = new string(chars, 1, 2); 32 Console.WriteLine(string3); 33 // 显示结果: 34 // word 35 // ABCDE 36 // word 37 // ccccccccccccccccccccc 38 // or
1 string str1 = "Test"; 2 for (int ctr = 0; ctr <= str1.Length - 1; ctr++) 3 Console.Write("{0} ", str1[ctr]); 4 //显示结果: 5 // T e s t
标签:style blog http ar color os 使用 sp for