此时,如果我们还是想访问基类成员,可以使用基类访问方式实现。base. Xxxx 来实现 访问隐藏的继承成员。
????class SomeClass
string field1 = "some class field";
????????int myint = 5;
int MyProperty
????????????get { return myint; }
void Method1(string
????????????Console.WriteLine("{0}", value);
????class OtherClass : SomeClass //继承
string field1 = "Other class field"; //成员的覆盖
????????int myint = 10;
????????//new public void Method1(string value) //方法的屏蔽
????????// Console.WriteLine("{0}", value);
void Method1(string
value) //方法的覆盖
????????????Console.WriteLine("{0}", value);
int MyProperty
????????????get { return myint; }
void Print()
????????????Console.WriteLine("{0}", base.field1);//即使基类成员和方法被派生类覆盖,我们也可以
???//1、派生类是相对的,所有的类都派生于object基类,只是隐藏了 : object
????????????OtherClass other = new OtherClass();
????????????SomeClass some = (SomeClass)other;//转换引用
????????????//4、构造函数初始化语句 :this() 加在基类构造函数后面。派生类中,指明即可。or :base(s,x) 指在派生类中调用指定的基类的构造函数。
????????????//public (可以被系统内任何程序集中的代码访问)与 internal(这个不允许其他程序集中的类访问内部类)
class Mybase
int SideLength = 10; //数据成员
int TriangleSideCount = 3;
void PrintStuff(string s);//抽象方法
int MyInt { get; set; }//抽象属性
int PerimeterLength()//普通的非抽象方法
????????????return TriangleSideCount * SideLength;
????class MyClass1 : Mybase
void PrintStuff(string s)
int myint;
int MyInt
????????????????return myint;
????????????????myint = value;
????????????//必须加abstract 可以在方法 属性 事件 索引共4个类型的成员前面加
????????????MyClass1 mc1 = new MyClass1();
????????????mc1.PrintStuff("hello world!");
????????????mc1.MyInt = 100;
????????????//8、密封类,与抽象类相反,无法用作基类 关键字sealed。无法被继承。跟final 有点像。
????????????//static 类,其成员必须是静态的。一般为了建立一组不变的数学库或数学方法
class MyData //sealed 修饰符说明此类不能被继承
double d1, d2, d3;
???????public MyData(double m1, double m2, double m3)
???????????d1 = m1;
???????????d2 = m2;
???????????d3 = m3;
double Sum()
???????????return d1 + d2 + d3;
class ExtendMyData //扩展方法,创建另一个作用于MyData类的实例
double Average(this MyData md)//关键字和类型。加上this 就可以利用实例调用形式调用方法了
???????{ //而不是用静态调用形式:ExtendMyData.Average(md);
???????????return md.Sum() / 3;
????????????MyData md = new MyData(1, 2, 3);
????????????//CardDeck 这种一般用于类,方法,命名空间,属性和公共字段
????????????//totalCycle 这种一般用于局部变量或者形参
????????????//_cycleCount 一般用于事件,私有和受保护的字段
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace CsharpStart //运算符重载
????class LimitenInt
int MaxValue = 100;
int MinValue = 10;
int _theValue = 0;
int TheValue //属性值
????????????????return _theValue;
????????????????if (value < MinValue)
????????????????????_theValue = 0;
????????????????????_theValue = value > MaxValue ? MaxValue : value;
?????// 必需的,public static + 类型 + 关键字 + 运算符 + (操作数)
static LimitenInt operator -(LimitenInt x)
????????????LimitenInt li = new LimitenInt();
????????????li.TheValue = 0;
????????????return li;
static LimitenInt operator -(LimitenInt x, LimitenInt y)
????????????LimitenInt li = new LimitenInt();
????????????li.TheValue = x.TheValue - y.TheValue;
????????????return li;
static LimitenInt operator +(LimitenInt x, LimitenInt y)
????????????LimitenInt li = new LimitenInt();
????????????li.TheValue = x.TheValue + y.TheValue;
????????????return li;
????????????//1、表达式 2、字面值
????????????//234L 长整型 U 无符号整型 UL ; F 浮点型。D double。M decimal,字符字面值 ‘‘
????????????LimitenInt li1 = new LimitenInt();
????????????LimitenInt li2 = new LimitenInt();
????????????LimitenInt li3 = new LimitenInt();
????????????li1.TheValue = 10;
????????????li2.TheValue = 96;
????????????li3 = -li1;
????????????Console.WriteLine("-{0}={1}", li1.TheValue, li3.TheValue);
????????????li3 = li1 + li2;//属性值本身有范围限定
????????????Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", li1.TheValue, li2.TheValue, li3.TheValue);
????????????li3 = li1 - li2;
????????????Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", li1.TheValue, li2.TheValue, li3.TheValue);
????????????//4、typeof 运算符
????????????//返回为Type类型 使用如下: s.GetType().Name;此方法对所有的类型都有效
????????????Type t = typeof(Program);
????????????FieldInfo[] fi = t.GetFields(); // 字段 集
????????????MethodInfo[] mi = t.GetMethods();//方法 集
????????????foreach (FieldInfo pf in fi)
????????????????Console.WriteLine("field:{0}", pf.Name);
????????????foreach (MethodInfo m in mi)
????????????????Console.WriteLine("Method:{0}", m.Name);
????enum CardDeckSetting : uint
????????SingleDeck = 0x01, //位0
????????LargePictures = 0x02, //位1
????????FancyNumbers = 0x04, //位2
????????Animation = 0x08 //位3
????enum TrafficLight : byte
????????Green = 1,
????????Yellow = 10,
????????Red = 30
#region 枚举类型 定义在class外面,这样可以被其他class调用
????enum Color
????????Red = 1, // 中间用 逗号
????????Blue = 2,
????????Green = 3
class MyClass
????????bool UseSingDeck = false,
??????????????UseBigPictures = false,
??????????????UseFancyNumbers = false,
??????????????UseAnimation = false,
??????????????UseAnimationAndFancyNumbers = false;
void SetOptions(CardDeckSetting ops)
????????????UseSingDeck = ops.HasFlag(CardDeckSetting.SingleDeck);
????????????UseBigPictures = ops.HasFlag(CardDeckSetting.LargePictures);
????????????UseFancyNumbers = ops.HasFlag(CardDeckSetting.FancyNumbers);
????????????UseAnimation = ops.HasFlag(CardDeckSetting.Animation);
???????????// UseAnimationAndFancyNumbers = ops.HasFlag(CardDeckSetting.Animation | CardDeckSetting.FancyNumbers);
????????????CardDeckSetting testFlags = CardDeckSetting.Animation | CardDeckSetting.FancyNumbers;
????????????UseAnimationAndFancyNumbers = ops.HasFlag(testFlags);
void PrintOptions()
????????????Console.WriteLine("Options Setting :");
????????????Console.WriteLine("Use Single Deck - {0}", UseSingDeck);
????????????Console.WriteLine("Use Big Pictures - {0}", UseBigPictures);
????????????Console.WriteLine("Use Fancy Numbers - {0}", UseFancyNumbers);
????????????Console.WriteLine("Use Animation - {0}", UseAnimation);
????????????Console.WriteLine("Use Animation and FancyNumbers - {0}", UseAnimationAndFancyNumbers);
int val = 20;
void ListInts(params
int[] inVals)
????????????if (inVals != null && inVals.Length != 0)
????????????????foreach (int i in inVals)
????????????????????//i *= 10;//迭代变量只能输出,无法赋值,赋值用for语句。
????????????????????Console.WriteLine("{0}", i);
int Cal(int a, int b, int c)
????????????return a * b * c;
int Cal1(int a, int b, int c = 9) //可选参数,填入默认值
????????????return a * b * c;
?//1、元素 维度 维度的长度 数组长度=维度*维度的长度
?//2、数组的类型:矩形数组(类似矩阵) 交错数组(行矩阵长度不等)
?// 尽管数组是引用类型,但是其元素可以是值类型(栈和堆中)或者是引用类型。(都在堆中)
?// 注意:不可以在声明数组的时候,把维度的长度加进去,逗号(维度)是类型的一部分,维度的长度不是。
?// 方括号在基类后,而不在变量名称后。数组声明后,其维度数就确定了,维度长度在数组实例化后确定。
?int[] arr2 = new
?MyClass[] mcArr = new MyClass[4];//引用型数组,没有()括号。
?int[] myIntArray;//声明数组
?myIntArray = new
?for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)//赋值并打印
?????myIntArray[i] = i*10;
?????Console.WriteLine("Value of element {0} = {1}",i,myIntArray[i]);
?//数组的初始化 , 省略 new int[] 依然可以说明。一般最后一个维度可以认为是元素个数
?int[] arrayF = new
int[3] { 10, 20, 30 };
?int[] arrayS = { 10,20,30};
?int[,] arrayT = new
int[2, 3] { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 10, 20, 30 } };
?int[,] arrayFO = {{0,1},{2,3}};
?var arr = new [,] {{0,1},{2,3}};
// int[][] jagArr = new int[3][4];//eeor
?int[][] jagArr = new
?//步骤:1、 实例化顶层数组 2、分别实例化每一个子数组
?jagArr[0] = new
int[] { 10, 20 };
?jagArr[1] = new
int[] { 20, 30 };
?jagArr[2] = new
int[] { 30, 40 };
?int[][,] ARR = new
?ARR[0] = new
int[,] {{1,2},{3,4}};
?//打印是: ARR.GetLength(0) ARR[i].GetLength(0) ARR[i].GetLength(1) 循环控制的长度
?//在foreach 控制语句中,item(迭代变量是只读的)。但对于引用类型数组来说,却不一样
?Array[] mcArray = new Array[4];//创建数组
?for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
?????mcArray[i] = new Array(); //创建类对象
?????mcArray[i].MyField = i;//设置字段
?foreach(Array item in mcArray)
?????item.MyField += 10;
?foreach(Array item in mcArray)
?????Console.WriteLine("{0}", item.MyField);
?// Rank/Length/GetLength/Clear/Sort/BinarySearch/Clone/IndexOf/Reverse/GetUpperBound
?int[] array99 = new
int[] { 12, 13, 90, 98, 43, 67 };
?int[] IntArray = new
int[] { 1,2,3};
?int[] IntArray2 = (int[])IntArray.Clone();//强制转换,浅复制,复制元素
?IntArray2[0] = 100;//IntArray 的值也随之改变
?IntArray2[1] = 200;//这些值都是在堆中
?IntArray2[2] = 300;