标签:des style ar color 使用 sp for on bs
字符串.string 模块中是否有一种字符串方法或者函数可以帮我鉴定一下一个字符串
Answer:in not in
#! /usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 ‘‘‘ 6–2. 字符串标识符.修改例 6-1 的 idcheck.py 脚本,使之可以检测长度为一的标识符,并且 可以识别 Python 关键字,对后一个要求,你可以使用 keyword 模块(特别是 keyword.kelist)来帮你. ‘‘‘ import string import keyword alphas = string.letters + ‘_‘ nums = string.digits key_list = keyword.kwlist print ‘Welcome to the Identifier Checker v1.0‘ print ‘Testees must be ai least 2 chars long.‘ myInput = raw_input(‘Identifier to test?‘) if len(myInput) >= 1: if myInput[0] not in alphas: print ‘‘‘invalid : first symbol must be alphabetic‘‘‘ elif myInput in key_list: print ‘‘‘invalid: the input id is a Python‘s keyword‘‘‘ else: alphnums = alphas + nums for otherChar in myInput[1:]: if otherChar not in alphnums: print ‘‘‘invalid: remaining symbols must be alphanumeric‘‘‘ break else: print "okay as an identifier"
#! /usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 ‘‘‘ 6–3. 排序 (a) 输入一串数字,从大到小排列之. (b) 跟 a 一样,不过要用字典序从大到小排列之. ‘‘‘ #(a) def get_num(): global num_list num_list = [] num = ‘‘ while num != ‘!‘: num = raw_input(‘输入一些数字,以"!"结束‘).strip() if num != ‘!‘: try: num = float(num) except: print ‘输入有误,请重新输入‘ get_num() else: num_list.append(num) else: break return num_list def sort_descending(): get_num() print sorted(num_list, reverse = True) print ‘----------------(a)----------------‘ sort_descending() #(b) print ‘-----------------(b)---------------‘ key_sort = [] while True: k = raw_input(‘输入一些数字吧,以字典序排列大小,以"#"结束输入:‘) if k != ‘#‘: key_sort.append(k) else: break print sorted(key_sort, reverse = True)
标签:des style ar color 使用 sp for on bs