标签:blog http ar io color os sp for java
CRUD Operations
MyBatis is an SQL Mapper tool which greatly simplifies the database programing when compared to using JDBC directly.
Step1: Create a Maven project and configure MyBatis dependencies.
07 |
< modelVersion >4.0.0</ modelVersion > |
09 |
< groupId >com.sivalabs</ groupId > |
10 |
< artifactId >mybatis-demo</ artifactId > |
11 |
< version >0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</ version > |
12 |
< packaging >jar</ packaging > |
14 |
< name >mybatis-demo</ name > |
18 |
< project.build.sourceEncoding >UTF-8</ project.build.sourceEncoding > |
24 |
< groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins</ groupId > |
25 |
< artifactId >maven-compiler-plugin</ artifactId > |
26 |
< version >2.3.2</ version > |
30 |
< encoding >${project.build.sourceEncoding}</ encoding > |
38 |
< groupId >junit</ groupId > |
39 |
< artifactId >junit</ artifactId > |
40 |
< version >4.10</ version > |
45 |
< groupId >org.mybatis</ groupId > |
46 |
< artifactId >mybatis</ artifactId > |
47 |
< version >3.1.1</ version > |
50 |
< groupId >mysql</ groupId > |
51 |
< artifactId >mysql-connector-java</ artifactId > |
52 |
< version >5.1.21</ version > |
53 |
< scope >runtime</ scope > |
Step#2: Create the table USER and a Java domain Object User as follows:
2 |
user_id int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, |
3 |
email_id varchar( 45 ) NOT NULL, |
4 |
password varchar( 45 ) NOT NULL, |
5 |
first_name varchar( 45 ) NOT NULL, |
6 |
last_name varchar( 45 ) default NULL, |
8 |
UNIQUE KEY Index_2_email_uniq (email_id) |
9 |
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain; |
04 |
private Integer userId; |
05 |
private String emailId; |
06 |
private String password; |
07 |
private String firstName; |
08 |
private String lastName; |
11 |
public String toString() { |
12 |
return ‘User [userId=‘ + userId + ‘, emailId=‘ + emailId |
13 |
+ ‘, password=‘ + password + ‘, firstName=‘ + firstName |
14 |
+ ‘, lastName=‘ + lastName + ‘]‘ ; |
Step#3: Create MyBatis configuration files.
a) Create jdbc.properties file in src/main/resources folder
1 |
jdbc.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
b) Create mybatis-config.xml file in src/main/resources folder
01 |
<? xml version = ‘1.0‘ encoding = ‘UTF-8‘ ?> |
02 |
<!DOCTYPE configuration |
03 |
PUBLIC ‘-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN‘ |
06 |
< properties resource = ‘jdbc.properties‘ /> |
08 |
< typeAlias type = ‘com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.User‘ alias = ‘User‘ ></ typeAlias > |
10 |
< environments default = ‘development‘ > |
11 |
< environment id = ‘development‘ > |
12 |
< transactionManager type = ‘JDBC‘ /> |
13 |
< dataSource type = ‘POOLED‘ > |
14 |
< property name = ‘driver‘ value = ‘${jdbc.driverClassName}‘ /> |
15 |
< property name = ‘url‘ value = ‘${jdbc.url}‘ /> |
16 |
< property name = ‘username‘ value = ‘${jdbc.username}‘ /> |
17 |
< property name = ‘password‘ value = ‘${jdbc.password}‘ /> |
22 |
< mapper resource = ‘com/sivalabs/mybatisdemo/mappers/UserMapper.xml‘ /> |
Step#4: Create an interface UserMapper.java in src/main/java folder in com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers package.
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers; |
03 |
import java.util.List; |
04 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.User; |
06 |
public interface UserMapper |
09 |
public void insertUser(User user); |
11 |
public User getUserById(Integer userId); |
13 |
public List<User> getAllUsers(); |
15 |
public void updateUser(User user); |
17 |
public void deleteUser(Integer userId); |
Step#5: Create UserMapper.xml file in src/main/resources folder in com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers package.
01 |
<? xml version = ‘1.0‘ encoding = ‘UTF-8‘ ?> |
02 |
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC ‘-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN‘ |
05 |
< mapper namespace = ‘com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers.UserMapper‘ > |
07 |
< select id = ‘getUserById‘ parameterType = ‘int‘ resultType = ‘com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.User‘ > |
12 |
first_name as firstName, |
15 |
WHERE USER_ID = #{userId} |
18 |
< resultMap type = ‘User‘ id = ‘UserResult‘ > |
19 |
< id property = ‘userId‘ column = ‘user_id‘ /> |
20 |
< result property = ‘emailId‘ column = ‘email_id‘ /> |
21 |
< result property = ‘password‘ column = ‘password‘ /> |
22 |
< result property = ‘firstName‘ column = ‘first_name‘ /> |
23 |
< result property = ‘lastName‘ column = ‘last_name‘ /> |
26 |
< select id = ‘getAllUsers‘ resultMap = ‘UserResult‘ > |
30 |
< insert id = ‘insertUser‘ parameterType = ‘User‘ useGeneratedKeys = ‘true‘ keyProperty = ‘userId‘ > |
31 |
INSERT INTO USER(email_id, password, first_name, last_name) |
32 |
VALUES(#{emailId}, #{password}, #{firstName}, #{lastName}) |
35 |
< update id = ‘updateUser‘ parameterType = ‘User‘ > |
38 |
PASSWORD= #{password}, |
39 |
FIRST_NAME = #{firstName}, |
40 |
LAST_NAME = #{lastName} |
41 |
WHERE USER_ID = #{userId} |
44 |
< delete id = ‘deleteUser‘ parameterType = ‘int‘ > |
45 |
Step#6: Create MyBatisUtil.java to instantiate SqlSessionFactory.
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.service; |
03 |
import java.io.IOException; |
04 |
import java.io.Reader; |
05 |
import org.apache.ibatis.io.Resources; |
06 |
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory; |
07 |
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder; |
09 |
public class MyBatisUtil |
11 |
private static SqlSessionFactory factory; |
13 |
private MyBatisUtil() { |
20 |
reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader( ‘mybatis-config.xml‘ ); |
21 |
} catch (IOException e) { |
22 |
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); |
24 |
factory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader); |
27 |
public static SqlSessionFactory getSqlSessionFactory() |
Step#7: Create UserService.java in src/main/java folder.
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.service; |
03 |
import java.util.List; |
04 |
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; |
05 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.User; |
06 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers.UserMapper; |
08 |
public class UserService |
11 |
public void insertUser(User user) { |
12 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
14 |
UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper. class ); |
15 |
userMapper.insertUser(user); |
22 |
public User getUserById(Integer userId) { |
23 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
25 |
UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper. class ); |
26 |
return userMapper.getUserById(userId); |
32 |
public List<User> getAllUsers() { |
33 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
35 |
UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper. class ); |
36 |
return userMapper.getAllUsers(); |
42 |
public void updateUser(User user) { |
43 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
45 |
UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper. class ); |
46 |
userMapper.updateUser(user); |
54 |
public void deleteUser(Integer userId) { |
55 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
57 |
UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper. class ); |
58 |
userMapper.deleteUser(userId); |
Step#8: Create a JUnit Test class to test UserService methods.
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo; |
03 |
import java.util.List; |
05 |
import org.junit.AfterClass; |
06 |
import org.junit.Assert; |
07 |
import org.junit.BeforeClass; |
08 |
import org.junit.Test; |
10 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.User; |
11 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.service.UserService; |
13 |
public class UserServiceTest |
15 |
private static UserService userService; |
18 |
public static void setup() |
20 |
userService = new UserService(); |
24 |
public static void teardown() |
30 |
public void testGetUserById() |
32 |
User user = userService.getUserById( 1 ); |
33 |
Assert.assertNotNull(user); |
34 |
System.out.println(user); |
38 |
public void testGetAllUsers() |
40 |
List<User> users = userService.getAllUsers(); |
41 |
Assert.assertNotNull(users); |
42 |
for (User user : users) |
44 |
System.out.println(user); |
50 |
public void testInsertUser() |
52 |
User user = new User(); |
53 |
user.setEmailId( ‘test_email_‘ +System.currentTimeMillis()+ ‘@gmail.com‘ ); |
54 |
user.setPassword( ‘secret‘ ); |
55 |
user.setFirstName( ‘TestFirstName‘ ); |
56 |
user.setLastName( ‘TestLastName‘ ); |
58 |
userService.insertUser(user); |
59 |
Assert.assertTrue(user.getUserId() != 0 ); |
60 |
User createdUser = userService.getUserById(user.getUserId()); |
61 |
Assert.assertNotNull(createdUser); |
62 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getEmailId(), createdUser.getEmailId()); |
63 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getPassword(), createdUser.getPassword()); |
64 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getFirstName(), createdUser.getFirstName()); |
65 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getLastName(), createdUser.getLastName()); |
70 |
public void testUpdateUser() |
72 |
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
73 |
User user = userService.getUserById( 2 ); |
74 |
user.setFirstName( ‘TestFirstName‘ +timestamp); |
75 |
user.setLastName( ‘TestLastName‘ +timestamp); |
76 |
userService.updateUser(user); |
77 |
User updatedUser = userService.getUserById( 2 ); |
78 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getFirstName(), updatedUser.getFirstName()); |
79 |
Assert.assertEquals(user.getLastName(), updatedUser.getLastName()); |
83 |
public void testDeleteUser() |
85 |
User user = userService.getUserById( 4 ); |
86 |
userService.deleteUser(user.getUserId()); |
87 |
User deletedUser = userService.getUserById( 4 ); |
88 |
Assert.assertNull(deletedUser); |
Now, I will explain how to perform CRUD operations using MyBatis Annotation support without need of Queries configuration in XML mapper files.
Step#1: Create a table BLOG and a java domain Object Blog.
2 |
blog_id int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, |
3 |
blog_name varchar( 45 ) NOT NULL, |
4 |
created_on datetime NOT NULL, |
6 |
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain; |
03 |
import java.util.Date; |
07 |
private Integer blogId; |
08 |
private String blogName; |
09 |
private Date createdOn; |
12 |
public String toString() { |
13 |
return ‘Blog [blogId=‘ + blogId + ‘, blogName=‘ + blogName |
14 |
+ ‘, createdOn=‘ + createdOn + ‘]‘ ; |
Step#2: Create UserMapper.java interface with SQL queries in Annotations.
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers; |
03 |
import java.util.List; |
05 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Delete; |
06 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert; |
07 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Options; |
08 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result; |
09 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results; |
10 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select; |
11 |
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update; |
13 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.Blog; |
15 |
public interface BlogMapper |
17 |
@Insert ( ‘INSERT INTO BLOG(BLOG_NAME, CREATED_ON) VALUES(#{blogName}, #{createdOn})‘ ) |
18 |
@Options (useGeneratedKeys= true , keyProperty= ‘blogId‘ ) |
19 |
public void insertBlog(Blog blog); |
21 |
@Select ( ‘SELECT BLOG_ID AS blogId, BLOG_NAME as blogName, CREATED_ON as createdOn FROM BLOG WHERE BLOG_ID=#{blogId}‘ ) |
22 |
public Blog getBlogById(Integer blogId); |
24 |
@Select ( ‘SELECT * FROM BLOG ‘ ) |
26 |
@Result (id= true , property= ‘blogId‘ , column= ‘BLOG_ID‘ ), |
27 |
@Result (property= ‘blogName‘ , column= ‘BLOG_NAME‘ ), |
28 |
@Result (property= ‘createdOn‘ , column= ‘CREATED_ON‘ ) |
30 |
public List<Blog> getAllBlogs(); |
32 |
@Update ( ‘UPDATE BLOG SET BLOG_NAME=#{blogName}, CREATED_ON=#{createdOn} WHERE BLOG_ID=#{blogId}‘ ) |
33 |
public void updateBlog(Blog blog); |
35 |
@Delete ( ‘DELETE FROM BLOG WHERE BLOG_ID=#{blogId}‘ ) |
36 |
public void deleteBlog(Integer blogId); |
Step#3: Configure BlogMapper in mybatis-config.xml
01 |
<? xml version = ‘1.0‘ encoding = ‘UTF-8‘ ?> |
02 |
<!DOCTYPE configuration |
03 |
PUBLIC ‘-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN‘ |
06 |
< properties resource = ‘jdbc.properties‘ /> |
07 |
< environments default = ‘development‘ > |
08 |
< environment id = ‘development‘ > |
09 |
< transactionManager type = ‘JDBC‘ /> |
10 |
< dataSource type = ‘POOLED‘ > |
15 |
< property name = ‘driver‘ value = ‘${jdbc.driverClassName}‘ /> |
16 |
< property name = ‘url‘ value = ‘${jdbc.url}‘ /> |
17 |
< property name = ‘username‘ value = ‘${jdbc.username}‘ /> |
18 |
< property name = ‘password‘ value = ‘${jdbc.password}‘ /> |
23 |
< mapper class = ‘com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers.BlogMapper‘ /> |
Step#4: Create BlogService.java
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.service; |
03 |
import java.util.List; |
05 |
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; |
07 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.Blog; |
08 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.mappers.BlogMapper; |
10 |
public class BlogService |
13 |
public void insertBlog(Blog blog) { |
14 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
16 |
BlogMapper blogMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(BlogMapper. class ); |
17 |
blogMapper.insertBlog(blog); |
24 |
public Blog getBlogById(Integer blogId) { |
25 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
27 |
BlogMapper blogMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(BlogMapper. class ); |
28 |
return blogMapper.getBlogById(blogId); |
34 |
public List<Blog> getAllBlogs() { |
35 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
37 |
BlogMapper blogMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(BlogMapper. class ); |
38 |
return blogMapper.getAllBlogs(); |
44 |
public void updateBlog(Blog blog) { |
45 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
47 |
BlogMapper blogMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(BlogMapper. class ); |
48 |
blogMapper.updateBlog(blog); |
55 |
public void deleteBlog(Integer blogId) { |
56 |
SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtil.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(); |
58 |
BlogMapper blogMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(BlogMapper. class ); |
59 |
blogMapper.deleteBlog(blogId); |
Step#5: Create JUnit Test for BlogService methods
01 |
package com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo; |
03 |
import java.util.Date; |
04 |
import java.util.List; |
06 |
import org.junit.AfterClass; |
07 |
import org.junit.Assert; |
08 |
import org.junit.BeforeClass; |
09 |
import org.junit.Test; |
11 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.domain.Blog; |
12 |
import com.sivalabs.mybatisdemo.service.BlogService; |
14 |
public class BlogServiceTest |
16 |
private static BlogService blogService; |
19 |
public static void setup() |
21 |
blogService = new BlogService(); |
25 |
public static void teardown() |
31 |
public void testGetBlogById() |
33 |
Blog blog = blogService.getBlogById( 1 ); |
34 |
Assert.assertNotNull(blog); |
35 |
System.out.println(blog); |
39 |
public void testGetAllBlogs() |
41 |
List<Blog> blogs = blogService.getAllBlogs(); |
42 |
Assert.assertNotNull(blogs); |
43 |
for (Blog blog : blogs) |
45 |
System.out.println(blog); |
51 |
public void testInsertBlog() |
53 |
Blog blog = new Blog(); |
54 |
blog.setBlogName( ‘test_blog_‘ +System.currentTimeMillis()); |
55 |
blog.setCreatedOn( new Date()); |
57 |
blogService.insertBlog(blog); |
58 |
Assert.assertTrue(blog.getBlogId() != 0 ); |
59 |
Blog createdBlog = blogService.getBlogById(blog.getBlogId()); |
60 |
Assert.assertNotNull(createdBlog); |
61 |
Assert.assertEquals(blog.getBlogName(), createdBlog.getBlogName()); |
66 |
public void testUpdateBlog() |
68 |
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
69 |
Blog blog = blogService.getBlogById( 2 ); |
70 |
blog.setBlogName( ‘TestBlogName‘ +timestamp); |
71 |
blogService.updateBlog(blog); |
72 |
Blog updatedBlog = blogService.getBlogById( 2 ); |
73 |
Assert.assertEquals(blog.getBlogName(), updatedBlog.getBlogName()); |
77 |
public void testDeleteBlog() |
79 |
Blog blog = blogService.getBlogById( 4 ); |
80 |
blogService.deleteBlog(blog.getBlogId()); |
81 |
Blog deletedBlog = blogService.getBlogById( 4 ); |
82 |
Assert.assertNull(deletedBlog); |
MyBatis Tutorial – CRUD Operations and Mapping Relationships – Part 1---- reference
标签:blog http ar io color os sp for java