[C++ code]
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "FileNetServer.h"
- #include <winsock.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "SYS.H"
- #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32")
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- typedef struct
- {
- int ID;
- BYTE lparam[BUF_LEN*2];
- typedef struct
- {
- char FileName[MAX_PATH];
- int FileLen;
- char Time[50];
- BOOL IsDir;
- BOOL Error;
- HICON hIcon;
- BOOL DeleteDirectory(char *DirName);
- BOOL CapScreen(LPTSTR FileName);
- DWORD GetDriverProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD GetDirInfoProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD ExecFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD DelFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD FileInfoProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD CreateDirProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD DelDirProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD GetFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD PutFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- DWORD GetScreenProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client);
- CWinApp theApp;
- using namespace std;
- int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
- {
- WSADATA wsadata;
- SOCKET FileNetServer;
- SOCKET client;
- SOCKADDR_IN FileNetServeraddr;
- SOCKADDR_IN clientaddr;
- int port = 17329;
- WORD ver = MAKEWORD(2,2);
- WSAStartup(ver, &wsadata);
- FileNetServer = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- FileNetServeraddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- FileNetServeraddr.sin_port = htons(port);
- FileNetServeraddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- bind(FileNetServer, (SOCKADDR*)&FileNetServeraddr, sizeof(FileNetServeraddr));
- listen(FileNetServer, 5);
- int len = sizeof(clientaddr);
- char s_password[100];
- while(true)
- {
- if(client = accept(FileNetServer, (sockaddr*)&clientaddr, &len))
- {
- if(send(client, "Password", sizeof("Password"), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- cout<<"有客户请求连接,正在等待客户输入密码!";
- }
- ag: if(recv(client, s_password, sizeof(s_password), 0) != SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- if(strcmp(s_password, "123") == 0)
- {
- send(client, "OK", sizeof("OK"), 0);
- cout<<"CreateThread is the OK \n";
- CreateThread(NULL, NULL, SLisen, (LPVOID)client, NULL, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- cout<<"有用户试图联入,但是未能输入正确密码!/n";
- send(client, "NOOK", sizeof("NOOK"), 0);
- goto ag;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- closesocket(FileNetServer);
- closesocket(client);
- WSACleanup();
- return 0;
- }
- {
- SOCKET client = (SOCKET)lparam;
- COMMAND command;
- while(1)
- {
- memset((char*)&command, 0, sizeof(command));
- if(recv(client, (char*)&command, sizeof(command), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- cout<<"The Client Socket is Closed\n";
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- cout<<"The recv command is: ID="<<command.ID<<" lparam="<<command.lparam<<endl;
- switch(command.ID)
- {
- case GetDriver:
- GetDriverProc(command, client);
- break;
- case GetDirInfo:
- GetDirInfoProc(command, client);
- break;
- case ExecFile:
- ExecFileProc(command, client);
- break;
- case DelFile:
- DelFileProc(command, client);
- break;
- case FileInfo:
- FileInfoProc(command, client);
- break;
- case CreateDir:
- CreateDirProc(command, client);
- break;
- case DelDir:
- DelDirProc(command, client);
- break;
- case GetFile:
- GetFileProc(command, client);
- break;
- case PutFile:
- PutFileProc(command, client);
- break;
- case GetScreen:
- GetScreenProc(command, client);
- break;
- default:
- cout<<"Can not recongnize the command!\n";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- closesocket(client);
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD GetDriverProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- cout<<"GetDriver is ok\n";
- COMMAND cmd;
- memset((char *)&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
- cmd.ID = GetDriver;
- for(char i=‘A‘; i<‘Z‘; i++)
- {
- char x[20] = {i, ‘:‘};
- UINT Type = GetDriveType(x);
- {
- cout<<x<<"\n";
- memset((char*)cmd.lparam, 0, sizeof(cmd.lparam));
- strcpy((char*)cmd.lparam, x);
- if(send(client, (char*)&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- cout<<"Send Driver is Error\n";
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD GetDirInfoProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- cout<<"GetDir is Ok\n";
- COMMAND cmd;
- memset((char*)&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
- memset((char*)&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));
- strcat((char*)command.lparam, "*.*");
- cout<<(char*)command.lparam<<"\n";
- CFileFind file;
- BOOL bContinue = file.FindFile((char*)command.lparam);
- while(bContinue)
- {
- memset((char*)&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
- memset((char*)&fi, 0, sizeof(fi));
- bContinue = file.FindNextFile();
- if(file.IsDirectory())
- {
- fi.IsDir = true;
- }
- strcpy(fi.FileName, file.GetFileName().LockBuffer());
- cout<<fi.FileName<<"\n";
- cmd.ID = GetDirInfo;
- memcpy((char*)&cmd.lparam, (char*)&fi, sizeof(fi));
- if(send(client, (char*)&cmd, sizeof(cmd), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- cout<<"Send Dir is Error\n";
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD ExecFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD DelFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD FileInfoProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CreateDirProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD DelDirProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL DeleteDirectory(char *DirName)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD GetFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD PutFileProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD GetScreenProc(COMMAND command, SOCKET client)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- BOOL CapScreen(LPTSTR FileName)
- {
- return 0;
- }
1.Client.java //还有main函数的类,你们都知道它是功能。
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
- import java.net.Socket;
- public class Client {
- NetDataTypeTransform mNetDataTypeTransform=new NetDataTypeTransform();
- private static final String IP="";
- private static final int NetPort=17329;
- private Socket sock;
- public Client(){
- try {
- onCreate();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public void onCreate() throws IOException{
- InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(IP,NetPort);
- sock = new Socket();
- sock.connect(addr);
- byte []receive=new byte[9];
- sock.getInputStream().read(receive);
- String tempString=mNetDataTypeTransform.ByteArraytoString(receive, receive.length);
- System.out.println(" Server said:send your "+tempString);
- if(tempString.equals("Password")){
- System.out.println("I can send password 123\0!");
- }
- String password="123\0";
- sock.getOutputStream().write(mNetDataTypeTransform.StringToByteArray(password));
- byte []isOk=new byte[3];
- sock.getInputStream().read(isOk);
- String okString=mNetDataTypeTransform.ByteArraytoString(isOk,isOk.length);
- System.out.println(" ----- is ok?--"+okString);
- if(okString.equals("OK")){
- System.out.println("new Thread begin...");
- NetDataCommand commd=new NetDataCommand(1,"E:\0");
- sock.getOutputStream().write(commd.getByteArrayData());
- ThreadRead mThreadRead=new ThreadRead(sock,this);
- mThreadRead.start();
- }
- try {
- Thread.sleep(30000);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public static void main(String [] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException
- {
- new Client();
- }
- public void GetDriverPro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"--"+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- NetDataCommand commd=new NetDataCommand(2,mCommand.getLparam()+"\\\0");
- try {
- mSocket.getOutputStream().write(commd.getByteArrayData());
- } catch (IOException e){
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public void GetDirInfoPro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void ExecFilePro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void DelFilePro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void FileInfoPro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void CreateDirPro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void GetFilePro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void PutFilePro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- public void GetScreenPro(Socket mSocket,NetDataCommand mCommand){
- System.out.println("command ID="+mCommand.getID()+"command Lparam="+mCommand.getLparam());
- }
- }
- import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
- public class NetDataTypeTransform {
- public static final String coding="GB2312";
- public NetDataTypeTransform(){
- }
- public byte[] IntToByteArray(int n) {
- byte[] b = new byte[4];
- b[0] = (byte) (n & 0xff);
- b[1] = (byte) (n >> 8 & 0xff);
- b[2] = (byte) (n >> 16 & 0xff);
- b[3] = (byte) (n >> 24 & 0xff);
- return b;
- }
- public int ByteArrayToInt(byte[] bArr) {
- if(bArr.length!=4){
- return -1;
- }
- return (int) ((((bArr[3] & 0xff) << 24)
- | ((bArr[2] & 0xff) << 16)
- | ((bArr[1] & 0xff) << 8) | ((bArr[0] & 0xff) << 0)));
- }
- public String ByteArraytoString(byte[] valArr,int maxLen) {
- String result=null;
- int index = 0;
- while(index < valArr.length && index < maxLen) {
- if(valArr[index] == 0) {
- break;
- }
- index++;
- }
- byte[] temp = new byte[index];
- System.arraycopy(valArr, 0, temp, 0, index);
- try {
- result= new String(temp,"GBK");
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return result;
- }
- public byte[] StringToByteArray(String str){
- byte[] temp = null;
- try {
- temp = str.getBytes("GBK");
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return temp;
- }
- }
- public class NetDataCommand {
- private static final int IDLen=4;
- private static final int LparamLen=2048;
- private static final int CommandLen=2052;
- public byte []byteArrayData=new byte[CommandLen];
- private int ID;
- private String lparam;
- private NetDataTypeTransform mDataTypeTransform=new NetDataTypeTransform();;
- public byte[] getByteArrayData(){
- return byteArrayData;
- }
- public NetDataCommand(){
- }
- public NetDataCommand(int ID,String lparam) {
- this.ID=ID;
- this.lparam=lparam;
- byte[] IDbyte = mDataTypeTransform.IntToByteArray(ID);
- System.arraycopy(IDbyte,0, byteArrayData, 0, IDbyte.length);
- byte[] Strbyte = mDataTypeTransform.StringToByteArray(lparam);
- System.arraycopy(Strbyte,0,byteArrayData,IDbyte.length,Strbyte.length);
- }
- public NetDataCommand(byte[] dataArray){
- int id=1;
- String lpString="";
- System.arraycopy(dataArray,0, byteArrayData,0,CommandLen);
- byte[] forIntID = new byte[IDLen];
- System.arraycopy(dataArray,0,forIntID,0,forIntID.length);
- id=mDataTypeTransform.ByteArrayToInt(forIntID);
- byte[] StrTemp=new byte[LparamLen];
- System.arraycopy(dataArray,IDLen,StrTemp,0,StrTemp.length);
- lpString=mDataTypeTransform.ByteArraytoString(StrTemp, StrTemp.length);
- ID=id;
- lparam=lpString;
- }
- public int getID(){
- return ID;
- }
- public String getLparam(){
- return lparam;
- }
- public void setID(int id) {
- this.ID=id;
- }
- public void setLparam(String str){
- this.lparam=str;
- }
- }
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.lang.Thread;
- import java.net.Socket;
- public class ThreadRead extends Thread{
- public Socket mSocket;
- public Client mClient;
- private static final int GetDriver=0x01;
- private static final int GetDirInfo=0x02;
- private static final int ExecFile=0x03;
- private static final int GetFile=0x04;
- private static final int PutFile=0x05;
- private static final int DelFile=0x06;
- private static final int DelDir =0x07;
- private static final int CreateDir=0x08;
- private static final int FileInfo=0x09;
- private static final int GetScreen=0x10;
- private static final int CommandLen=2052;
- private static int TryTimes=5;
- private byte []byteArrayData=new byte[CommandLen];
- public ThreadRead(Socket lpSocket,Client mClient) {
- this.mSocket=lpSocket;
- this.mClient=mClient;
- }
- public void run() {
- while (TryTimes>0) {
- while (true) {
- try {
- mSocket.getInputStream().read(byteArrayData);
- NetDataCommand mCommand = new NetDataCommand(byteArrayData);
- switch (mCommand.getID()){
- case GetDriver:
- mClient.GetDriverPro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case GetDirInfo:
- mClient.GetDirInfoPro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case ExecFile:
- mClient.ExecFilePro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case DelFile:
- mClient.DelFilePro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case FileInfo:
- mClient.FileInfoPro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case CreateDir:
- mClient.CreateDirPro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case DelDir:
- mClient.DelFilePro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case GetFile:
- mClient.GetFilePro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case PutFile:
- mClient.PutFilePro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- case GetScreen:
- mClient.GetScreenPro(mSocket, mCommand);
- break;
- default:
- System.out.println("----------wrong!!!--------------");
- break;
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- TryTimes--;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Server said:send your Password
- I can send password 123
- ----- is ok?--OK
- new Thread begin...
- command ID=1--command Lparam=C:
- command ID=1--command Lparam=D:
- command ID=1--command Lparam=E:
- command ID=1--command Lparam=F:
- command ID=1--command Lparam=G:
- command ID=2command Lparam=$Recycle.Bin
- command ID=2command Lparam=.rnd
- command ID=2command Lparam=360Rec
- command ID=2command Lparam=360SANDBOX
- command ID=2command Lparam=9c3e42423a202668d396d3be5e
- command ID=2command Lparam=autoexec.bat
- command ID=2command Lparam=bar.emf
- command ID=2command Lparam=config.sys
- command ID=2command Lparam=cygwin
- command ID=2command Lparam=Documents and Settings
- command ID=2command Lparam=hiberfil.sys
- command ID=2command Lparam=IO.SYS
- command ID=2command Lparam=MSDOS.SYS
- command ID=2command Lparam=MSOCache
- command ID=2command Lparam=pagefile.sys
- command ID=2command Lparam=PerfLogs
- command ID=2command Lparam=Program Files
- command ID=2command Lparam=ProgramData
- command ID=2command Lparam=Recovery
- command ID=2command Lparam=System Volume Information
- command ID=2command Lparam=Users
- command ID=2command Lparam=Windows
- command ID=2command Lparam=$RECYCLE.BIN
- command ID=2command Lparam=eclipse
- command ID=2command Lparam=HelloJNI
- command ID=2command Lparam=System Volume Information
- command ID=2command Lparam=大学部分资料
- command ID=2command Lparam=文件鱼龙混杂
- command ID=2command Lparam=照片和视频
- command ID=2command Lparam=研究方向
- command ID=2command Lparam=研究生学习
- command ID=2command Lparam=程序语言
- command ID=2command Lparam=软件安装包
- command ID=2command Lparam=$RECYCLE.BIN
- command ID=2command Lparam=360
- command ID=2command Lparam=360Downloads
- command ID=2command Lparam=360Rec
- command ID=2command Lparam=360云盘
- command ID=2command Lparam=360驱动大师目录
- command ID=2command Lparam=61ffd6de5ad141016097
- command ID=2command Lparam=android-sdk-windows
- command ID=2command Lparam=CSDN_ExportBlog
- command ID=2command Lparam=eclipse
- command ID=2command Lparam=EditPlus
- command ID=2command Lparam=Fetion2012
- command ID=2command Lparam=FlashFXP_4.2.4.1785
- command ID=2command Lparam=JDK1_6
- command ID=2command Lparam=kankan
- command ID=2command Lparam=KMPlayer
- command ID=2command Lparam=KSafeRecycle
- command ID=2command Lparam=Kugou
- command ID=2command Lparam=KuGouCache
- command ID=2command Lparam=matlab2009a
- command ID=2command Lparam=msdn6_0
- command ID=2command Lparam=MSOCache
- command ID=2command Lparam=MySQL Tools
- command ID=2command Lparam=PDF_Reader
- command ID=2command Lparam=PHPEclipse
- command ID=2command Lparam=Program Files
- command ID=2command Lparam=ps3
- command ID=2command Lparam=Python27
- command ID=2command Lparam=QQ
- command ID=2command Lparam=QQGame
- command ID=2command Lparam=sogou
- command ID=2command Lparam=System Volume Information
- command ID=2command Lparam=TDDOWNLOAD
- command ID=2command Lparam=Ubuntu
- command ID=2command Lparam=vc2008
- command ID=2command Lparam=vc6_0
- command ID=2command Lparam=VC98
- command ID=2command Lparam=Video
- command ID=2command Lparam=VMware
- command ID=2command Lparam=WAMP5
- command ID=2command Lparam=WindowsManagerTools
- command ID=2command Lparam=youku
- command ID=2command Lparam=光影看看
- command ID=2command Lparam=快捷方式
- command ID=2command Lparam=有道
- command ID=2command Lparam=迅雷7