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读书笔记_java设计模式深入研究 第三章 工厂模式 Factory

时间:2014-12-18 18:54:21      阅读:298      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:style   ar   io   color   os   使用   sp   for   java   

  1. package pattern.chp02.facroty;
     *  类描述:汽车接口
     *  @author:  Jing
     *  @version  $Id: Exp$ 
     *  History:  Dec 18, 2014 10:50:10 AM   Jing   Created.
    public interface ICar {
  1. /**
    * 类描述:高档汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 10:52:06 AM Jing Created.
    public class TopCar implements ICar{
  1. /**
    * 类描述:中档汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 10:52:56 AM Jing Created.
    public class MidCar implements ICar {
  1. package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:抵挡汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 10:53:25 AM Jing Created.
    public class LowCar implements ICar {
  1. /**
    * @(#) CarSimpleFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:汽车工厂类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 10:54:16 AM Jing Created.
    public class CarSimpleFactory {
    * 方法说明:根据传入的汽车类型,返回不同的对象
    * Author: Jing Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 11:19:05 AM
    * @param carType
    * @return
    * @return ICar
    public static ICar createCar(CarType carType) {
    ICar obj = null;
    if (carType == CarType.TOP_CAR) {
    obj = new TopCar();
    } else if (carType == CarType.MID_CAR) {
    obj = new MidCar();
    } else if (carType == CarType.LOW_CAR) {
    obj = new LowCar();
    return obj;
  1. /**
    * @(#) CarType.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:汽车类型
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 11:14:34 AM Jing Created.
    public enum CarType {
    * 高档汽车
    * 中档汽车
    * 抵挡汽车
  1. /**
    * @(#) CarTest.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 11:29:07 AM Jing Created.
    public class CarTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ICar obj = CarSimpleFactory.createCar(CarType.LOW_CAR);
  2. }
  1. package pattern.chp02.facroty;
     *  类描述:抽象工厂接口
     *  @author:  Jing
     *  @version  $Id: Exp$ 
     *  History:  Dec 18, 2014 2:27:41 PM   Jing   Created.
    public abstract class AbstractFactory {
         * 方法说明:创建ICar对象
         * Author:       Jing                
         * Create Date:   Dec 18, 2014 2:28:12 PM
         * @return
         * @return ICar
        public abstract ICar create();
  1. package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:高档汽车工厂类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 2:36:38 PM Jing Created.
    public class TopFactory extends AbstractFactory {
    public ICar create() {
    return new TopCar();
  1. public class CarTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ICar obj = CarSimpleFactory.createCar(CarType.LOW_CAR);
    AbstractFactory factory = new TopFactory();
    ICar car = factory.create();
  1. /**
    * @(#) IBus.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:公共汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:05:10 PM Jing Created.
    public interface IBus {
  1. /**
    * @(#) UpBus.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:高级公共汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:05:46 PM Jing Created.
    public class UpBus implements IBus{
  1. /**
    * @(#) MidBus.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:中档公共汽车
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:17:48 PM Jing Created.
    public class MidBus implements IBus {
  1. /**
    * @(#) AbstractFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:抽象工厂接口
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 2:27:41 PM Jing Created.
    public abstract class AbstractFactory {
    * 方法说明:创建ICar对象
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 2:28:12 PM
    * @return
    * @return ICar
    public abstract ICar create();
    * 方法说明:创建公共汽车IBus对象
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 3:18:58 PM
    * @return
    * @return IBus
    public abstract IBus createBus();
  1. /**
    * @(#) TopFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty;
    * 类描述:高档汽车工厂类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 2:36:38 PM Jing Created.
    public class TopFactory extends AbstractFactory {
    public ICar create() {
    return new TopCar();
    public IBus createBus() {
    return new UpBus();
  1. /**
    * @(#) IRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:读取文件接口类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:27:54 PM Jing Created.
    public interface IRead {
    * 方法说明:根据文件名称读取文件
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 3:28:25 PM
    * @param fileName
    * @return void
    public void read(String fileName);
  1. /**
    * @(#) AbstractImgRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:图像读取抽象类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:32:14 PM Jing Created.
    public abstract class AbstractImgRead implements IRead {
    public abstract void read(String fileName);
  1. /**
    * @(#) AbstractTextRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:获取文本文件的抽象类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:29:14 PM Jing Created.
    public abstract class AbstractTextRead implements IRead {
    public abstract void read(String fileName) ;
  1. /**
    * @(#) BMPImgRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:BMP图片读取
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:35:57 PM Jing Created.
    public class BMPImgRead extends AbstractImgRead {
    public void read(String fileName) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  1. /**
    * @(#) AbstractFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:工厂类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:49:15 PM Jing Created.
    public abstract class AbstractFactory {
    * 方法说明:创建对应的文件读取实例
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 3:49:46 PM
    * @return
    * @return IRead
    public abstract IRead create();
  1. /**
    * @(#) GBKTextFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.file
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.file;
    * 类描述:GBK文本读取工厂类
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 3:50:24 PM Jing Created.
    public class GBKTextFactory extends AbstractFactory {
    public IRead create() {
    return null;

2,使用基于jdk  API的方法实现文件读写,使用反射实现生成对应的类名。
  1. /**
    * @(#) IRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    * 类描述:读文本、图像文件接口
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 4:14:28 PM Jing Created.
    public interface IRead<T> {
    * 方法说明:根据传入的文件名读取文件
    * Author: Jing Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 4:15:27 PM
    * @param in
    * @return
    * @return T
    T read(String... in);
  1. /**
    * @(#) ImageRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    * 类描述:图像文件读取
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 5:16:26 PM Jing Created.
    public class ImageRead implements IRead<ImageInfo>{
    public ImageInfo read(String... in) {
    BufferedImage bi = null;
    File f = new File(in[0]);//in[0]存储文件名
    try {
    bi = ImageIO.read(f);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    int width = bi.getWidth();
    int height = bi.getHeight();
    int rgb[] = new int[width * height];
    bi.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, rgb, width, height);
    ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo();
    return info;
  1. /**
    * @(#) TextRead.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    * 类描述:文本读取
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 4:17:19 PM Jing Created.
    public class TextRead implements IRead<String> {
    public String read(String... in) {
    String result = null;
    File file = new File(in[0]);
    long len = file.length();//文件长度
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(in[0]);//in[0] 存储文件名称
    byte buf[] = new byte[(int)len];
    result = new String(buf, in[1]);//in[1]存储编码方式
    }catch(Exception e){
    return result;
  1. /**
    * @(#) ImageInfo.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    * 类描述:图像信息
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 4:31:28 PM Jing Created.
    public class ImageInfo {
    * 图像宽度
    private int width;
    * 图像高度
    private int height;
    * 红色分量
    private int r[][];
    * 绿色分量
    private int g[][];
    * 颜色分量
    private int b[][];
    * 方法说明:设置三基色信息
    * Author: Jing Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 4:33:51 PM
    * @param rgb
    * @return void
    public void setRGB(int rgb[]) {
    r = new int[height][width];
    g = new int[height][width];
    b = new int[height][width];
    int pos = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    pos = width * i;
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
    r[i][j] = (rgb[pos + j] & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    g[i][j] = (rgb[pos + j] & 0xff0000) >>8;
    b[i][j] = (rgb[pos + j] & 0xff0000);
    * @return the width
    public int getWidth() {
    return width;
    * @param width
    * the width to set
    public void setWidth(int width) {
    this.width = width;
    * @return the height
    public int getHeight() {
    return height;
    * @param height
    * the height to set
    public void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;
    * @return the r
    public int[][] getR() {
    return r;
    * @param r
    * the r to set
    public void setR(int[][] r) {
    this.r = r;
    * @return the g
    public int[][] getG() {
    return g;
    * @param g
    * the g to set
    public void setG(int[][] g) {
    this.g = g;
    * @return the b
    public int[][] getB() {
    return b;
    * @param b
    * the b to set
    public void setB(int[][] b) {
    this.b = b;

  1. /**
    * @(#) AbstractFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    * 类描述:抽象工厂
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 5:27:02 PM Jing Created.
    public abstract class AbstractFactory {
    * 方法说明:获取对应的读取对象
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 5:30:08 PM
    * @return
    * @return IRead
    public abstract IRead create();
    * 方法说明:使用反射,根据掺入的类名生成对应的对象
    * Author: Jing
    * Create Date: Dec 18, 2014 5:32:59 PM
    * @param className
    * @return
    * @return AbstractFactory
    static AbstractFactory create(String className){
    AbstractFactory factory = null;
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
    factory = (AbstractFactory) clazz.newInstance();
    }catch(Exception e){
    return factory;

  1. /**
    * @(#) ImageFactory.java
    * @Package pattern.chp02.facroty.read
    * Copyright ? JING Corporation. All rights reserved.
    package pattern.chp02.facroty.read;
    * 类描述:图像读取
    * @author: Jing
    * @version $Id: Exp$
    * History: Dec 18, 2014 5:30:34 PM Jing Created.
    public class ImageFactory extends AbstractFactory {
    public IRead create() {
    return new ImageRead();


读书笔记_java设计模式深入研究 第三章 工厂模式 Factory

标签:style   ar   io   color   os   使用   sp   for   java   


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