在执行opensipsdbctl create时报下列错误
[root@opensips opensips]# opensipsdbctl create
MySQL password for root:
INFO: test server charset
/usr/lib64/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.mysql: line 105: mysql: command not found
/usr/lib64/opensips/opensipsctl/opensipsdbctl.mysql: line 106: mysql: command not found
WARNING: Failed to get the available and used character sets
root@opensips opensips]# yum -y install mysql
[root@opensips opensips]# opensipsdbctl create
MySQL password for root:
INFO: test server charset
INFO: creating database opensips ...
INFO: Core OpenSIPS tables succesfully created.
Install presence related tables? (y/n): y
INFO: creating presence tables into opensips ...
INFO: Presence tables succesfully created.
Install tables for imc cpl siptrace domainpolicy carrierroute userblacklist b2b registrant call_center? (y/n): y
INFO: creating extra tables into opensips ...
INFO: Extra tables succesfully created.
本文出自 “云人生” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://ovcer.blog.51cto.com/1145188/1591868
opensips执行opensipsdbctl create时报错