标签:php this self parent php面向对象关键字的使用
<?php <span style="color:#ff0000;">// this是指向当前对象的指针</span> class test_this{ private $content; //定义变量 function __construct($content){ //定义构造函数 $this->content= $content; } function __destruct(){}//定义析构函数 function printContent(){//定义打印函数 echo $this->content.'<br />'; } } $test=new test_this('北京欢迎你!'); //实例化对象 $test->printContent();//北京欢迎你! $test=new test_this('新年新气象!');//再一次实例化对象 $test->printContent();//新年新气象! echo '<br />'; <span style="color:#ff0000;">//self是指向类的本身,只跟类有关,跟任何对象实例无关</span> class test_self{ private static $first_count; //定义静态变量 private $last_count; function __construct(){ $this->last_count=++self::$first_count;//直接用self调用变量的值赋值给另一个变量 } function __destruct(){} function print_self(){ print($this->last_count); } } $abc=new test_self();//实例化对象 $abc->print_self();//1 echo '<br />'; <span style="color:#ff0000;">//parent是指向父类的指针</span> class test_parent{ //基类 public $name; //定义姓名 父类成员需要定义为public,才能够在继承类中直接使用 this来调用。 function __construct($name){ $this->name=$name; } } class test_son extends test_parent{ //派生类 继承test_parent public $gender;//定义性别 public $age; //定义年龄 function __construct($gender,$age){ //继承类的构造函数 parent::__construct('nostop');//使用parent调用父类的构造函数,来进行对父类的实例化 $this->gender=$gender; $this->age=$age; } function __destruct(){} function print_info(){ echo $this->name.'是个'.$this->gender.',今年'.$this->age.'岁'.'<br />'; } } $nostop=new test_son('女性','22');//实例化test_son对象 $nostop->print_info();//执行输出函数 nostop是个女性,今年23岁 ?>
<span style="font-size:14px;"><?php class MyClass{ private $name; public function __construct($name){ $this->name=$name; } public function getname(){ return $this->name; } public function printName(){ echo $this->getname(); } } $myclass= new MyClass("I Like PHP"); $myclass->printName();//输出:I Like PHP ?></span>在类里面调用当前类的属性和方法有三种方法,分别是self、parent、$this,这三个关键字的区别是:self用来指向当前的类;parent用于指向当前类的父类,可以使用该关键字调用父类的属性和方法;$this用来在类体内调用自身的属性和方法。
<?php class MyObject{ public static $myStaticVar=0; function myMethod(){ self::$myStaticVar+=2; echo self::$myStaticVar; } } $instance1=new MyObject(); $instance1->myMethod(); $instance2=new MyObject(); $instance2->myMethod(); //结果将分别打印2、4
<?php class Book{ static $num=0; public function showMe(){ echo"您是滴".self::$num."位访客"; self::$num++; } } $book1=new Book(); $book1->showMe(); echo"<br>"; $book2=new Book(); $book2->showMe(); echo"<br>"; echo"您是滴".Book::$num."位访客"; ?>结果将是:
<?php final class MyClass{//此类将不允许被继承 final function fun1(){......}//此方法将不允许被重写 }
<?php class clss_a{ private static $name="static class_a"; const PI=3.14; public $value; public static function getName(){ return self::$name; } //这种写法有误,静态方法不能访问非静态属性 public static function getName2(){ return self::$value; } public function getPI(){ return self::PI; } }注意const属性的申明格式是const PI=3.14,而不是const $PI=3.14。
<?php class Fruit { const CONST_VALUE = 'Fruit Color'; } $classname = 'Fruit'; echo $classname::CONST_VALUE; // As of PHP 5.3.0 echo Fruit::CONST_VALUE; ?>Program List:在类定义外部使用::
<?php class Fruit { const CONST_VALUE = 'Fruit Color'; } class Apple extends Fruit { public static $color = 'Red'; public static function doubleColon() { echo parent::CONST_VALUE . "\n"; echo self::$color . "\n"; } }程序运行结果:Fruit Color Red
<?php class Fruit { protected function showColor() { echo "Fruit::showColor()\n"; } } class Apple extends Fruit { // Override parent's definition public function showColor() { // But still call the parent function parent::showColor(); echo "Apple::showColor()\n"; } } $apple = new Apple(); $apple->showColor(); ?>程序运行结果:
<?php class Apple { public function showColor() { return $this->color; } } class Banana { public $color; public function __construct() { $this->color = "Banana is yellow"; } public function GetColor() { return Apple::showColor(); } } $banana = new Banana; echo $banana->GetColor(); ?>程序运行结果:Banana is yellow
<?php class Fruit { static function color() { return "color"; } static function showColor() { echo "show " . self::color(); } } class Apple extends Fruit { static function color() { return "red"; } } Apple::showColor(); // output is "show color"! ?>程序运行结果:show color
标签:php this self parent php面向对象关键字的使用