标签:spark spark sql catalyst external datasource
/** Spark SQL源码分析系列文章*/
(Ps: External DataSource使用篇地址:Spark SQL之External DataSource外部数据源(一)示例 http://blog.csdn.net/oopsoom/article/details/42061077)
Spark SQL在Spark1.2中提供了External DataSource API,开发者可以根据接口来实现自己的外部数据源,如avro, csv, json, parquet等等。
在Spark SQL源代码的org/spark/sql/sources目录下,我们会看到关于External DataSource的相关代码。这里特别介绍几个:
专门负责解析外部数据源SQL的SqlParser,解析create temporary table xxx using options (key ‘value‘, key ‘value‘) 创建加载外部数据源表的语句。
protected lazy val createTable: Parser[LogicalPlan] = CREATE ~ TEMPORARY ~ TABLE ~> ident ~ (USING ~> className) ~ (OPTIONS ~> options) ^^ { case tableName ~ provider ~ opts => CreateTableUsing(tableName, provider, opts) }
一个RunnableCommand,通过反射从外部数据源lib中实例化Relation,然后注册到为temp table。
private[sql] case class CreateTableUsing( tableName: String, provider: String, // org.apache.spark.sql.json options: Map[String, String]) extends RunnableCommand { def run(sqlContext: SQLContext) = { val loader = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader val clazz: Class[_] = try loader.loadClass(provider) catch { //do reflection case cnf: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException => try loader.loadClass(provider + ".DefaultSource") catch { case cnf: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException => sys.error(s"Failed to load class for data source: $provider") } } val dataSource = clazz.newInstance().asInstanceOf[org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RelationProvider] //json包DefaultDataSource val relation = dataSource.createRelation(sqlContext, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options))//创建JsonRelation sqlContext.baseRelationToSchemaRDD(relation).registerTempTable(tableName)//注册 Seq.empty } }
在 Strategy 一文中,我已讲过Streategy的作用,用来Plan生成物理计划的。这里提供了一种专门为了解析外部数据源的策略。
private[sql] object DataSourceStrategy extends Strategy { def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match { case PhysicalOperation(projectList, filters, l @ LogicalRelation(t: CatalystScan)) => pruneFilterProjectRaw( l, projectList, filters, (a, f) => t.buildScan(a, f)) :: Nil ...... case l @ LogicalRelation(t: TableScan) => execution.PhysicalRDD(l.output, t.buildScan()) :: Nil case _ => Nil }3、interfaces.scala
该文件定义了一系列可扩展的外部数据源接口,对于想要接入的外部数据源,我们只需实现该接口即可。里面比较重要的trait RelationProvider 和 BaseRelation,下文会详细介绍。
abstract class BaseRelation { def sqlContext: SQLContext def schema: StructType
abstract class PrunedFilteredScan extends BaseRelation { def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] }
trait RelationProvider { /** * Returns a new base relation with the given parameters. * Note: the parameters‘ keywords are case insensitive and this insensitivity is enforced * by the Map that is passed to the function. */ def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation }
private[sql] case class JSONRelation(fileName: String, samplingRatio: Double)( @transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends TableScan { private def baseRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.textFile(fileName) //读取json file override val schema = JsonRDD.inferSchema( // jsonRDD的inferSchema方法,能自动识别json的schema,和类型type。 baseRDD, samplingRatio, sqlContext.columnNameOfCorruptRecord) override def buildScan() = JsonRDD.jsonStringToRow(baseRDD, schema, sqlContext.columnNameOfCorruptRecord) //这里还是JsonRDD,调用jsonStringToRow查询返回Row }
private[sql] class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider { /** Returns a new base relation with the given parameters. */ override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val fileName = parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("Option ‘path‘ not specified")) val samplingRatio = parameters.get("samplingRatio").map(_.toDouble).getOrElse(1.0) JSONRelation(fileName, samplingRatio)(sqlContext) } }
Spark SQL之External DataSource外部数据源(二)源码分析
标签:spark spark sql catalyst external datasource