想到自己的好多图片还有代码在上一次硬盘挂掉的时候丢失, 心中就是阵痛...
这个简单的shell代码被放在临时的pdf文档中得以被保留了下来... 阿门...今天想写个简单的数据库的时候, 感觉是不是要做个交互页面, 不让用户写程序, 模仿MySQL简单的命令, 用户傻瓜化就好了...
交互的方式可以是shell. 其实中科院孟宁老师的一个OO课的前几课的一个小作业就是自己写个shell. 不难. RTFSC
于是... demo如下:
/********************************************** file:shell_jason.c code writer :EOF code date:2014.05.13 e-mail:jasonleaster@gmail.com **********************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> char command[1024] = {0,}; int main() { printf("\t\t---------shell just for fun-------\t\n\n"); printf("\t\tIf you don't know what you can do, just input help ^_^\n\n"); printf(":) #--> "); scanf("%s",command); while(strcmp(command,"exit")) { if(!strcmp(command,"cd")) { system("cd"); } else if(!strcmp(command,"vim")) { system("vim"); } else if(!strcmp(command,"ls")) { system("ls"); } else if(!strcmp(command,"date")) { system("date"); } else if(!strcmp(command,"help")) { printf("\n\tYou could input command like:cd,vim,ls and date." " This shell was writed just for fun. " " It would let you know what the shell is." " Just enjoy it.\n" " Thank you!\n\t" " Jason Leaster\n\n"); } else { printf("Sorry, I just a naive penguin\n"); } printf("\n:) -->"); scanf("%s",command); } return 0; }
日落黄昏的小情调~ 摄于9月21日 暑假 晚7点