之前有几篇文章提到过node-webkit来开发桌面应用,今天就分享一下我的实战项目《program manager》,此项目被托管在了github上。因为github上有详细介绍,这里我就直接粘贴过来了,不过是英文的介绍。可以直接点击点击打开链接进入github进行查看。
Program manager based on node-webkit(nw),server end(or port) through mysql db server to control the client program.
It is a program manager application that based on node-webkit, as show below:
window7/8(32bit or 64bit)
Before hitting the appliction,you should know how the running the node-webkit application,you can ref to:https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/How-to-package-and-distribute-your-apps . After control above,Now you should have something below,you can drop the project(nw-program-manager) floder to the nw.exe file,then it will running the appliction,good luck for you!
If there are no problems in running the app, you can see below image,now you should choose the user,the client mean the client end(side),the server mean the controller end(side).
Setting the mysql db as below,then click the connect button,if connected the button will become green,and the button text will change to "disconnect"(click it again to disconnect the db).In this case,you should make sure the db server is running,and the setting is right work.(First connectting the db it will auto create the db & tables,next time it will load the data from db server).
As show below picture,Click the Add button to add the app items, after that,the app item row will be added to center.As the same remove button.
As below image showed,click the slect button that layed on app item row,to select the window`s application which controled by other side(controller).
As the same as client side,settting the db and click the coonect button to connect the db server.as below:
After connected the db server, it will auto load the app items form server,and it will update once per second.Then you can control the remote client end`s apps through the run & close button.As below:
If there is any questions,please commit in the issue page,or jion in the QQ group:139761568 . Thanks!
node-webkit实战之《Program Manager》