expdp crm_base/crm_base directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_base.dmp schemas=crm_base logfile=crm_base.log;
-- Create the user
create user CRM_BASE
identified by crm_base
default tablespace DATA_BASE
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_BASE;
grant dba to CRM_BASE;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_BASE;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=base_poc.dmp fromuser=base_poc touser=crm_base log=crm_base_imp.log &
看有没有这个用户9841000691 和其他缺失的表,如果有上传
nohup expdp crm_so/crm_so directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_so.dmp schemas=crm_so logfile=crm_so_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_SO
identified by crm_so
default tablespace DATA_SO
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_SO;
grant dba to CRM_SO;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_SO;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=so_poc.dmp fromuser=so_poc touser=crm_so log=crm_so_imp.log &
nohup expdp crm_party/crm_party directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_party.dmp schemas=crm_party logfile=crm_party_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_PARTY
identified by crm_party
default tablespace DATA_PARTY
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_PARTY;
grant dba to CRM_PARTY;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_PARTY;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=party_poc.dmp fromuser=party_poc touser=crm_party log=crm_party_imp.log &
nohup expdp crm_product/crm_product directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_product.dmp schemas=crm_product logfile=crm_product_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_PRODUCT
identified by crm_product
default tablespace DATA_PRODUCT
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_PRODUCT;
grant dba to CRM_PRODUCT;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_PRODUCT;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=product.dmp fromuser=product touser=crm_product log=crm_product_imp.log &
nohup expdp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_comframe.dmp schemas=crm_comframe logfile=crm_comframe_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_COMFRAME
identified by crm_comframe
default tablespace DATA_COMFRAME
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_COMFRAME;
grant dba to CRM_COMFRAME;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_COMFRAME;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=comframe_poc.dmp fromuser=comframe_poc touser=crm_comframe log=crm_comframe_imp.log &
nohup expdp crm_selfcare/crm_selfcare directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_selfcare.dmp schemas=crm_selfcare logfile=crm_selfcare_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_SELFCARE
default tablespace DATA_SELFCARE
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_SELFCARE;
grant dba to CRM_SELFCARE;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_SELFCARE;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=selfcaredev_poc.dmp fromuser=selfcaredev_poc touser=crm_selfcare log=crm_selfcare_imp.log &
expdp crm_channel/crm_channel directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_channel.dmp schemas=crm_channel logfile=crm_channel.log;
-- Create the user
create user CRM_CHANNEL
identified by crm_channel
default tablespace DATA_CHANNEL
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_CHANNEL;
grant dba to CRM_CHANNEL;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_CHANNEL;
impdp crm_channel/crm_channel directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_channel.dmp remap_schema=crm_channel:crm_channel logfile=crm_channel.log;
expdp crm_sec/crm_sec directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_sec.dmp schemas=crm_sec logfile=crm_sec_exp.log;
-- Create the user
create user CRM_SEC
identified by crm_sec
default tablespace DATA_SEC
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_SEC;
grant dba to CRM_SEC;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_SEC;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=sec_poc.dmp fromuser=sec_poc touser=crm_sec log=crm_sec_imp.log &
nohup expdp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ directory=DIR_SHUAIJG dumpfile=crm_cs.dmp schemas=crm_cs logfile=crm_cs_exp.log &
-- Create the user
create user CRM_CS
identified by crm_cs
default tablespace DATA_CS
temporary tablespace TEMP
profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to CRM_CS;
grant dba to CRM_CS;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant unlimited tablespace to CRM_CS;
nohup imp \‘system/system123 as sysdba\‘ file=cs_poc.dmp fromuser=cs_poc touser=crm_cs log=crm_cs_imp.log &