# Bind MySQL service to all network interfaces.
sed -i ‘s/‘ /etc/mysql/my.cnf
sed原理:sed以文本的行为单位进行处理,一次处理一行内容。首先sed把当前处理的行存储在临时缓冲区中(称为模式空间pattern space),接着处理缓冲区中的行,处理完成后,把缓冲区的内容送往屏幕。sed处理完一行就将其从临时缓冲区删除,然后将下一行读入,进行处理和显示,这样不断的重复,直到文件末尾。处理完文件的最后一行后,sed便结束运行。
#sed [-nefri][命令]
-e: --expression直接在命令模式上进行sed的动作编辑。sed -e ‘...‘ -e ‘...‘ -e ‘...‘
下面我们拿Emilia的Big Big World中的部分歌词文件song.txt举例,其内容如下:
$ cat song.txt
I‘m a big big girl
In a big big world
It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much
sed ‘s/big/small/‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘s/big/small/‘ song.txt I‘m a small big girl In a small big world It‘s not a small big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much
sed ‘s/big/small/g‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘s/big/small/g‘ song.txt I‘m a small small girl In a small small world It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much
Note:这里也可以使用 sed ‘s#big#small#g‘ song.txt ,紧跟s命令的符号都会被认为是查找串和替换串之间的分隔符,这里使用#,其实无论什么字符串(换行符,反斜线除外),只要紧跟s命令,就成了新的串分隔符。
将song.txt文件中每行第2个big替换为small: sed ‘s/big/small/2‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘s/big/small/2‘ song.txt I‘m a big small girl In a big small world It‘s not a big small thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much
$ sed ‘s\big\small\g‘ song.txt >song.bak
或使用-i直接修改文件内容:sed -i ‘s\big\small\g‘ song.txt
$ sed -i ‘s\big\small\g‘ song.txt
$ cat song.txt
I‘m a small small girl
In a small small world
It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much
sed 的[-i]参数可以直接修改文件内容,该功能非常有用!
正因为sed -i 功能强大,可以直接修改原始文件,也是个危险的动作,需小心使用。
sed "1,3s/big/small/g; 4,5s/do/don‘t/g" song.txt
$ sed "1,3s/big/small/g; 4,5s/do/don‘t/g" song.txt
I‘m a small small girl
In a small small world
It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me
But I don‘t don‘t feel
that I don‘t don‘t will miss you much
Miss you much
上面的命令等价于:sed -e "1,3s/big/small/g" -e "4,5s/do/don‘t/g" song.txt
$ sed -e "1,3s/big/small/g" -e "4,5s/do/don‘t/g" song.txt
I‘m a small small girl
In a small small world
It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me
But I don‘t don‘t feel
that I don‘t don‘t will miss you much
Miss you much
删除song.txt文件中包含“Miss”的行 :sed ‘/Miss/d‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘/Miss/d‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl In a big big world It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much
删除song.txt文件中的第1行:sed ‘1d‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘1d‘ song.txt
In a big big world
It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much
删除song.txt文件中2到5行:sed ‘2,5d‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘2,5d‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl Miss you much
删除song.txt文件中第3行之后的行:sed ‘3,$d‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘3,$d‘ song.txt
I‘m a big big girl
In a big big world
在song.txt文件中第3行后插入一行并直接作用于song.txt:sed ‘3a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ song.txt 【用空格作为分隔符】
$ sed -i ‘3a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ song.txt
$ cat song.txt
I‘m a big big girl
In a big big world
It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much
在匹配‘Miss‘的行后插入一行:sed ‘/Miss/a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‘ song.txt 【用空格作为分隔符】
I‘m a small small girl
In a small small world
It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me
But I do do feel
that I do do will miss you much
Miss you much
在song.txt最后插入一行:sed ‘$a append line‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘$a append line‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl In a big big world It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much append line
在song.txt文件中第3行后插入一行:sed ‘3i#iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘ song.txt 【#作为分隔符】
$ sed ‘3i#iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘ song.txt I‘m a small small girl In a small small world iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much
在song.txt文件中匹配‘Miss‘的行前面插入一行:sed ‘/Miss/i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘ song.txt【空格作为分隔符】
$ sed ‘/Miss/i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii‘ song.txt I‘m a small small girl In a small small world It‘s not a small small thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Miss you much
插入相同的行,在第2行到第5行之后均插入一行:sed ‘2,5a append one line ‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘2,5a append one line ‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl In a big big world append one line It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me append one line But I do do feel append one line that I do do will miss you much append one line Miss you much
在第2行后面插入三行:sed ‘2a append one line \nappend two line \nappend three line‘ song.txt
liuxiaoyan@development:~/mytest$ sed ‘2a append one line \nappend two line \nappend three line‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl In a big big world append one line append two line append three line It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much
把第2到第5行的内容替换为2-5content:sed ‘2,5c 2-5content‘ song.txt
$ sed ‘2,5c 2-5content‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl 2-5content Miss you much
显示song.txt文件中的第2到第5行: sed -n ‘2,5p‘ song.txt
$ sed -n ‘2,5p‘ song.txt In a big big world It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much
显示匹配‘Miss‘的行:sed -n ‘/Miss/p‘ song.txt
$ sed -n ‘/Miss/p‘ song.txt Miss you much
上面的p命令显示时,用到-n参数,因为sed默认把输入行打印在屏幕上:sed ‘/Miss/p‘ song.txt
liuxiaoyan@development:~/mytest$ sed ‘/Miss/p‘ song.txt I‘m a big big girl In a big big world It‘s not a big big thing if you leave me But I do do feel that I do do will miss you much Miss you much Miss you much
[^] :匹配不在指定字符集合里的任一字符。