Dinic算法主要思想也是基于FF算法的,改进的地方也是减少寻找增广路径的迭代次数。此处Dinitz大师引用了一个非常聪明的数据结构,Layer Network,分层网络,该结构是由BFS tree启发得到的,它跟BFS tree的区别在于,BFS tree只保存到每一层的一条边,这样就导致了利用BFS tree一次只能发现一条增广路径,而分层网络保存了到每一层的所有边,但层内的边不保存。
__author__ = 'xanxus' nodeNum, edgeNum = 0, 0 arcs = [] class Arc(object): def __init__(self): self.src = -1 self.dst = -1 self.cap = -1 class Layer(object): def __init__(self): self.nodeSet = set() self.arcList = [] s, t = -1, -1 with open('demo.dimacs') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('p'): tokens = line.split(' ') nodeNum = int(tokens[2]) edgeNum = tokens[3] if line.startswith('n'): tokens = line.split(' ') if tokens[2] == 's': s = int(tokens[1]) if tokens[2] == 't': t = int(tokens[1]) if line.startswith('a'): tokens = line.split(' ') arc = Arc() arc.src = int(tokens[1]) arc.dst = int(tokens[2]) arc.cap = int(tokens[3]) arcs.append(arc) nodes = [-1] * nodeNum for i in range(s, t + 1): nodes[i - s] = i adjacent_matrix = [[0 for i in range(nodeNum)] for j in range(nodeNum)] for arc in arcs: adjacent_matrix[arc.src - s][arc.dst - s] = arc.cap def getLayerNetwork(current, ln, augment_set): if t - s in ln[current].nodeSet: return for i in ln[current].nodeSet: augment_set.add(i) has_augment = False for j in range(len(adjacent_matrix)): if adjacent_matrix[i][j] != 0: if len(ln) == current + 1: ln.append(Layer()) if j not in augment_set and j not in ln[current].nodeSet: has_augment = True ln[current + 1].nodeSet.add(j) arc = Arc() arc.src, arc.dst, arc.cap = i, j, adjacent_matrix[i][j] ln[current].arcList.append(arc) if not has_augment and (i != t - s or i != 0): augment_set.remove(i) filter(lambda x: x == i, ln[current].nodeSet) newArcList = [] for arc in ln[current - 1].arcList: if arc.dst != i: newArcList.append(arc) ln[current - 1].arcList = newArcList if len(ln) == current + 1: return getLayerNetwork(current + 1, ln, augment_set) def get_path(layerNetwork, src, current, path): for arc in layerNetwork[current].arcList: if arc.src == src and arc.cap != 0: path.append(arc) get_path(layerNetwork, arc.dst, current + 1, path) return def find_blocking_flow(layerNetwork): sum_flow = 0 while (True): path = [] get_path(layerNetwork, 0, 0, path) if path[-1].dst != t - s: break else: bottleneck = min([arc.cap for arc in path]) for arc in path: arc.cap -= bottleneck sum_flow += bottleneck return sum_flow max_flow = 0 while (True): layerNetwork = [] firstLayer = Layer() firstLayer.nodeSet.add(0) layerNetwork.append(firstLayer) augment_set = set() augment_set.add(0) getLayerNetwork(0, layerNetwork, augment_set) if t - s not in layerNetwork[-1].nodeSet: break current_flow = find_blocking_flow(layerNetwork) if current_flow == 0: break else: max_flow += current_flow # add the backward arcs for layer in layerNetwork: for arc in layer.arcList: adjacent_matrix[arc.dst][arc.src] += adjacent_matrix[arc.src][arc.dst] - arc.cap adjacent_matrix[arc.src][arc.dst] = arc.cap for arc in arcs: print 'f %d %d %d' % (arc.src, arc.dst, arc.cap - adjacent_matrix[arc.src - s][arc.dst - s])