本代码是在查看Android ActivityManagerService的源代码时发现的一个现象,记录一下
AThread --> run() --> do Some thing --> notify main Thread --> wait
MainThread --> wait --> be notified and do some thing --> notify AThread
public static final Context main(int factoryTest) { AThread thr = new AThread(); thr.start(); synchronized (thr) { while (thr.mService == null) { try { thr.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } //do some thing ... ... synchronized (thr) { thr.mReady = true; thr.notifyAll();// notify AThread } return context; } // ActivityManagerService的内部类 static class AThread extends Thread { ActivityManagerService mService; Looper mLooper; boolean mReady = false; public AThread() { super("ActivityManager"); } @Override public void run() { Looper.prepare(); ... ... synchronized (this) { mService = m; mLooper = Looper.myLooper(); Watchdog.getInstance().addThread(new Handler(mLooper), getName()); notifyAll();// 通知 main thread } synchronized (this) { while (!mReady) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } Looper.loop(); } }