标签:advertising id 广告 id google advertising i advertising id变现 广告 id 变现
AdVertising ID (广告ID)
广告id是用户特殊的,独特的,可重置的广告id,由Google Play Service 提供,它为用户更好的控制,为开发人员提供简单、标准的系统继续使用你的应用程序,它用于广告目的的匿名标示符和或者重置起标示符或者退出以利益为基础的Google Play的医用程序。
广告 ID 可以通过简单的API在你的应用程序中实现。
获取Google Play Service SDK——从下载好的Android SDK 的 Extras 目录下找 library 下面的google-play-service.jar
Play Service中。
ID 格式
Google Play Service 的API 暴露和用户的 ID 为 UUID 的字符串格式。
广告 ID API支持Google Play Service 4.0+ 的设备
对具体设备的支持是基于设备安装的Google Paly Service 的版本
如果你应用程序想要使用广告ID,你的设备就必须安装Google Play Service
Play Service的的库中。获得用户的广告ID和跟踪偏好,调用方法getadvertisingidinfo(),它返回一个advertisingidclient信息封装。用户当前的广告ID和跟踪偏好。
Method | Description |
public String getId() |
Retrieves the advertising ID. |
public boolean isLimitAdTrackingEnabled() |
Retrieves whether the user has limit ad tracking enabled or not. |
<span style="font-size:14px;">import com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient; import com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient.Info; import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException; import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException; import java.io.IOException; ... // Do not call this function from the main thread. Otherwise, // an IllegalStateException will be thrown. public void getIdThread() { Info adInfo = null; try { adInfo = AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(mContext); } catch (IOException e) { // Unrecoverable error connecting to Google Play services (e.g., // the old version of the service doesn't support getting AdvertisingId). } catch (GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException e) { // Encountered a recoverable error connecting to Google Play services. } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) { // Google Play services is not available entirely. } final String id = adInfo.getId(); final boolean isLAT = adInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled(); }</span>
这种方式就要求手机本身安装了Google Play Service,这里采用绑定Service和夸进程通信的方式获取广告ID。
创建一个类 AdvertisingIdClient.java
<span style="font-size:14px;">public class AdvertisingIdClient { public static final class AdInfo { private final String advertisingId; private final boolean limitAdTrackingEnabled; AdInfo(String advertisingId, boolean limitAdTrackingEnabled) { this.advertisingId = advertisingId; this.limitAdTrackingEnabled = limitAdTrackingEnabled; } public String getId() { return this.advertisingId; } public boolean isLimitAdTrackingEnabled() { return this.limitAdTrackingEnabled; } } public static AdInfo getAdvertisingIdInfo(Context context) throws Exception { if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot be called from the main thread"); try { PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); pm.getPackageInfo("com.android.vending", 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } AdvertisingConnection connection = new AdvertisingConnection(); Intent intent = new Intent( "com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START"); intent.setPackage("com.google.android.gms"); if (context.bindService(intent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) { try { AdvertisingInterface adInterface = new AdvertisingInterface( connection.getBinder()); AdInfo adInfo = new AdInfo(adInterface.getId(), adInterface.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled(true)); return adInfo; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { context.unbindService(connection); } } throw new IOException("Google Play connection failed"); } private static final class AdvertisingConnection implements ServiceConnection { boolean retrieved = false; private final LinkedBlockingQueue<IBinder> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<IBinder>( 1); public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { try { this.queue.put(service); } catch (InterruptedException localInterruptedException) { } } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { } public IBinder getBinder() throws InterruptedException { if (this.retrieved) throw new IllegalStateException(); this.retrieved = true; return (IBinder) this.queue.take(); } } private static final class AdvertisingInterface implements IInterface { private IBinder binder; public AdvertisingInterface(IBinder pBinder) { binder = pBinder; } public IBinder asBinder() { return binder; } public String getId() throws RemoteException { Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); String id; try { data.writeInterfaceToken("com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.internal.IAdvertisingIdService"); binder.transact(1, data, reply, 0); reply.readException(); id = reply.readString(); } finally { reply.recycle(); data.recycle(); } return id; } public boolean isLimitAdTrackingEnabled(boolean paramBoolean) throws RemoteException { Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); boolean limitAdTracking; try { data.writeInterfaceToken("com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.internal.IAdvertisingIdService"); data.writeInt(paramBoolean ? 1 : 0); binder.transact(2, data, reply, 0); reply.readException(); limitAdTracking = 0 != reply.readInt(); } finally { reply.recycle(); data.recycle(); } return limitAdTracking; } } }</span>
<span style="font-size:14px;">new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AdInfo adInfo = AdvertisingIdClient .getAdvertisingIdInfo(MainActivity.this); advertisingId = adInfo.getId(); optOutEnabled = adInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled(); // Log.i("ABC", "advertisingId" + advertisingId); // Log.i("ABC", "optOutEnabled" + optOutEnabled); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(HANDEL_ADID); } }).start();</span>
Android Advertising ID 简介以及快速集成和使用
标签:advertising id 广告 id google advertising i advertising id变现 广告 id 变现