在ILOM中,root用户的缺省密码是changeme. 为了系统的安全性,通常情况下需要修改root密码. 如果忘了密码,可以参考以下步骤重置root密码。
SUNSP-0000000000 login: default
Press and release the physical presence button.
Press return when this is completed...
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5xxx servers and X-Series is the Locator button
SPARC T3-1/T4-1: (rear) pin-hole to the left of the USB ports
SPARC T3-2/T4-2: (rear) pin-hole to the left of NET0
SPARC T3-4/T4-4: (rear) to the right of OK LED, above the USB port
SPARC T3-1b/T4-1b: (front) Locate button/Physical Presence (White LED)
default的缺省密码是: defaultpassword
-> set /SP/users/root password=changeme
Changing password for user /SP/users/root...
Enter new password again: *********
New password was successfully set for user /SP/users/root