$SQOOP2_HOME/bin/sqoop.sh client
sqoop:000> set server --host hadoop000 --port 12000 --webapp sqoop Server is set successfully
sqoop:000> create connection --cid 1 Creating connection for connector with id 1 Please fill following values to create new connection object Name: TBLS_IMPORT_DEMO Connection configuration JDBC Driver Class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JDBC Connection String: jdbc:mysql://hadoop000:3306/hive Username: root Password: **** JDBC Connection Properties: There are currently 0 values in the map: entry# Security related configuration options Max connections: 10 New connection was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id 10
sqoop:000> create job --xid 10 --type import Creating job for connection with id 10 Please fill following values to create new job object Name: tbls_import Database configuration Schema name: hive Table name: TBLS Table SQL statement: Table column names: Partition column name: Nulls in partition column: Boundary query: Output configuration Storage type: 0 : HDFS Choose: 0 Output format: 0 : TEXT_FILE 1 : SEQUENCE_FILE Choose: 0 Compression format: 0 : NONE 1 : DEFAULT 2 : DEFLATE 3 : GZIP 4 : BZIP2 5 : LZO 6 : LZ4 7 : SNAPPY Choose: 0 Output directory: hdfs://hadoop000:8020/sqoop2/tbls_import_demo Throttling resources Extractors: Loaders: New job was successfully created with validation status FINE and persistent id 6
start job --jid 6
status job --jid 6
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://hadoop000:8020/sqoop2/tbls_import_demo