在介绍K-均值之前,先讨论一席簇识别(cluster identification)。簇识别给出聚类结果的含义。假定有一些数据,现在将相似数据归到一起,簇识别会告诉我们这些簇到底都是些什么。聚类与分类的最大不同在于,分类的目标事先已经知道,而聚类则不一样。因为其产生的结果与分类相同,只是类别没有预先定义,聚类有时也被称为无监督分类(unsupervised classification)。
创建k个点作为起始质心(经常是随机选择) 当任意一个点的簇分配结果发生改变时 对数据集中的每个数据点 对每个质心 计算质心与数据点之间的距离 将数据点分配到距其最近的簇 对每一个簇,计算簇中所有点的均值并将均值作为质心
template<typename T> class KMEANS { private: vector< vector<T> > dataSet;//the data set vector< T > mmin,mmax; int colLen,rowLen;//colLen:the dimension of vector;rowLen:the number of vectors int k; vector< vector<T> > centroids; typedef struct MinMax { T Min; T Max; MinMax(T min , T max):Min(min),Max(max) {} }tMinMax; typedef struct Node { int minIndex; //the index of each node double minDist; Node(int idx,double dist):minIndex(idx),minDist(dist) {} }tNode; vector<tNode> clusterAssment; /*split line into numbers*/ void split(char *buffer , vector<T> &vec); tMinMax getMinMax(int idx); void setCentroids(tMinMax &tminmax , int idx); void updateCentroids(); void initClusterAssment(); double distEclud(vector<T> &v1 , vector<T> &v2); public: KMEANS(int k); void loadDataSet(char *filename); void randCent(); void print(); void kmeans(); };数据成员:
+vector< vector<T> > dataSet:训练数据,即所有点的集合,是一个二维的矩阵。
+vector< vector<T> > centroids:k个簇的中心点
+vector<tNode> clusterAssment:代表每一个向量所属的类别(簇)。
+void loadDataSet( char *filename ):读入文件信息并初始化dataSet以及colLen、rowLen。
+void split(char *buffer , vector<T> &vec):将一行切分成多个数值放入容器中。
+void randCent():随机生成k个中心点
+void kmeans():kmeans的核心函数,计算k个中心点以及每个点的归类。
+double distEclud(vector<T> &v1 , vector<T> &v2):计算两个向量的欧式距离。
+void print():打印结果
template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::kmeans() { initClusterAssment(); bool clusterChanged = true; //the termination condition can also be the loops less than some number such as 1000 while( clusterChanged ) { clusterChanged = false; //step one : find the nearest centroid of each point cout<<"find the nearest centroid of each point : "<<endl; for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { int minIndex = -1; double minDist = INT_MAX; //distance between dataSet[i] and all centroids for(int j=0;j<k;j++) { double distJI = distEclud( centroids[j],dataSet[i] ); if( distJI < minDist ) { minDist = distJI; minIndex = j; } } //update the cluster which the dataSet[i] belongs to... if( clusterAssment[i].minIndex != minIndex ) { clusterChanged = true; clusterAssment[i].minIndex = minIndex; clusterAssment[i].minDist = minDist ; } } //step two : update the centroids cout<<"update the centroids:"<<endl; for(int cent=0;cent<k;cent++) { vector<T> vec(colLen,0); int cnt = 0; for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { if( clusterAssment[i].minIndex == cent ) { ++cnt; //sum of two vectors for(int j=0;j<colLen;j++) { vec[j] += dataSet[i].at(j); } } } //mean of the vector and update the centroids[cent] for(int i=0;i<colLen;i++) { if( cnt!=0 ) vec[i] /= cnt; centroids[cent].at(i) = vec[i]; } }//for print();//update the centroids }//while #if 0 typename vector<tNode> :: iterator it = clusterAssment.begin(); while( it!=clusterAssment.end() ) { cout<<(*it).minIndex<<"\t"<<(*it).minDist<<endl; it++; } #endif }
line 4:首先初始化clusterAssment的值,每个元素为一个结构体,一个域值为簇的索引值;一个域值为存储误差。
line 5:创建一个标志变量clusterChanged,如果该值为true,说明有点改变了类的归属,那么继续迭代,知道没有任何一个点改变了簇的归属为止。当然还有一种方法来作为循环的结束条件:循环的次数,例如循环在1000次以内计算。
line 12~33:第一步:找到每个点距离最近的中心点。line17~25 计算dataSet的第i个向量距离所有簇中心centroids的距离。line27~32 如果簇中心有所变化然后更新。
line 37~60:第二步:将同一类的向量相加并且求平均然后更新簇中心点centroids的值。
1.658985 4.285136 -3.453687 3.424321 4.838138 -1.151539 -5.379713 -3.362104 0.972564 2.924086 -3.567919 1.531611 0.450614 -3.302219 -3.487105 -1.724432 2.668759 1.594842 -3.156485 3.191137 3.165506 -3.999838 -2.786837 -3.099354 4.208187 2.984927 -2.123337 2.943366 0.704199 -0.479481 -0.392370 -3.963704 2.831667 1.574018 -0.790153 3.343144 2.943496 -3.357075 -3.195883 -2.283926 2.336445 2.875106
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> #include<fstream> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<string> #include<time.h> //for srand #include<limits.h> //for INT_MIN INT_MAX using namespace std; template<typename T> class KMEANS { private: vector< vector<T> > dataSet;//the data set vector< T > mmin,mmax; int colLen,rowLen;//colLen:the dimension of vector;rowLen:the number of vectors int k; vector< vector<T> > centroids; typedef struct MinMax { T Min; T Max; MinMax(T min , T max):Min(min),Max(max) {} }tMinMax; typedef struct Node { int minIndex; //the index of each node double minDist; Node(int idx,double dist):minIndex(idx),minDist(dist) {} }tNode; vector<tNode> clusterAssment; /*split line into numbers*/ void split(char *buffer , vector<T> &vec); tMinMax getMinMax(int idx); void setCentroids(tMinMax &tminmax , int idx); void initClusterAssment(); double distEclud(vector<T> &v1 , vector<T> &v2); public: KMEANS(int k); void loadDataSet(char *filename); void randCent(); void print(); void kmeans(); }; template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::initClusterAssment() { tNode node(-1,-1); for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { clusterAssment.push_back(node); } } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::kmeans() { initClusterAssment(); bool clusterChanged = true; //the termination condition can also be the loops less than some number such as 1000 while( clusterChanged ) { clusterChanged = false; //step one : find the nearest centroid of each point cout<<"find the nearest centroid of each point : "<<endl; for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { int minIndex = -1; double minDist = INT_MAX; for(int j=0;j<k;j++) { double distJI = distEclud( centroids[j],dataSet[i] ); if( distJI < minDist ) { minDist = distJI; minIndex = j; } } if( clusterAssment[i].minIndex != minIndex ) { clusterChanged = true; clusterAssment[i].minIndex = minIndex; clusterAssment[i].minDist = minDist ; } } //step two : update the centroids cout<<"update the centroids:"<<endl; for(int cent=0;cent<k;cent++) { vector<T> vec(colLen,0); int cnt = 0; for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { if( clusterAssment[i].minIndex == cent ) { ++cnt; //sum of two vectors for(int j=0;j<colLen;j++) { vec[j] += dataSet[i].at(j); } } } //mean of the vector and update the centroids[cent] for(int i=0;i<colLen;i++) { if( cnt!=0 ) vec[i] /= cnt; centroids[cent].at(i) = vec[i]; } }//for print();//update the centroids }//while #if 0 typename vector<tNode> :: iterator it = clusterAssment.begin(); while( it!=clusterAssment.end() ) { cout<<(*it).minIndex<<"\t"<<(*it).minDist<<endl; it++; } #endif } template<typename T> KMEANS<T>::KMEANS(int k) { this->k = k; } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::setCentroids(tMinMax &tminmax,int idx) { T rangeIdx = tminmax.Max - tminmax.Min; for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { /* generate float data between 0 and 1 */ centroids[i].at(idx) = tminmax.Min + rangeIdx * ( rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) ; } } //get the min and max value of the idx column template<typename T> typename KMEANS<T>::tMinMax KMEANS<T>::getMinMax(int idx) { T min , max ; dataSet[0].at(idx) > dataSet[1].at(idx) ? ( max = dataSet[0].at(idx),min = dataSet[1].at(idx) ) : ( max = dataSet[1].at(idx),min = dataSet[0].at(idx) ) ; for(int i=2;i<rowLen;i++) { if( dataSet[i].at(idx) < min ) min = dataSet[i].at(idx); else if( dataSet[i].at(idx) > max ) max = dataSet[i].at(idx); else continue; } tMinMax tminmax(min,max); return tminmax; } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::randCent() { //init centroids vector<T> vec(colLen,0); for(int i=0;i<k;i++) { centroids.push_back(vec); } //set values by column srand( time(NULL) ); for(int j=0;j<colLen;j++) { tMinMax tminmax = getMinMax(j); setCentroids(tminmax,j); } } template<typename T> double KMEANS<T>::distEclud(vector<T> &v1 , vector<T> &v2) { T sum = 0; int size = v1.size(); for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { sum += (v1[i] - v2[i])*(v1[i] - v2[i]); } return sum; } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::split(char *buffer , vector<T> &vec) { char *p = strtok(buffer," \t"); while(p!=NULL) { vec.push_back( atof(p) ); p = strtok( NULL," " ); } } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>::print() { ofstream fout; fout.open("res.txt"); if(!fout) { cout<<"file res.txt open failed"<<endl; exit(0); } #if 0 typename vector< vector<T> > :: iterator it = centroids.begin(); while( it!=centroids.end() ) { typename vector<T> :: iterator it2 = (*it).begin(); while( it2 != (*it).end() ) { //fout<<*it2<<"\t"; cout<<*it2<<"\t"; it2++; } //fout<<endl; cout<<endl; it++; } #endif typename vector< vector<T> > :: iterator it = dataSet.begin(); typename vector< tNode > :: iterator itt = clusterAssment.begin(); for(int i=0;i<rowLen;i++) { typename vector<T> :: iterator it2 = (*it).begin(); while( it2!=(*it).end() ) { fout<<*it2<<"\t"; it2++; } fout<<(*itt).minIndex<<endl; itt++; it++; } } template<typename T> void KMEANS<T>:: loadDataSet(char *filename) { FILE *pFile; pFile = fopen(filename,"r"); if( !pFile ) { printf("open file %s failed...\n",filename); exit(0); } //init dataSet char *buffer = new char[100]; vector<T> temp; while( fgets(buffer,100,pFile) ) { temp.clear(); split(buffer,temp); dataSet.push_back(temp); } //init colLen,rowLen colLen = dataSet[0].size(); rowLen = dataSet.size(); } int main( int argc , char *argv[]) { if(argc!=3) { cout<<"Usage : ./a.out filename k"<<endl; exit(0); } char *filename = argv[1]; int k = atoi(argv[2]); KMEANS<double> kms(k); kms.loadDataSet(filename); kms.randCent(); kms.kmeans(); return 0; }
target: g++ kmeans.cc ./a.out testSet.txt 4
1.65898 4.28514 2 -3.45369 3.42432 1 4.83814 -1.15154 3 -5.37971 -3.3621 0 0.972564 2.92409 2 -3.56792 1.53161 1 0.450614 -3.30222 3 -3.48711 -1.72443 0 2.66876 1.59484 2 -3.15649 3.19114 1 3.16551 -3.99984 3 -2.78684 -3.09935 0 4.20819 2.98493 2 -2.12334 2.94337 1 0.704199 -0.479481 3 -0.39237 -3.9637 3 2.83167 1.57402 2 -0.790153 3.34314 1 2.9435 -3.35708 3 -3.19588 -2.28393 0 2.33644 2.87511 2 -1.78635 2.55425 1 2.1901 -1.90602 3 -3.40337 -2.77829 0 1.77812 3.88083 2 -1.68835 2.23027 1 2.59298 -2.05437 3 -4.00726 -3.20707 0 2.25773 3.38756 2 -2.67901 0.785119 1 。。。。。
将res.txt对应的值画成图,需要用到python的一些包( python2.7.3+NumPy+matplotlib:http://yunpan.cn/cyRSixGj49HVq(提取码:80be) ):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': fp = open('res.txt', 'r') colors = ['ro', 'go', 'bo', 'mo', 'co'] plt.figure() for line in fp: a = line.strip('\n').split() xi = float(a[0]) yi = float(a[1]) kind = int(a[2]) plt.plot(xi, yi, colors[kind], markersize=5) fp.close() plt.savefig('res.png')