Hibernate understands both the Java and JDBC representations of application data. The ability to read and write object data to a database is called marshalling, and is the function of a Hibernate type
. A type
is an implementation of the org.hibernate.type.Type
interface. A Hibernate type
describes various aspects of behavior of the Java type such as how to check for equality and how to clone values.
A Hibernate type
is neither a Java type nor a SQL datatype. It provides information about both of these.
When you encounter the term type in regards to Hibernate, it may refer to the Java type, the JDBC type, or the Hibernate type, depending on context.
Basic value types usually map a single database value, or column, to a single, non-aggregated Java type. Hibernate provides a number of built-in basic types, which follow the natural mappings recommended in the JDBC specifications. You can override these mappings and provide and use alternative mappings. These topics are discussed further on.
Table 1.1. Basic Type Mappings
Hibernate type | Database type | JDBC type | Type registry |
org.hibernate.type.StringType | string | VARCHAR | string, java.lang.String |
org.hibernate.type.MaterializedClob | string | CLOB | materialized_clob |
org.hibernate.type.TextType | string | LONGVARCHAR | text |
org.hibernate.type.CharacterType | char, java.lang.Character | CHAR | char, java.lang.Character |
org.hibernate.type.BooleanType | boolean | BIT | boolean, java.lang.Boolean |
org.hibernate.type.NumericBooleanType | boolean | INTEGER, 0 is false, 1 is true | numeric_boolean |
org.hibernate.type.YesNoType | boolean | CHAR, ‘N‘/‘n‘ is false, ‘Y‘/‘y‘ is true. The uppercase value is written to the database. | yes_no |
org.hibernate.type.TrueFalseType | boolean | CHAR, ‘F‘/‘f‘ is false, ‘T‘/‘t‘ is true. The uppercase value is written to the database. | true_false |
org.hibernate.type.ByteType | byte, java.lang.Byte | TINYINT | byte, java.lang.Byte |
org.hibernate.type.ShortType | short, java.lang.Short | SMALLINT | short, java.lang.Short |
org.hibernate.type.IntegerTypes | int, java.lang.Integer | INTEGER | int, java.lang.Integer |
org.hibernate.type.LongType | long, java.lang.Long | BIGINT | long, java.lang.Long |
org.hibernate.type.FloatType | float, java.lang.Float | FLOAT | float, java.lang.Float |
org.hibernate.type.DoubleType | double, java.lang.Double | DOUBLE | double, java.lang.Double |
org.hibernate.type.BigIntegerType | java.math.BigInteger | NUMERIC | big_integer |
org.hibernate.type.BigDecimalType | java.math.BigDecimal | NUMERIC | big_decimal, java.math.bigDecimal |
org.hibernate.type.TimestampType | java.sql.Timestamp | TIMESTAMP | timestamp, java.sql.Timestamp |
org.hibernate.type.TimeType | java.sql.Time | TIME | time, java.sql.Time |
org.hibernate.type.DateType | java.sql.Date | DATE | date, java.sql.Date |
org.hibernate.type.CalendarType | java.util.Calendar | TIMESTAMP | calendar, java.util.Calendar |
org.hibernate.type.CalendarDateType | java.util.Calendar | DATE | calendar_date |
org.hibernate.type.CurrencyType | java.util.Currency | VARCHAR | currency, java.util.Currency |
org.hibernate.type.LocaleType | java.util.Locale | VARCHAR | locale, java.utility.locale |
org.hibernate.type.TimeZoneType | java.util.TimeZone | VARCHAR, using the TimeZone ID | timezone, java.util.TimeZone |
org.hibernate.type.UrlType | java.net.URL | VARCHAR | url, java.net.URL |
org.hibernate.type.ClassType | java.lang.Class | VARCHAR, using the class name | class, java.lang.Class |
org.hibernate.type.BlobType | java.sql.Blob | BLOB | blog, java.sql.Blob |
org.hibernate.type.ClobType | java.sql.Clob | CLOB | clob, java.sql.Clob |
org.hibernate.type.BinaryType | primitive byte[] | VARBINARY | binary, byte[] |
org.hibernate.type.MaterializedBlobType | primitive byte[] | BLOB | materized_blob |
org.hibernate.type.ImageType | primitive byte[] | LONGVARBINARY | image |
org.hibernate.type.BinaryType | java.lang.Byte[] | VARBINARY | wrapper-binary |
org.hibernate.type.CharArrayType | char[] | VARCHAR | characters, char[] |
org.hibernate.type.CharacterArrayType | java.lang.Character[] | VARCHAR | wrapper-characters, Character[], java.lang.Character[] |
org.hibernate.type.UUIDBinaryType | java.util.UUID | BINARY | uuid-binary, java.util.UUID |
org.hibernate.type.UUIDCharType | java.util.UUID | CHAR, can also read VARCHAR | uuid-char |
org.hibernate.type.PostgresUUIDType | java.util.UUID | PostgreSQL UUID, through Types#OTHER, which complies to the PostgreSQL JDBC driver definition | pg-uuid |
org.hibernate.type.SerializableType | implementors of java.lang.Serializable | VARBINARY | Unlike the other value types, multiple instances of this type are registered. It is registered once under java.io.Serializable, and registered under the specific java.io.Serializable implementation class names. |
National Character types, which is a new feature since JDBC 4.0 API, now available in hibernate type system. National Language Support enables you retrieve data or insert data into a database in any character set that the underlying database supports.
Depending on your environment, you might want to set the configuration option hibernate.use_nationalized_character_data to true and having all string or clob based attributes having this national character support automatically. There is nothing else to be changed, and you don‘t have to use any hibernate specific mapping, so it is portable ( though the national character support feature is not required and may not work on other JPA provider impl ).
The other way of using this feature is having the @Nationalized
annotation on the attribute
that should be nationalized. This only works on string based
attributes, including string, char, char array and clob.
@Entity( name="NationalizedEntity") public static class NationalizedEntity { @Id private Integer id; @Nationalized private String nvarcharAtt; @Lob @Nationalized private String materializedNclobAtt; @Lob @Nationalized private NClob nclobAtt; @Nationalized private Character ncharacterAtt; @Nationalized private Character[] ncharArrAtt; @Type(type = "ntext") private String nlongvarcharcharAtt; }
Table 1.2. National Character Type Mappings
Hibernate type | Database type | JDBC type | Type registry |
org.hibernate.type.StringNVarcharType | string | NVARCHAR | nstring |
org.hibernate.type.NTextType | string | LONGNVARCHAR | materialized_clob |
org.hibernate.type.NClobType | java.sql.NClob | NCLOB | nclob |
org.hibernate.type.MaterializedNClobType | string | NCLOB | materialized_nclob |
org.hibernate.type.PrimitiveCharacterArrayNClobType | char[] | NCHAR | char[] |
org.hibernate.type.CharacterNCharType | java.lang.Character | NCHAR | ncharacter |
org.hibernate.type.CharacterArrayNClobType | java.lang.Character[] | NCLOB | Character[], java.lang.Character[] |
Composite types, or embedded types, as they are called by the Java Persistence API, have traditionally been called components in Hibernate. All of these terms mean the same thing.
Components represent aggregations of values into a single Java type. An example is an
class, which aggregates street, city, state, and postal code. A composite type
behaves in a similar way to an entity. They are each classes written specifically for an application. They may
both include references to other application-specific classes, as well as to collections and simple JDK
types. The only distinguishing factors are that a component does not have its own lifecycle or define an
A collection type refers to the data type itself, not its contents.
A Collection denotes a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship between tables of a database.
Refer to the chapter on Collections for more information on collections.
Entities are application-specific classes which correlate to rows in a table, using a unique identifier. Because of the requirement for a unique identifier, ntities exist independently and define their own lifecycle. As an example, deleting a Membership should not delete the User or the Group. For more information, see the chapter on Persistent Classes.