As we know that in C# using() is suggested to avoid resourceleak or other good purposes, but in some cases it may be not suitable to use it,let me describe some of such kind of scenarios:
Assume that we have one MainForm which is the main windows of our App, which has 3 buttons on the UI and there is one child form ChildForm, which has one close button on the UI:
Design MainForm.cs as following code:
public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
private void usingChildForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (ChildForm myForm = new ChildForm())
myForm.Show();// Inthis case, the child form will be disposed immediately, the user will have nochance to click Close button on it.
public static void SyncThreadMethod()
MessageBox.Show("I am in Sync thread method.");
private void syncThreadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (DispoableThread thrd1 = new DispoableThread(new ThreadStart(SyncThreadMethod)))
thrd1.Join();// Inthis case, using() will wait until Sync thread calling is completed, thendispose thrd1. So “I am in Sync thread method.” will befirst, then “I am in Thread Dispose().”
private void asyncThreadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (DispoableThread thrd1 = new DispoableThread(new ThreadStart(SyncThreadMethod)))
thrd1.Start();// Inthis case, using will also dispose(abort) thrd1 immediately, so only “I am in Thread Dispose().” is showed.
public class DispoableThread : IDisposable
Thread trd = null;
public DispoableThread(ThreadStart ts)
trd = new Thread(ts);
public void Start()
public void Join()
public void Dispose()
MessageBox.Show("I am in Thread Dispose().");
ChildForm.cs has:
public partial class ChildForm : Form
public ChildForm()
private void closeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
You will found only when button “Using Sync Thread”isclicked, the using() can work correctly as we expected. In the other 2 cases,the using() will dispose the object declared in its scope no matter if the tasksinside its brackets is done or not.
[转载]How to avoid using() mistake in C#?