以我们列举的生活场景为例,我们在具体做这件事的时候,肯定不会拿着老板给的类似T中:A物品 B物品 A物品 C物品 这么二的清单,而是对物品做统计,生成这样的需求清单:
而在寻找的过程中,我们还需要一份已收集清单,就是目前已经找到的每个物品的信息,其形式与上面列举的一致。那么这些信息怎么来存储呢,我们总是希望对给定的物品,在O(1)的时间内找出对应的数值信息,所以要用hash table。
string minWindow(string S, string T) { int N = S.size(); int M = T.size(); int minWindowLen = INT_MAX; //hash table init all 0s //used to statistic the number of each letter needed. int needToFind[256] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) needToFind[T[i]]++; //hash table init all 0s //used to record the number of each letter has found. int hasFind[256] = {0}; //use to record the total letters we has found. //if it equal to T.size(), it means we get a window. int count = 0; // end used to find the letters needed in T. // start used to drop the redundant letters to cut short the window. int start, end; //min_start and min_end recored the optimal resolve. int min_start = 0; int min_end = INT_MAX; for (start = 0, end = 0; end < N; ++end) { if( 0 == needToFind[ S[end] ])//not needed continue; hasFind[ S[end] ]++; if(hasFind[ S[end] ] <= needToFind[ S[end] ]) count++; //find a window if(count == M){ //judge whether the window can be cut short, for example, //the letter indicated by start is not needed or redundant. while ( 0 == needToFind[ S[start] ] || hasFind[S[start]] > needToFind[S[start]]) { if(hasFind[S[start]] > needToFind[S[start]])//redundant hasFind[S[start]]--; ++start; } int windowLen = end - start + 1; if (windowLen < minWindowLen) { minWindowLen = windowLen; min_start = start; min_end = end; } } } if(min_end == INT_MAX) return ""; return S.substr(min_start, min_end - min_start + 1); }
【leetcode】Minimum Window Substring,布布扣,bubuko.com
【leetcode】Minimum Window Substring