在上一篇文章(http://www.cnblogs.com/coding-my-life/p/4220128.html)中,提到了libev提供了处理信号的C++ wrap。但我显然接受不了需要进入libev的事件循环(event loop)后才能捕捉到消息的缺点。于是决定依照libev的思路自己写一个C++的wrap。
#include <cstddef> /* for NULL */ #include <signal.h> #include <cassert> static inline void sighandler( int signum ); /** * @brief The sig_action struct * 存储回调对象指针及回调函数 */ struct sig_action { void *object; void (*cb)( void *object,int signum ); }; /** * @brief The CSignal class * 对sigaction封装的C++类 */ class CSignal { public: explicit CSignal(); ~ CSignal(); int reset( int signum ); int ignore( int signum ); void feed_signal( int signum ); template<class K,void (K::*pf)(int)> int set( K *object,int signum,int sa_flag ); private: /* NSIG The value of this symbolic constant is the total number of signals defined. Since the signal numbers are allocated consecutively, NSIG is also one greater than the largest defined signal number. define in sys/signal.h */ struct sig_action* m_actions[NSIG]; template<class K, void (K::*method)(int)> static void method_thunk ( void *object,int signum ) { (static_cast<K *>(object)->*method)(signum); } }; /** * @brief CSignal::CSignal * 初始化信号回调结构体 */ CSignal::CSignal() { for ( int i = 0;i < NSIG;i ++ ) { m_actions[i] = NULL; } } /** * @brief CSignal::~CSignal * 销毁信号回调结构体 */ CSignal::~CSignal() { for ( int i = 0;i < NSIG;i ++ ) { if ( m_actions[i] ) { delete m_actions[i]; m_actions[i] = NULL; } } } /** * @brief CSignal::set * 设置信号对象回调 */ template<class K,void (K::*pf)(int)> int CSignal::set( K *object,int signum,int sa_flag ) { assert( 0 < signum && NSIG > signum ); /* valid signals range from 1 to NSIG-1 */ struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = sighandler; sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ); /* will not block any other signal */ sa.sa_flags = sa_flag; /* usually SA_RESTART or SA_RESETHAND,man sigaction for more */ if ( NULL == m_actions[signum] ) /* first init */ m_actions[signum] = new struct sig_action; m_actions[signum]->object = (void*)object; m_actions[signum]->cb = method_thunk<K,pf>; return sigaction( signum,&sa,0 ); } /** * @brief CSignal::feed_signal * @param signum * 触发回调 */ void CSignal::feed_signal( int signum ) { struct sig_action *sac = m_actions[signum]; assert( NULL != sac ); sac->cb( sac->object,signum ); } /** * @brief CSignal::ignore * @param signum * @return 返回值同sigaction * 忽略信号 */ int CSignal::ignore( int signum ) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ); return sigaction( signum,&sa,0 ); } /** * @brief CSignal::reset * @param signum * @return 返回值同sigaction * 重置信号为默认 */ int CSignal::reset( int signum ) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ); return sigaction( signum,&sa,0 ); } /* global funtion and object */ static class CSignal signal_watcher; static inline class CSignal *default_signal_watcher() { return ((class CSignal*)&signal_watcher); } #define CSIG_DEFAULT default_signal_watcher() /** * @brief sighandler * @param signum * 信号回调函数主入口 */ static inline void sighandler( int signum ) { CSIG_DEFAULT->feed_signal( signum ); }
#ifndef CBACKEND_H #define CBACKEND_H /** * @brief The CBackend class * 后台工作类 */ class CBackend { public: CBackend(); void sighandler( int signum ); void loop(); }; #endif // CBACKEND_H
#include "CBackend.h" #include <signal.h> /* for strsignal */ #include <unistd.h> /* for sleep in ubuntu 14.04 */ #include <iostream> /* for std::cout */ #include <cstring> /* for strsignal */ CBackend::CBackend() { } /** * @brief CBackend::sighandler * @param signum * 处理信号 */ void CBackend::sighandler( int signum ) { std::cout << "catch signal " << signum << " -- " << strsignal( signum ) << std::endl; } /** * @brief CBackend::loop * 后台工作循环 */ void CBackend::loop() { while ( true ) { std::cout << "I‘m working ..." << std::endl; sleep( 1 ); } }
#include "signal++.h" #include "CBackend.h" /** * @brief main * @return * CSignal example */ int main() { CBackend backend; CSIG_DEFAULT->set<CBackend,&CBackend::sighandler>( &backend,SIGINT,SA_RESTART ); backend.loop(); }
g++ -o example example.cpp CBackend.cpp
按下ctrl+c就可以看到catch signal 2 -- Interrupt这样的消息。