#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include"json.h" #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" using namespace cv; using namespace std; void get_json_txt() { system("curl \"\" -o json_data.txt"); } Json::Value get_json_array() { ifstream file("json_data.txt"); if (!file) { cout << "Open file the json_dat.txt fail!!!" << endl; getchar(); return -1; } Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(file, root, false)) { cout << "Plz check your url make sure you can contact your host" << endl; getchar(); return -1; } return root; } vector<string> get_url(Json::Value root) { vector<string> pic_url; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { pic_url.push_back(root["info"][i]["originalInfo"]["url"].asString()); } //for (auto s : pic_url) // cout << s << endl; return pic_url; } void MultiImage_OneWin(const std::string& MultiShow_WinName, const vector<Mat>& SrcImg_V, CvSize SubPlot, CvSize ImgMax_Size); int main() { string pic1_photoId_index(" "); string pic2_photoId_index(" "); string pic3_photoId_index(" "); string pic4_photoId_index(" "); while (1) { get_json_txt(); Json::Value root; root = get_json_array(); cout << root.size(); get_url(root); int index[4] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "上次图片1的id--->" << pic1_photoId_index << endl; cout << "上次图片2的id--->" << pic2_photoId_index << endl; cout << "上次图片1的id--->" << pic3_photoId_index << endl; cout << "上次图片2的id--->" << pic4_photoId_index << endl; string pic1 = root["info"][index[0]]["photoId"].asString(); string pic2 = root["info"][index[1]]["photoId"].asString(); string pic3 = root["info"][index[2]]["photoId"].asString(); string pic4 = root["info"][index[3]]["photoId"].asString(); cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl; cout << "图片id1--------->" << pic1 << endl; cout << "图片id2--------->" << pic2 << endl; cout << "图片id3--------->" << pic1 << endl; cout << "图片id4--------->" << pic2 << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------------------" << endl; //if (pic1 != pic1_photoId_index || pic2 != pic2_photoId_index || pic3 != pic3_photoId_index || pic4 != pic4_photoId_index) { pic1_photoId_index = pic1; pic2_photoId_index = pic2; pic3_photoId_index = pic3; pic4_photoId_index = pic4; vector<string>pic_url; pic_url = get_url(root); string http = root["photoServerIp"].asString(); cout << pic_url.size() << endl; string command1 = "curl -o 1.jpg " + http + "/" + pic_url[0]; string command2 = "curl -o 2.jpg " + http + "/" + pic_url[1]; string command3 = "curl -o 3.jpg " + http + "/" + pic_url[2]; string command4 = "curl -o 4.jpg " + http + "/" + pic_url[3]; cout << command1 << endl; cout << command2 << endl; cout << command3 << endl; cout << command4 << endl; system(command1.c_str()); system(command2.c_str()); system(command3.c_str()); system(command4.c_str()); } vector<Mat> imgs(4); imgs[0] = imread("1.jpg"); imgs[1] = imread("2.jpg"); imgs[2] = imread("3.jpg"); imgs[3] = imread("4.jpg"); MultiImage_OneWin("Multiple Images", imgs, cvSize(2, 2), cvSize(400, 280)); } } void MultiImage_OneWin(const std::string& MultiShow_WinName, const vector<Mat>& SrcImg_V, CvSize SubPlot, CvSize ImgMax_Size) { //Reference : http://blog.csdn.net/yangyangyang20092010/article/details/21740373 //Window's image Mat Disp_Img; //Width of source image CvSize Img_OrigSize = cvSize(SrcImg_V[0].cols, SrcImg_V[0].rows); //******************** Set the width for displayed image ********************// //Width vs height ratio of source image float WH_Ratio_Orig = Img_OrigSize.width / (float)Img_OrigSize.height; CvSize ImgDisp_Size = cvSize(100, 100); //if (Img_OrigSize.width > ImgMax_Size.width) // ImgDisp_Size = cvSize(ImgMax_Size.width, (int)ImgMax_Size.width / WH_Ratio_Orig); //else if (Img_OrigSize.height > ImgMax_Size.height) // ImgDisp_Size = cvSize((int)ImgMax_Size.height*WH_Ratio_Orig, ImgMax_Size.height); //else ImgDisp_Size = cvSize(Img_OrigSize.width, Img_OrigSize.height); //******************** Check Image numbers with Subplot layout ********************// int Img_Num = (int)SrcImg_V.size(); if (Img_Num > SubPlot.width * SubPlot.height) { cout << "Your SubPlot Setting is too small !" << endl; exit(0); } //******************** Blank setting ********************// CvSize DispBlank_Edge = cvSize(80, 60); CvSize DispBlank_Gap = cvSize(15, 15); //******************** Size for Window ********************// Disp_Img.create(Size(ImgDisp_Size.width*SubPlot.width + DispBlank_Edge.width + (SubPlot.width - 1)*DispBlank_Gap.width, ImgDisp_Size.height*SubPlot.height + DispBlank_Edge.height + (SubPlot.height - 1)*DispBlank_Gap.height), CV_8UC3); Disp_Img.setTo(0);//Background //Left top position for each image int EdgeBlank_X = (Disp_Img.cols - (ImgDisp_Size.width*SubPlot.width + (SubPlot.width - 1)*DispBlank_Gap.width)) / 2; int EdgeBlank_Y = (Disp_Img.rows - (ImgDisp_Size.height*SubPlot.height + (SubPlot.height - 1)*DispBlank_Gap.height)) / 2; CvPoint LT_BasePos = cvPoint(EdgeBlank_X, EdgeBlank_Y); CvPoint LT_Pos = LT_BasePos; //Display all images for (int i = 0; i < Img_Num; i++) { //Obtain the left top position if ((i%SubPlot.width == 0) && (LT_Pos.x != LT_BasePos.x)) { LT_Pos.x = LT_BasePos.x; LT_Pos.y += (DispBlank_Gap.height + ImgDisp_Size.height); } //Writting each to Window's Image Mat imgROI = Disp_Img(Rect(LT_Pos.x, LT_Pos.y, ImgDisp_Size.width, ImgDisp_Size.height)); resize(SrcImg_V[i], imgROI, Size(ImgDisp_Size.width, ImgDisp_Size.height)); LT_Pos.x += (DispBlank_Gap.width + ImgDisp_Size.width); } //Get the screen size of computer //int Scree_W = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); //int Scree_H = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); int Scree_W = 1920; int Scree_H = 1080; //namedWindow("pic_viewer", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); //setWindowProperty("pic_viewer", CV_WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); cvNamedWindow(MultiShow_WinName.c_str(), CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); //cvMoveWindow(MultiShow_WinName.c_str(), (Scree_W - Disp_Img.cols) / 2, (Scree_H - Disp_Img.rows) / 2);//Centralize the window setWindowProperty(MultiShow_WinName, CV_WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); cvShowImage(MultiShow_WinName.c_str(), &(IplImage(Disp_Img))); cvWaitKey(100); //cvDestroyWindow(MultiShow_WinName.c_str()); }