/** * Returns a {@code Set} containing all of the mappings in this {@code Map}. Each mapping is * an instance of {@link Map.Entry}. As the {@code Set} is backed by this {@code Map}, * changes in one will be reflected in the other. * * @return a set of the mappings */ public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet();1. entrySet() 是运用在遍历Map时,返回一个Set<Map.entry<K,V>>对象。Map.entry<K,V> 相当于Map映射中的一个键值对。然后将这个Map.entry<K,V>存放到Set对象里。Set对象的物理存储也是Map实现的,外加有迭代器功能, public Iterator<E> iterator();
/** * Returns a set of the keys contained in this {@code Map}. The {@code Set} is backed by * this {@code Map} so changes to one are reflected by the other. The {@code Set} does not * support adding. * * @return a set of the keys. */ public Set<K> keySet();
/** * Returns a {@code Collection} of the values contained in this {@code Map}. The {@code Collection} * is backed by this {@code Map} so changes to one are reflected by the other. The * {@code Collection} supports {@link Collection#remove}, {@link Collection#removeAll}, * {@link Collection#retainAll}, and {@link Collection#clear} operations, * and it does not support {@link Collection#add} or {@link Collection#addAll} operations. * <p> * This method returns a {@code Collection} which is the subclass of * {@link AbstractCollection}. The {@link AbstractCollection#iterator} method of this subclass returns a * "wrapper object" over the iterator of this {@code Map}'s {@link #entrySet()}. The {@link AbstractCollection#size} method * wraps this {@code Map}'s {@link #size} method and the {@link AbstractCollection#contains} method wraps this {@code Map}'s * {@link #containsValue} method. * <p> * The collection is created when this method is called at first time and * returned in response to all subsequent calls. This method may return * different Collection when multiple calls to this method, since it has no * synchronization performed. * * @return a collection of the values contained in this map. */ public Collection<V> values();3.values():方法是获取集合中的所有的值----没有键,没有对应关系,
/** * {@code Map.Entry} is a key/value mapping contained in a {@code Map}. */ public static interface Entry<K,V> {<span style="font-family: Tahoma, 'Microsoft Yahei', Simsun;">}</span>
entry用来迭代map Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("111", "aaa"); map.put("222", "bbb"); for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey()); System.out.println(entry.getValue()); }
HashMap是无序的,TreeMap的顺序是插入的先后顺序Eg:JAVA 自带的Map接口是没有排序功能。即使你按照一定的顺序输入,但是输出结果也往往是随机的,对一些特殊的应用很不爽。这时候,可以使用TreeMap类进行转换一下就可以了。如果需要排序的功能,最好在new Map对象的时候,使用TreeMap. 但是如果对已经存在的Map进行按值排序,则需进行转换一下。
Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() 返回此映射中包含的映射关系的 set 视图。
Set<K> keySet() 返回此映射中包含的键的 set 视图。
Map<String, String> maps = new HashMap<String, String>();
//方法一: 用entrySet()
Iterator<Entry<String,String>> it = maps.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String,String> m = it.next();
String key = m.getKey();
String value= m.getValue();
// 方法二:jdk1.5支持,用entrySet()和For-Each循环()
for (Map.Entry<String, String> m : maps.entrySet()) {
String key = m.getKey();
String value= m.getValue();
// 方法三:用keySet()
Iterator<String> it2 = maps.keySet().iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()){
String key = it2.next();
String value= maps.get(key);
// 方法四:jdk1.5支持,用keySet()和For-Each循环
for(String m: maps.keySet()){
String key = m;
String value= maps.get(m);
foreach的内部原理其实还是 Iterator,但它不能像Iterator一样可以人为的控制,而且也不能调用iterator.remove(),更不能使用下标来方便的访问元素。因此foreach这种循环一般只适合做数组的遍历,提取数据显示等,不适合用于增加删除和使用下标等复杂的操作。
//写入值 标签<string name="">value</string> public static boolean saveSearchRecord(Context context,String key,String time){ SharedPreferences sp = context.getSharedPreferences("search_record", 0); Editor e = sp.edit(); //map 映射的总数,大于20条时,末尾插入一条数据 int count = sp.getAll().size(); if(count <20){ e.putString(key, time); //e.putInt("count", count+1); } else{ e.putString(key, time); Iterator iter = sp.getAll().entrySet().iterator(); int cunIter = 1; Boolean flag =true; while (iter.hasNext()) { if(cunIter < sp.getAll().size()){ cunIter++; }else{ //迭代器iter.next(); 返回迭代的下一个对象, Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); Log.v("Boolean", ""+iter.hasNext()); Log.v("key", (String) entry.getKey()); if(flag){ e.remove((String) entry.getKey()); flag= false; } } } } return e.commit(); }(2)
//存HashMap所有值 public static void saveHotNewsStatus(Context context,HashMap<String, String> map){ SharedPreferences sp = context .getSharedPreferences("hotnews_status", 0); Editor e = sp.edit(); Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String val = (String) entry.getValue(); e.putString(key, val); } e.commit(); // 效率高,以后一定要使用此种方式! }