This cheat sheet provides a checklist of tasks to be performed when testing an iOS application.
When assessing a mobile application several areas should be taken into account: client software, the communication channel and the server side infrastructure.
Testing an iOS application usually requires a jailbroken device. (A device that not pose any restrictions on the software that can be installed on it.)
Determine the security features in place:
Tool | Link | Description |
Mallory proxy | http://intrepidusgroup.com/insight/mallory/ | Proxy for Binary protocols |
Charles/Burp proxy | http://www.charlesproxy.com/ ; | Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS |
OpenSSH | http://www.openssh.com/ | Connect to the iPhone remotely over SSH |
Sqlite3 | http://www.sqlite.org/ | Sqlite database client |
GNU Debugger | http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/ | For run time analysis & reverse engineering |
Syslogd | https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/syslogd.8.html | View iPhone logs |
Tcpdump | http://www.tcpdump.org/ | Capture network traffic on phone |
Otool | http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/otool.1.html | Odcctools: otool – object file displaying tool |
Cycript | http://www.cycript.org/ | A language designed to interact with Objective-C classes |
SSL Kill switch | https://github.com/iSECPartners/ios-ssl-kill-switch | Blackbox tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning in NSURL |
Plutil | http://scw.us/iPhone/plutil/ | To view Plist files |
nm | Analysis tool to display the symbol table, which includes names of functions and methods, as well as their load addresses. | |
sysctl | https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference /ManPages/man8/sysctl.8.html | A utility to read and change kernel state variables |
dump_keychain | https://github.com/emonti/iOS_app_re_tools | A utility to dump the keychain |
Filemon | http://www.newosxbook.com/files/filemon.iOS | Monitor realtime iOS file system |
FileDP | http://www.securitylearn.net/2012/10/18/extracting-data-protection-class-from-files-on-ios/ | Audits data protection of files |
BinaryCookieReader | http://securitylearn.net/wp-content/uploads/tools/iOS/BinaryCookieReader.py | Read cookies.binarycookies files |
lsof ARM Binary | https://github.com/u35tpus/iosrep/tree/master/lsof | list of all open files and the processes that opened them |
lsock ARM Binary | http://www.newosxbook.com/index.php?page=downloads | monitor socket connections |
PonyDebugger Injected | https://github.com/dtrukr/PonyDebuggerInjected | Injected via Cycript to enable remote debugging |
Weak Class Dump | https://raw.github.com/limneos/weak_classdump/master/weak_classdump.cy | Injected via Cycript to do class-dump (for when you cant un-encrypt the binary) |
TrustME | https://github.com/intrepidusgroup/trustme | Lower level tool to disable SSL certificate validation - including certificate pinning (for everything else but NSURL) |
Mac Robber | http://www.sleuthkit.org/mac-robber/download.php | C code, forensic tool for imaging filesystems and producing a timeline |
USBMux Proxy | https://github.com/st3fan/usbmux-proxy | command line tool to connect local TCP port sto ports on an iPhone or iPod Touch device over USB. |
iFunBox | http://www.i-funbox.com/ | Filesystem access (no jailbreak needed), USBMux Tunneler, .ipa installer |
iNalyzer | https://appsec-labs.com/iNalyzer/ | iOS Penetration testing framework |
removePIE | https://github.com/peterfillmore/removePIE | Disables ASLR of an application |
snoop-it | https://code.google.com/p/snoop-it/ | A tool to assist security assessments and dynamic analysis of iOS Apps, includes runtime views of obj-c classes and methods, and options to modify those values |
idb | https://github.com/dmayer/idb | A GUI (and cmdline) tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research. |
Damn Vulnerable iOS Application | http://damnvulnerableiosapp.com/ | A purposefully vulnerable iOS application for learning iOS application assessment skills. |
introspy | https://github.com/iSECPartners/Introspy-iOS | A security profiling tool revolved around hooking security based iOS APIs and logging their output for security analysis |
IOS Application Security Testing Cheat Sheet