标签:java atomic concurrent
个人站点:zhangerqing.cn 邮箱:xtfggef@gmail.com 微博:http://weibo.com/xtfggef
Atomic包是java.util.concurrent下的另一个专门为线程安全设计的Java包,包含多个原子操作类。这个包里面提供了一组原子变量类。其基本的特性就是在多线程环境下,当有多个线程同时执行这些类的实例包含的方法时,具有排他性,即当某个线程进入方法,执行其中的指令时,不会被其他线程打断,而别的线程就像自旋锁一样,一直等到该方法执行完成,才由JVM从等待队列中选择一个另一个线程进入,这只是一种逻辑上的理解。实际上是借助硬件的相关指令来实现的,不会阻塞线程(或者说只是在硬件级别上阻塞了)。可以对基本数据、数组中的基本数据、对类中的基本数据进行操作。原子变量类相当于一种泛化的volatile变量,能够支持原子的和有条件的读-改-写操作。—— 引自@chenzehe 的博客。
class Counter { private int value; public synchronized int getValue() { return value; } public synchronized int increment() { return ++value; } public synchronized int decrement() { return --value; } }
class SimulatedCAS { private int value; public synchronized int getValue() { return value; } public synchronized int compareAndSwap(int expectedValue, int newValue) { int oldValue = value; if (value == expectedValue) value = newValue; return oldValue; } }
public class CasCounter { private SimulatedCAS value; public int getValue() { return value.getValue(); } public int increment() { int oldValue = value.getValue(); while (value.compareAndSwap(oldValue, oldValue + 1) != oldValue) oldValue = value.getValue(); return oldValue + 1; } }
第一组AtomicBoolean,AtomicInteger,AtomicLong,AtomicReference这四种基本类型用来处理布尔,整数,长整数,对象四种数据,其内部实现不是简单的使用synchronized,而是一个更为高效的方式CAS (compare and swap) + volatile和native方法,从而避免了synchronized的高开销,执行效率大为提升。我们来看个例子,与我们平时i++所对应的原子操作为:getAndIncrement()
public static void main(String[] args) { AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(); System.out.println(ai); ai.getAndIncrement(); System.out.println(ai); }
/** * Atomically increments by one the current value. * * @return the previous value */ public final int getAndIncrement() { return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, 1); }
// setup to use Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt for updates private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); private static final long valueOffset; static { try { valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset (AtomicInteger.class.getDeclaredField("value")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } }
/** * Report the location of a given static field, in conjunction with {@link * #staticFieldBase}. * <p>Do not expect to perform any sort of arithmetic on this offset; * it is just a cookie which is passed to the unsafe heap memory accessors. * * <p>Any given field will always have the same offset, and no two distinct * fields of the same class will ever have the same offset. * * <p>As of 1.4.1, offsets for fields are represented as long values, * although the Sun JVM does not use the most significant 32 bits. * It is hard to imagine a JVM technology which needs more than * a few bits to encode an offset within a non-array object, * However, for consistency with other methods in this class, * this method reports its result as a long value. * @see #getInt(Object, long) */ public native long objectFieldOffset(Field f);
private volatile int value; /** * Creates a new AtomicInteger with the given initial value. * * @param initialValue the initial value */ public AtomicInteger(int initialValue) { value = initialValue; } /** * Creates a new AtomicInteger with initial value {@code 0}. */ public AtomicInteger() { }
/** * Atomically increments by one the current value. * * @return the previous value */ public final int getAndIncrement() { return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, 1); }
public final int getAndAddInt(Object o, long offset, int delta) { int v; do { v = getIntVolatile(o, offset);//------------0--------------- } while (!compareAndSwapInt(o, offset, v, v + delta));//-------------1------------- return v; }
/** * Atomically update Java variable to <tt>x</tt> if it is currently * holding <tt>expected</tt>. * @return <tt>true</tt> if successful */ public final native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object o, long offset,//---------------2-------------- int expected, int x);
while(!compareAndSwapInt(o, offset, 0, 1))我们知道offset指向的地址对应的值就是原始变量的初值0,所以与期望的值0相同,所以将初值赋值为1,返回true,取反后为false,循环结束,返回v即更新之前的值0. 这就是类似于i++操作的原子操作的实现,当然最终CAS的实现都是native的,用C语言实现的,我们这里看不到源码,有时间我会反编译一下这段代码看看。
作者:二青 个人站点:zhangerqing.cn 邮箱:xtfggef@gmail.com 微博:http://weibo.com/xtfggef
标签:java atomic concurrent