import os
from os import system
import SocketServer as SS --别名
[root@cheeron python]# cat tab.py
#python startup file
import sys
import readline
import rlcompleter
import os
#tab completion
readline.parse_and_bind(‘tab: complete‘)
#history file
histfile = os.path.join(os.environ[‘HOME‘], ‘.pythonhistory‘)
# readline.read_history_file(histfile)
#except IOError:
# pass
#!/usr/bin/env python
name=raw_input(‘what is your name: ‘)
age=int(raw_input(‘how old are you? ‘))
sex=raw_input(‘how old are you? ‘)
dep=raw_input(‘how old are you? ‘)
messages = ‘‘‘ information of the company staff:
Age :%s
Gender :%s
Dep :%s
‘‘‘ % (name,age,sex,dep)
print messages
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import sys
3 user = ‘cheeron‘
4 times=0
5 while True:
6 if times<3:
7 name = raw_input(‘what is your name: ‘).strip()
8 if len(name) == 0:
9 print ‘name is not empty,please input a name‘
10 continue
11 elif user == name:
12 pass
13 else:
14 print "%s is not right,please sign in agin!" % name
15 times+=1
16 continue
17 break
18 else:
19 sys.exit()
20 age = int(raw_input(‘how old are you? ‘))
21 sex = raw_input(‘Please input your gender: ‘)
22 dep = raw_input(‘Please input your job: ‘)
23 print "welcome to sign in",name
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import sys
3 user = ‘cheeron‘
4 times=0
5 while True:
6 name = raw_input(‘what is your name: ‘).strip()
7 if len(name) == 0:
8 print ‘name is not empty,please input a name‘
9 continue
10 for i in range(3):
11 name = raw_input(‘what is your name: ‘).strip()
12 if user == name:
13 pass
14 else:
15 print "%s is not right,please sign in agin!" % name
16 continue
17 break
18 else:
19 print "has login 3 times,exit"
20 sys.exit()
21 break
22 age = int(raw_input(‘how old are you? ‘))
23 sex = raw_input(‘Please input your gender: ‘)
24 dep = raw_input(‘Please input your job: ‘)
25 print "welcome to sign in",name