Copy the files you need to your project folder, and add them to your Xcode project. An overview of the ASIHTTPRequest source files appears here.
If you aren‘t sure which files you need, it‘s best to copy all the following files:
iPhone projects must also include:
Open the settings for your target by clicking on the blue bar at the very top of the Xcode sidebar:
Open the Build Phases tab, expand the box labeled Link Binary With Libraries then click the plus button.
Choose CFNetwork.framework from the list, and click Add:
Repeat the last two steps to add the following: SystemConfiguration.framework, MobileCoreServices.framework,CoreGraphics.framework and libz.dylib.
To use ASIHTTPRequest in a Mac project, you‘ll need to link against:
Most users can skip this part!
The tests that come with ASIHTTPRequest primarily exist for my benefit, so I can check I haven’t broken something when I make changes. You only need to run the tests if you are making changes to ASIHTTPRequest, or want to confirm that something is working as expected.
ASIHTTPRequest uses Gabriel Handford’s wonderful GHUnit framework for running tests.
As of v1.8-50, GHUnit is no longer included as a git submodule. Instead, build scripts automatically download a pre-compiled framework if one does not already exist locally. If you would prefer to build GHUnit yourself, simply grab a copy from GitHub, and drop your built framework in External/GHUnit.
Some of the tests require additional information to run:
Using ASIHTTPRequest in an iOS project