TaskTreadPool: 任务线程池
Task: 任务
1. TaskThreadPool
缺省情况下,核心服务器为每一个处理器创建一个任务线程。(numProcessors = OS::GetNumProcessors();)
TaskThreadPool::SetNumShortTaskThreads(numShortTaskThreads); TaskThreadPool::SetNumBlockingTaskThreads(numBlockingThreads); TaskThreadPool::AddThreads(numThreads); sServer->InitNumThreads(numThreads);
void TaskThread::Entry() { Task* theTask = NULL; while (true) { //不停的从内部的队列中取到Task才返回;,此时的Task既不在堆中,也不在队列中; theTask = this->WaitForTask(); /*此处省略,主要是对调用task的Run方法的返回值做不同的分支处理,详细分析在Task章节介绍*/ }
Task* TaskThread::WaitForTask() { while (true) { SInt64 theCurrentTime = OS::Milliseconds(); /*如果堆中有任务,且任务已经到执行时间,返回该任务。 PeekMin函数见OSHeap.h,窃听堆中第一个元素(但不取出)*/ if ((fHeap.PeekMin() != NULL) && (fHeap.PeekMin()->GetValue() <= theCurrentTime)) { if (TASK_DEBUG) qtss_printf("TaskThread::WaitForTask found timer-task=%s thread %p fHeap.CurrentHeapSize(%"_U32BITARG_") taskElem = %p enclose=%p\n",((Task*)fHeap.PeekMin()->GetEnclosingObject())->fTaskName, (void *) this, fHeap.CurrentHeapSize(), (void *) fHeap.PeekMin(), (void *) fHeap.PeekMin()->GetEnclosingObject()); return (Task*)fHeap.ExtractMin()->GetEnclosingObject();//从堆中取出第一个任务返回 } //如果堆中有任务,但是尚未到执行时间,计算需要等待的时间 //if there is an element waiting for a timeout, figure out how long we should wait. SInt64 theTimeout = 0; if (fHeap.PeekMin() != NULL) theTimeout = fHeap.PeekMin()->GetValue() - theCurrentTime; Assert(theTimeout >= 0); // // Make sure we can't go to sleep for some ridiculously short // period of time // Do not allow a timeout below 10 ms without first verifying reliable udp 1-2mbit live streams. // Test with streamingserver.xml pref reliablUDP printfs enabled and look for packet loss and check client for buffer ahead recovery. if (theTimeout < 10) theTimeout = 10; //wait... //如果任务队列为空,就等待theTimeout时间后从堆中取出任务返回; //如果任务队列不为空,就不等待,直接取队列中的任务; OSQueueElem* theElem = fTaskQueue.DeQueueBlocking(this, (SInt32) theTimeout); if (theElem != NULL) { if (TASK_DEBUG) qtss_printf("TaskThread::WaitForTask found signal-task=%s thread %p fTaskQueue.GetLength(%"_U32BITARG_") taskElem = %p enclose=%p\n", ((Task*)theElem->GetEnclosingObject())->fTaskName, (void *) this, fTaskQueue.GetQueue()->GetLength(), (void *) theElem, (void *)theElem->GetEnclosingObject() ); return (Task*)theElem->GetEnclosingObject(); } // // If we are supposed to stop, return NULL, which signals the caller to stop if (OSThread::GetCurrent()->IsStopRequested()) return NULL; } }
3.1 Run()
Run()方法是在Task对象获得处理该事件的时间片后运行的,Darwin中的大部分工作都是在不同Task对象的Run()函数中进行的。virtual SInt64 Run() = 0;
3.2 Signal()
当服务器希望发送一个事件给某个Task对象时,就会调用Signal()方法;void Signal(EventFlags eventFlags);