List<Bitmap> list = new ArrayList<Bitmap>(); Bitmap bitmap = null; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.test); list.add(bitmap); } ImageView iv = new ImageView(this); iv.setImageBitmap(bitmap); this.setContentView(iv); }可能你这里有疑惑为何要需要一个list把Bitmap存储起来,这重要是为了避免GC引起的内存释放。好了我们将我们的内存打印出来会发现我们加入了10个Bitmap占用的实际内存是:26364K。我们在转化成为Drawable的方式:
List<Drawable> list = new ArrayList<Drawable>(); Drawable bitmap = null; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) { bitmap = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.test); list.add(bitmap); } ImageView iv = new ImageView(this); iv.setImageDrawable(bitmap); this.setContentView(iv); }
Drawable d1 = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.test); Drawable d2 = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.test); System.out.println(">>>d1 == d2 ? = "+(d1 == d2));你会发现输出的是false。实际上,享元这点我们基本达成了共识,关键Framwork来包装Drawable的时候还引入了组合模式,Framework本身缓存的是你这个Drawable的核心元数据。 Drawable loadDrawable(TypedValue value, int id) throws NotFoundException { ... Drawable dr = getCachedDrawable(isColorDrawable ? mColorDrawableCache : mDrawableCache, key); ... } private Drawable getCachedDrawable( LongSparseArray<WeakReference<ConstantState>> drawableCache, long key) { synchronized (mAccessLock) { WeakReference<Drawable.ConstantState> wr = drawableCache.get(key); if (wr != null) { // we have the key Drawable.ConstantState entry = wr.get(); if (entry != null) { //Log.i(TAG, "Returning cached drawable @ #" + // Integer.toHexString(((Integer)key).intValue()) // + " in " + this + ": " + entry); return entry.newDrawable(this); } else { // our entry has been purged drawableCache.delete(key); } } } return null; }我们通过调用代码,会发现我们存储在数据池中的根本不是我们的Drawable对象,而是一个叫做Drawable.ConstantState类型的对象,而且用了弱引用包装起来。ConstantState是一个抽象类,有多个子类的实现
public static abstract class ConstantState { /** * Create a new drawable without supplying resources the caller * is running in. Note that using this means the density-dependent * drawables (like bitmaps) will not be able to update their target * density correctly. One should use {@link #newDrawable(Resources)} * instead to provide a resource. */ public abstract Drawable newDrawable(); /** * Create a new Drawable instance from its constant state. This * must be implemented for drawables that change based on the target * density of their caller (that is depending on whether it is * in compatibility mode). */ public Drawable newDrawable(Resources res) { return newDrawable(); } /** * Return a bit mask of configuration changes that will impact * this drawable (and thus require completely reloading it). */ public abstract int getChangingConfigurations(); /** * @hide */ public Bitmap getBitmap() { return null; } }由于我们使用的是BitmapDrawable,而BitmapDrawable对应的ConstantState是BitmapState
final static class BitmapState extends ConstantState { Bitmap mBitmap; int mChangingConfigurations; int mGravity = Gravity.FILL; Paint mPaint = new Paint(DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS); Shader.TileMode mTileModeX = null; Shader.TileMode mTileModeY = null; int mTargetDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; boolean mRebuildShader; boolean mAutoMirrored; BitmapState(Bitmap bitmap) { mBitmap = bitmap; } BitmapState(BitmapState bitmapState) { this(bitmapState.mBitmap); mChangingConfigurations = bitmapState.mChangingConfigurations; mGravity = bitmapState.mGravity; mTileModeX = bitmapState.mTileModeX; mTileModeY = bitmapState.mTileModeY; mTargetDensity = bitmapState.mTargetDensity; mPaint = new Paint(bitmapState.mPaint); mRebuildShader = bitmapState.mRebuildShader; mAutoMirrored = bitmapState.mAutoMirrored; } @Override public Bitmap getBitmap() { return mBitmap; } @Override public Drawable newDrawable() { return new BitmapDrawable(this, null); } @Override public Drawable newDrawable(Resources res) { return new BitmapDrawable(this, res); } @Override public int getChangingConfigurations() { return mChangingConfigurations; } }我们可以看到BitmapState对应的newDrawable方法,它将自己作为参数传递给BitmapDrawable对象,也就是说BitmapDrawble组合了同一个的BitmapState。这样就实现了同一个Bitmap资源的复用。
Resources.loadDrawable() { ... InputStream is = mAssets.openNonAsset( value.assetCookie, file, AssetManager.ACCESS_STREAMING); // System.out.println("Opened file " + file + ": " + is); // MIUI MOD: // dr = Drawable.createFromResourceStream(this, value, is, file, null); dr = createFromResourceStream(this, value, is, file, id); is.close(); ... if (dr != null) { dr.setChangingConfigurations(value.changingConfigurations); cs = dr.getConstantState(); if (cs != null) { if (mPreloading) { final int changingConfigs = cs.getChangingConfigurations(); if (isColorDrawable) { if (verifyPreloadConfig(changingConfigs, 0, value.resourceId, "drawable")) { sPreloadedColorDrawables.put(key, cs); } } else { if (verifyPreloadConfig(changingConfigs, LAYOUT_DIR_CONFIG, value.resourceId, "drawable")) { if ((changingConfigs&LAYOUT_DIR_CONFIG) == 0) { // If this resource does not vary based on layout direction, // we can put it in all of the preload maps. sPreloadedDrawables[0].put(key, cs); sPreloadedDrawables[1].put(key, cs); } else { // Otherwise, only in the layout dir we loaded it for. final LongSparseArray<Drawable.ConstantState> preloads = sPreloadedDrawables[mConfiguration.getLayoutDirection()]; preloads.put(key, cs); } } } } else { synchronized (mAccessLock) { //Log.i(TAG, "Saving cached drawable @ #" + // Integer.toHexString(key.intValue()) // + " in " + this + ": " + cs); if (isColorDrawable) { mColorDrawableCache.put(key, new WeakReference<Drawable.ConstantState>(cs)); } else { mDrawableCache.put(key, new WeakReference<Drawable.ConstantState>(cs)); } } } } ... }可以看出,当你新生成一个Drawable的时候,就会将Drawable的ConstantState从Drawable中取出,然后放入你Cache池中。