Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 65536K | |
Total Submissions: 8317 | Accepted: 2887 |
Windy has a country, and he wants to build an army to protect his country. He has picked up N girls and M boys and wants to collect them to be his soldiers. To collect a soldier without any privilege, he must pay 10000 RMB. There are some relationships between girls and boys and Windy can use these relationships to reduce his cost. If girl x and boy y have a relationship d and one of them has been collected, Windy can collect the other one with 10000-d RMB. Now given all the relationships between girls and boys, your assignment is to find the least amount of money Windy has to pay. Notice that only one relationship can be used when collecting one soldier.
The first line of input is the number of test case.
The first line of each test case contains three integers, N, M and R.
Then R lines followed, each contains three integers xi, yi and di.
There is a blank line before each test case.
1 ≤ N, M ≤ 10000
0 ≤ R ≤ 50,000
0 ≤ xi < N
0 ≤ yi < M
0 < di < 10000
Sample Input
2 5 5 8 4 3 6831 1 3 4583 0 0 6592 0 1 3063 3 3 4975 1 3 2049 4 2 2104 2 2 781 5 5 10 2 4 9820 3 2 6236 3 1 8864 2 4 8326 2 0 5156 2 0 1463 4 1 2439 0 4 4373 3 4 8889 2 4 3133
Sample Output
71071 54223
题意:现需要征募女兵N人,男兵M人。每征募一个人需要花费10000美元,但是如果已经征募的人中有一些关系亲密的人,那么可以少花一些钱。给出若干的男女之间的1~9999之间的亲密度关系,征募某个人的费用就是 10000 - (已经征募的人中和自己的亲密度的最大值)。要求通过适当的征募顺序使得征募所有人所需要费用的最小。
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <map> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <stack> using namespace std; #define INF 0x7fffffff #define LL long long #define MID(a, b) a+(b-a)/2 #define MAX_E 50000 + 10 #define MAX_N 10000 + 10 int pa[2*MAX_N], rank[2*MAX_N]; //并查集 void init_union_find(int V){ for(int i=0; i<V; i++){ pa[i] = i; rank[i] = 0; } } int find(int x){ return x == pa[x] ? x : pa[x] = find(pa[x]); } void unite(int x, int y){ x = find(x), y = find(y); if(x != y){ if(rank[x] < rank[y]) pa[x] = y; else{ pa[y] = x; if(rank[x] == rank[y]) rank[x] ++; } } } bool same(int x, int y){ return find(x) == find(y); } struct edge{ int u, v, cost; }; bool cmp(edge a, edge b){ return a.cost < b.cost; } edge es[MAX_E]; int V, E; long long kruskal(){ //kruskal算法 sort(es, es+E, cmp); init_union_find(V); long long ans = 0; for(int i=0; i<E; i++){ edge e = es[i]; if(!same(e.u, e.v)){ unite(e.u, e.v); ans += e.cost; } } return ans; } int N, M, R; int main(){ #ifdef sxk freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); #endif // sxk int t, x, y, d; scanf("%d", &t); while(t--){ scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &M, &R); V = N + M; E = R; for(int i=0; i<R; i++){ scanf("%d%d%d", &x, &y, &d); es[i].u = x; //这三句赋值,也可以换成es[i] = (edge){ x, y+N, -d };不过只能在用G++交才可以过,C++会CE es[i].v = N + y; es[i].cost = -d; } printf("%lld\n", 10000 * (N + M) + kruskal()); } return 0; }
POJ 3723 Conscription (最大权森林 + Kruskal算法)