Linux多线程实例练习 - pthread_cancel
1、代码 xx_pthread_cancel.c
#include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #define debug_Msg(fmt, arg...) do{ printf("%s %d : ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(fmt, ##arg); }while(0) #define ENABLE_X char * pe = "enable return"; void * state_Enable(void *arg) { int i = 0; int iExit = 0; while(i < 10 && iExit == 0) { debug_Msg("state Enable : [%d]\n", i); i++; sleep(1); } char * p = pe; return p; } #define DISABLE_X char * pd = "disable return"; void * state_Disable(void * arg) { pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, NULL); int i = 0; int iExit = 0; while(i < 10 && iExit == 0) { debug_Msg("state Disable : [%d]\n", i); i++; sleep(1); } char * p = pd; return p; } int main() { #ifdef ENABLE_X pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, state_Enable, NULL); sleep(3); pthread_cancel(pid); void * p = NULL; printf("init with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p); pthread_join(pid, &p); printf("pe addr : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)pe); printf("over with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p); #endif #ifdef DISABLE_X pthread_t pDis; pthread_create(&pDis, NULL, state_Disable, NULL); sleep(3); pthread_cancel(pDis); p = NULL; printf("init with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p); pthread_join(pDis, &p); printf("pd addr : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)pd); printf("over with : [%08X]\n", (unsigned int)p); #endif }
2、CentOS 编译通过
g++ -g -c -o xx_pthread_cancel.o xx_pthread_cancel.c
g++ -g -o xx_pthread_cancel xx_pthread_cancel.o -lpthread
$ ./xx_pthread_cancel xx_pthread_cancel.c 19 : state Enable : [0] xx_pthread_cancel.c 19 : state Enable : [1] xx_pthread_cancel.c 19 : state Enable : [2] init with : [00000000] pe addr : [08048959] over with : [FFFFFFFF] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [0] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [1] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [2] init with : [00000000] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [3] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [4] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [5] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [6] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [7] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [8] xx_pthread_cancel.c 36 : state Disable : [9] pd addr : [08048968] over with : [08048968]
Linux多线程实例练习 - pthread_cancel()