struct skynet_context * skynet_context_new(const char * name, const char *param) { // 装载模块 struct skynet_module * mod = skynet_module_query(name); if (mod == NULL) return NULL; void *inst = skynet_module_instance_create(mod); if (inst == NULL) return NULL; // 初始化skynet_context实例 struct skynet_context * ctx = skynet_malloc(sizeof(*ctx)); CHECKCALLING_INIT(ctx) ctx->mod = mod; ctx->instance = inst; ctx->ref = 2; ctx->cb = NULL; ctx->cb_ud = NULL; ctx->session_id = 0; ctx->logfile = NULL; ctx->init = false; ctx->endless = false; // 初始化服务handle // Should set to 0 first to avoid skynet_handle_retireall get an uninitialized handle ctx->handle = 0; ctx->handle = skynet_handle_register(ctx); // 初始化消息队列 struct message_queue * queue = ctx->queue = skynet_mq_create(ctx->handle); // init function maybe use ctx->handle, so it must init at last context_inc(); CHECKCALLING_BEGIN(ctx) int r = skynet_module_instance_init(mod, inst, ctx, param); CHECKCALLING_END(ctx) if (r == 0) { struct skynet_context * ret = skynet_context_release(ctx); if (ret) { ctx->init = true; } skynet_globalmq_push(queue); if (ret) { skynet_error(ret, "LAUNCH %s %s", name, param ? param : ""); } return ret; } else { skynet_error(ctx, "FAILED launch %s", name); uint32_t handle = ctx->handle; skynet_context_release(ctx); skynet_handle_retire(handle); struct drop_t d = { handle }; skynet_mq_release(queue, drop_message, &d); return NULL; } }
在skynet_handle_register方法中生成一个服务handle,handle是一个32位的整数,在生成handle的时候,是把该节点的harbor id写到了handle的高8位里面,所以一个服务的handle,就可以知道这个服务是哪个节点的。
s->handle_index = handle + 1; rwlock_wunlock(&s->lock); handle |= s->harbor; return handle;
int skynet_send( struct skynet_context * context, uint32_t source, uint32_t destination, int type, int session, void * msg, size_t sz ); typedef int (*skynet_cb)( struct skynet_context * context, void *ud, int type, int session, uint32_t source , const void * msg, size_t sz );
参考:Skynet 设计综述