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    数据结构基本上就是——它们是可以处理一些 数据 的 结构 。或者说,它们是用来存储一组相关数据的。在Python中有三种内建的数据结构——列表、元组和字典。


    list是处理一组有序项目的数据结构,即你可以在一个列表中存储一个 序列 的项目。假想你有一个购物列表,上面记载着你要买的东西,你就容易理解列表了。只不过在你的购物表上,可能每样东西都独自占有一行,而在Python中,你在每个项目之间用逗号分割。

    列表中的项目应该包括在方括号中,这样Python就知道你是在指明一个列表。一旦你创建了一个列表,你可以添加、删除或是搜索列表中的项目。由于你可以增加或删除项目,我们说列表是 可变的 数据类型,即这种类型是可以被改变的。

    Python为list类提供了append方法,这个方法让你在列表尾添加一个项目。例如mylist.append(‘an item‘)列表mylist中增加那个字符串。注意,使用点号来使用对象的方法。


# Filename: using_list.py

# This is my shopping list

shoplist = [‘apple‘,‘mango‘,‘carrot‘,‘banana‘]

print ‘I have‘,len(shoplist),‘items to purchase.‘

print ‘These items are:‘,

for item in shoplist:

        print item,

print ‘\nI also have to buy rice.‘


print ‘My shopping list is now‘,shoplist

print ‘I will sort my list now‘


print ‘Sorted shopping list is‘,shoplist

print ‘The first item I will buy is‘,shoplist[0]

olditem = shoplist[0]

del shoplist[0]

print ‘I bought the‘,olditem

print ‘My shopping list is now‘,shoplist

[root@gflinux102 code]# python using_list.py 

I have 4 items to purchase.

These items are: apple mango carrot banana 

I also have to buy rice.

My shopping list is now [‘apple‘, ‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘, ‘rice‘]

I will sort my list now

Sorted shopping list is [‘apple‘, ‘banana‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘mango‘, ‘rice‘]

The first item I will buy is apple

I bought the apple

My shopping list is now [‘banana‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘mango‘, ‘rice‘]

    变量shoplist是某人的购物列表。在shoplist中,我们只存储购买的东西的名字字符串,但是记住,你可以在列表中添加 任何种类的对象 包括数甚至其他列表。


    注意,在print语句的结尾使用了一个 逗号 来消除每个print语句自动打印的换行符。这样做有点难看,不过确实简单有效。


    再接下来,我们使用列表的sort方法来对列表排序。需要理解的是,这个方法影响列表本身,而不是返回一个修改后的列表——这与字符串工作的方法不同。这就是我们所说的列表是 可变的 而字符串是 不可变的 。

最后,但我们完成了在市场购买一样东西的时候,我们想要把它从列表中删除。我们使用del语句来完成这个工作。这里,我们指出我们想要删除列表中的哪个项目,而del语句为我们从列表中删除它。我们指明我们想要删除列表中的第一个元素,因此我们使用del shoplist[0](记住,Python从0开始计数)。





# Filename: using_tuple.py

zoo = (‘wolf‘,‘elephant‘,‘penguin‘)

print ‘Number of animals in the zoo is‘,len(zoo)

new_zoo = (‘monkey‘,‘dolphin‘,zoo)

print ‘Number of animals in the new zoo is‘,len(new_zoo)

print ‘All animals in new zoo are‘,new_zoo

print ‘Animals brought from old zoo are‘,new_zoo[2]

print ‘Last animal brought from old zoo is‘,new_zoo[2][2]

[root@gflinux102 code]# python using_tuple.py 

Number of animals in the zoo is 3

Number of animals in the new zoo is 3

All animals in new zoo are (‘monkey‘, ‘dolphin‘, (‘wolf‘, ‘elephant‘, ‘penguin‘))

Animals brought from old zoo are (‘wolf‘, ‘elephant‘, ‘penguin‘)

Last animal brought from old zoo is penguin




    这被称作 索引 运算符。我们使用new_zoo[2]来访问new_zoo中的第三个项目。我们使用new_zoo[2][2]来访问new_zoo元组的第三个项目的第三个项目。

    含有0个或1个项目的元组。一个空的元组由一对空的圆括号组成,如myempty = ()。然而,含有单个元素的元组就不那么简单了。你必须在第一个(唯一一个)项目后跟一个逗号,这样Python才能区分元组和表达式中一个带圆括号的对象。即如果你想要的是一个包含项目2的元组的时候,你应该指明singleton = (2 , )。




# Filename: print_tuple.py

age = 22

name = ‘rgf‘

print ‘%s is %d years old‘ % (name,age)

print ‘Why is %s playing with that python?‘ % name

[root@gflinux102 code]# python print_tuple.py 

rgf is 22 years old

Why is rgf playing with that python?










    键值对在字典中以这样的方式标记:d = {key1 : value1, key2 : value2 }。注意它们的键/值对用冒号分割,而各个对用逗号分割,所有这些都包括在花括号中。





# Filename: using_dict.py

ab = {‘rgf‘:‘gfsunny@163.com‘,





print "Rgf‘s address is %s" % ab[‘rgf‘]

# Adding a key/value pair

ab[‘xuanxuan‘] = ‘crystal@163.com‘

# Deleting a key/value pair

del ab[‘Spammer‘]

print ‘\nThere are %d contacts in the address-book\n‘ % len(ab)

for name,address in ab.items():

        print ‘Contact %s at %s‘ % (name,address)

if ‘xuanxuan‘ in ab:

        print "\nxuanxuan‘s address is %s" % ab[‘xuanxuan‘]

[root@gflinux102 code]# python using_dict.py 

Rgf‘s address is gfsunny@163.com

There are 4 contacts in the address-book

Contact Matsumoto at matz@ruby-lang.org

Contact xuanxuan at crystal@163.com

Contact Larry at larry@wall.org

Contact rgf at gfsunny@163.com

xuanxuan‘s address is crystal@163.com









# Filename:seq.py

shoplist = [‘apple‘,‘mango‘,‘carrot‘,‘banana‘]

# Indexing or ‘Subscription‘ operation

print ‘Item 0 is‘,shoplist[0]

print ‘Item 1 is‘,shoplist[1]

print ‘Item 2 is‘,shoplist[2]

print ‘Item 3 is‘,shoplist[3]

print ‘Item -1 is‘,shoplist[-1]

print ‘Item -2 is‘,shoplist[-2]

# Slicing on a list

print ‘Item 1 to 3 is‘,shoplist[1:3]

print ‘Item 2 to end is‘,shoplist[2:]

print ‘Item 1 to -1 is‘,shoplist[1:-1]

print ‘Item start to end is‘,shoplist[:]

# Slicing on a string

name = ‘rgfxuanxuan‘

print ‘characters 1 to 3 is‘,name[1:3]

print ‘characters 2 to end is‘,name[2:]

print ‘characters 1 to -1 is‘,name[1:-1]

print ‘characters start to end is‘,name[:]

[root@gflinux102 code]# python seq.py 

Item 0 is apple

Item 1 is mango

Item 2 is carrot

Item 3 is banana

Item -1 is banana

Item -2 is carrot

Item 1 to 3 is [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘]

Item 2 to end is [‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

Item 1 to -1 is [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘]

Item start to end is [‘apple‘, ‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

characters 1 to 3 is gf

characters 2 to end is fxuanxuan

characters 1 to -1 is gfxuanxua

characters start to end is rgfxuanxuan




    切片操作符中的第一个数(冒号之前)表示切片开始的位置,第二个数(冒号之后)表示切片到哪里结束。如果不指定第一个数,Python就从序列首开始。如果没有指定第二个数,则Python会停止在序列尾。注意,返回的序列从开始位置 开始 ,刚好在 结束 位置之前结束。即开始位置是包含在序列切片中的,而结束位置被排斥在切片外。





    当你创建一个对象并给它赋一个变量的时候,这个变量仅仅 参考 那个对象,而不是表示这个对象本身!也就是说,变量名指向你计算机中存储那个对象的内存。这被称作名称到对象的绑定。



# Filename: reference.py

print ‘Simple Assignement‘

shoplist = [‘apple‘,‘mango‘,‘carrot‘,‘banana‘]

mylist = shoplist

# mylist is just another name pointing to the same object

del shoplist[0]

print ‘shoplist is‘,shoplist

print ‘mylist is‘,mylist

# notice that both shoplist and mylist print the same list without

# the ‘apple‘ confirming that they point to the same object

print ‘Copy by making a full slice‘

mylist = shoplist[:]

# make a copy by doing a full slice

del mylist[0]

# remove the first item

print ‘shoplist is‘,shoplist

print ‘mylist is‘,mylist

# notice that now the two lists are different

[root@gflinux102 code]# python reference.py 

Simple Assignement

shoplist is [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

mylist is [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

Copy by making a full slice

shoplist is [‘mango‘, ‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

mylist is [‘carrot‘, ‘banana‘]

    如果你想要复制一个列表或者类似的序列或者其他复杂的对象(不是如整数那样的简单 对象 ),那么你必须使用切片操作符来取得拷贝。如果你只是想要使用另一个变量名,两个名称都 参考 同一个对象,那么如果你不小心的话,可能会引来各种麻烦。





# Filename: str_methods.py

name = ‘Swaroop‘ # This is a string object

if name.startwith(‘Swa‘):

        print ‘Yes,the string starts with "Swa"‘

if ‘a‘ in name:

        print ‘Yes,it contains the string "a"‘

if name.find(‘war‘) !=-1:

        print ‘Yes,it contains the string "war"‘

delimiter = ‘_*_‘

mylist = [‘Brazil‘,‘Russia‘,‘India‘,‘China‘]

print delimiter.join(mylist)

[root@gflinux102 code]# python str_methods.py 

Yes,the string starts with "Swa"

Yes,it contains the string "a"

Yes,it contains the string "war"







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