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K-Means 聚类算法

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K-Means 概念定义:

K-Means 是一种基于距离的排他的聚类划分方法。

上面的 K-Means 描述中包含了几个概念:

  • 聚类(Clustering):K-Means 是一种聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)方法。聚类就是将数据对象分组成为多个类或者簇 (Cluster),使得在同一个簇中的对象之间具有较高的相似度,而不同簇中的对象差别较大。
  • 划分(Partitioning):聚类可以基于划分,也可以基于分层。划分即将对象划分成不同的簇,而分层是将对象分等级。
  • 排他(Exclusive):对于一个数据对象,只能被划分到一个簇中。如果一个数据对象可以被划分到多个簇中,则称为可重叠的(Overlapping)。
  • 距离(Distance):基于距离的聚类是将距离近的相似的对象聚在一起。基于概率分布模型的聚类是在一组对象中,找到能符合特定分布模型的对象的集合,他们不一定是距离最近的或者最相似的,而是能完美的呈现出概率分布模型所描述的模型。

K-Means 问题描述:

给定一个 n 个对象的数据集,它可以构建数据的 k 个划分,每个划分就是一个簇,并且 k ≤ n。同时还需满足:

  1. 每个组至少包含一个对象。
  2. 每个对象必须属于且仅属于一个簇。


Simply speaking, K-Means clustering is an algorithm to classify or to group your objects based on attributes/features, into K number of groups. K is a positive integer number. The grouping is done by minimizing the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid. Thus, the purpose of K-means clustering is to classify the data.

K-Means 算法实现:

K-Means 算法最常见的实现方式是使用迭代式精化启发法的 Lloyd‘s algorithm

  • 给定划分数量 k。创建一个初始划分,从数据集中随机地选择 k 个对象,每个对象初始地代表了一个簇中心(Cluster Centroid)。对于其他对象,计算其与各个簇中心的距离,将它们划入距离最近的簇。
  • 采用迭代的重定位技术,尝试通过对象在划分间移动来改进划分。所谓重定位技术,就是当有新的对象加入簇或者已有对象离开簇的时候,重新计算簇的平均值,然后对对象进行重新分配。这个过程不断重复,直到各簇中对象不再变化为止。


K-Means 优缺点:

当结果簇是密集的,而且簇和簇之间的区别比较明显时,K-Means 的效果较好。对于大数据集,K-Means 是相对可伸缩的和高效的,它的复杂度是 O(nkt),n 是对象的个数,k 是簇的数目,t 是迭代的次数,通常 k << n,且 t << n,所以算法经常以局部最优结束。

K-Means 的最大问题是要求先给出 k 的个数。k 的选择一般基于经验值和多次实验结果,对于不同的数据集,k 的取值没有可借鉴性。另外,K-Means 对孤立点数据是敏感的,少量噪声数据就能对平均值造成极大的影响。

Lloyd‘s algorithm 伪码实现:

 1 var m = initialCentroids(x, K);
 2 var N = x.length;
 4 while (!stoppingCriteria) 
 5 {
 6     var w = [][];
 8     // calculate membership in clusters
 9     for (var n = 1; n <= N; n++) 
10     {
11         v = arg min (v0) dist(m[v0], x[n]);
12         w[v].push(n);
13     }
15     // recompute the centroids
16     for (var k = 1; k <= K; k++) 
17     {
18         m[k] = avg(x in w[k]);
19     }
20 }
22 return m;

Lloyd‘s algorithm C# 代码实现:

Code below referenced from Machine Learning Using C# Succinctly by James McCaffrey, and article K-Means Data Clustering Using C#.

  1 using System;
  3 // K-means clustering demo. (‘Lloyd‘s algorithm‘)
  4 // Coded using static methods. Normal error-checking removed for clarity.
  5 // This code can be used in at least two ways. 
  6 // You can do a copy-paste and then insert the code into some system.
  7 // Or you can wrap the code up in a Class Library. 
  8 // The single public method is Cluster().
 10 namespace ClusteringKMeans
 11 {
 12   class Program
 13   {
 14     static void Main(string[] args)
 15     {
 16       Console.WriteLine("\nBegin k-means clustering demo\n");
 18       // real data likely to come from a text file or SQL
 19       double[][] raw = new double[20][];
 20       raw[0] = new double[] { 65.0, 220.0 };
 21       raw[1] = new double[] { 73.0, 160.0 };
 22       raw[2] = new double[] { 59.0, 110.0 };
 23       raw[3] = new double[] { 61.0, 120.0 };
 24       raw[4] = new double[] { 75.0, 150.0 };
 25       raw[5] = new double[] { 67.0, 240.0 };
 26       raw[6] = new double[] { 68.0, 230.0 };
 27       raw[7] = new double[] { 70.0, 220.0 };
 28       raw[8] = new double[] { 62.0, 130.0 };
 29       raw[9] = new double[] { 66.0, 210.0 };
 30       raw[10] = new double[] { 77.0, 190.0 };
 31       raw[11] = new double[] { 75.0, 180.0 };
 32       raw[12] = new double[] { 74.0, 170.0 };
 33       raw[13] = new double[] { 70.0, 210.0 };
 34       raw[14] = new double[] { 61.0, 110.0 };
 35       raw[15] = new double[] { 58.0, 100.0 };
 36       raw[16] = new double[] { 66.0, 230.0 };
 37       raw[17] = new double[] { 59.0, 120.0 };
 38       raw[18] = new double[] { 68.0, 210.0 };
 39       raw[19] = new double[] { 61.0, 130.0 };
 41       Console.WriteLine("Raw un-clustered data:\n");
 42       Console.WriteLine("    Height Weight");
 43       Console.WriteLine("-------------------");
 44       ShowData(raw, 1, true, true);
 46       int k = 3;
 47       Console.WriteLine("\nSetting k to " + k);
 49       int[] clustering = Cluster(raw, k); // this is it
 51       Console.WriteLine("\nK-means clustering complete\n");
 53       Console.WriteLine("Final clustering in internal form:\n");
 54       ShowVector(clustering, true);
 56       Console.WriteLine("Raw data by cluster:\n");
 57       ShowClustered(raw, clustering, k, 1);
 59       Console.WriteLine("\nEnd k-means clustering demo\n");
 60       Console.ReadLine();
 61     }
 63     public static int[] Cluster(double[][] rawData, int k)
 64     {
 65       // k-means clustering
 66       // index of return is tuple ID, cell is cluster ID
 67       // ex: [2 1 0 0 2 2] means tuple 0 is cluster 2, 
 68       // tuple 1 is cluster 1, tuple 2 is cluster 0, tuple 3 is cluster 0, etc.
 69       // an alternative clustering DS to save space is to use the .NET BitArray class
 70       double[][] data = Normalized(rawData); // so large values don‘t dominate
 72       bool changed = true; // was there a change in at least one cluster assignment?
 73       bool success = true; // were all means able to be computed? (no zero-count clusters)
 75       // init clustering[] to get things started
 76       // an alternative is to initialize means to randomly selected tuples
 77       // then the processing loop is
 78       // loop
 79       //    update clustering
 80       //    update means
 81       // end loop
 82       int[] clustering = InitClustering(data.Length, k, 0); // semi-random initialization
 83       double[][] means = Allocate(k, data[0].Length); // small convenience
 85       int maxCount = data.Length * 10; // sanity check
 86       int ct = 0;
 87       while (changed == true && success == true && ct < maxCount)
 88       {
 89         ++ct; // k-means typically converges very quickly
 90         success = UpdateMeans(data, clustering, means); // compute new cluster means if possible. no effect if fail
 91         changed = UpdateClustering(data, clustering, means); // (re)assign tuples to clusters. no effect if fail
 92       }
 93       // consider adding means[][] as an out parameter - the final means could be computed
 94       // the final means are useful in some scenarios (e.g., discretization and RBF centroids)
 95       // and even though you can compute final means from final clustering, in some cases it
 96       // makes sense to return the means (at the expense of some method signature uglinesss)
 97       //
 98       // another alternative is to return, as an out parameter, some measure of cluster goodness
 99       // such as the average distance between cluster means, or the average distance between tuples in 
100       // a cluster, or a weighted combination of both
101       return clustering;
102     }
104     private static double[][] Normalized(double[][] rawData)
105     {
106       // normalize raw data by computing (x - mean) / stddev
107       // primary alternative is min-max:
108       // v‘ = (v - min) / (max - min)
110       // make a copy of input data
111       double[][] result = new double[rawData.Length][];
112       for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; ++i)
113       {
114         result[i] = new double[rawData[i].Length];
115         Array.Copy(rawData[i], result[i], rawData[i].Length);
116       }
118       for (int j = 0; j < result[0].Length; ++j) // each col
119       {
120         double colSum = 0.0;
121         for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
122           colSum += result[i][j];
123         double mean = colSum / result.Length;
124         double sum = 0.0;
125         for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
126           sum += (result[i][j] - mean) * (result[i][j] - mean);
127         double sd = sum / result.Length;
128         for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
129           result[i][j] = (result[i][j] - mean) / sd;
130       }
131       return result;
132     }
134     private static int[] InitClustering(int numTuples, int k, int randomSeed)
135     {
136       // init clustering semi-randomly (at least one tuple in each cluster)
137       // consider alternatives, especially k-means++ initialization,
138       // or instead of randomly assigning each tuple to a cluster, pick
139       // numClusters of the tuples as initial centroids/means then use
140       // those means to assign each tuple to an initial cluster.
141       Random random = new Random(randomSeed);
142       int[] clustering = new int[numTuples];
143       for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) // make sure each cluster has at least one tuple
144         clustering[i] = i;
145       for (int i = k; i < clustering.Length; ++i)
146         clustering[i] = random.Next(0, k); // other assignments random
147       return clustering;
148     }
150     private static double[][] Allocate(int k, int numColumns)
151     {
152       // convenience matrix allocator for Cluster()
153       double[][] result = new double[k][];
154       for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
155         result[i] = new double[numColumns];
156       return result;
157     }
159     private static bool UpdateMeans(double[][] data, int[] clustering, double[][] means)
160     {
161       // returns false if there is a cluster that has no tuples assigned to it
162       // parameter means[][] is really a ref parameter
164       // check existing cluster counts
165       // can omit this check if InitClustering and UpdateClustering
166       // both guarantee at least one tuple in each cluster (usually true)
167       int numClusters = means.Length;
168       int[] clusterCounts = new int[numClusters];
169       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
170       {
171         int cluster = clustering[i];
172         ++clusterCounts[cluster];
173       }
175       for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
176         if (clusterCounts[k] == 0)
177           return false; // bad clustering. no change to means[][]
179       // update, zero-out means so it can be used as scratch matrix 
180       for (int k = 0; k < means.Length; ++k)
181         for (int j = 0; j < means[k].Length; ++j)
182           means[k][j] = 0.0;
184       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
185       {
186         int cluster = clustering[i];
187         for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
188           means[cluster][j] += data[i][j]; // accumulate sum
189       }
191       for (int k = 0; k < means.Length; ++k)
192         for (int j = 0; j < means[k].Length; ++j)
193           means[k][j] /= clusterCounts[k]; // danger of div by 0
194       return true;
195     }
197     private static bool UpdateClustering(double[][] data, int[] clustering, double[][] means)
198     {
199       // (re)assign each tuple to a cluster (closest mean)
200       // returns false if no tuple assignments change OR
201       // if the reassignment would result in a clustering where
202       // one or more clusters have no tuples.
204       int numClusters = means.Length;
205       bool changed = false;
207       int[] newClustering = new int[clustering.Length]; // proposed result
208       Array.Copy(clustering, newClustering, clustering.Length);
210       double[] distances = new double[numClusters]; // distances from curr tuple to each mean
212       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i) // walk thru each tuple
213       {
214         for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
215           distances[k] = Distance(data[i], means[k]); // compute distances from curr tuple to all k means
217         int newClusterID = MinIndex(distances); // find closest mean ID
218         if (newClusterID != newClustering[i])
219         {
220           changed = true;
221           newClustering[i] = newClusterID; // update
222         }
223       }
225       if (changed == false)
226         return false; // no change so bail and don‘t update clustering[][]
228       // check proposed clustering[] cluster counts
229       int[] clusterCounts = new int[numClusters];
230       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
231       {
232         int cluster = newClustering[i];
233         ++clusterCounts[cluster];
234       }
236       for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
237         if (clusterCounts[k] == 0)
238           return false; // bad clustering. no change to clustering[][]
240       Array.Copy(newClustering, clustering, newClustering.Length); // update
241       return true; // good clustering and at least one change
242     }
244     private static double Distance(double[] tuple, double[] mean)
245     {
246       // Euclidean distance between two vectors for UpdateClustering()
247       // consider alternatives such as Manhattan distance
248       double sumSquaredDiffs = 0.0;
249       for (int j = 0; j < tuple.Length; ++j)
250         sumSquaredDiffs += Math.Pow((tuple[j] - mean[j]), 2);
251       return Math.Sqrt(sumSquaredDiffs);
252     }
254     private static int MinIndex(double[] distances)
255     {
256       // index of smallest value in array
257       // helper for UpdateClustering()
258       int indexOfMin = 0;
259       double smallDist = distances[0];
260       for (int k = 0; k < distances.Length; ++k)
261       {
262         if (distances[k] < smallDist)
263         {
264           smallDist = distances[k];
265           indexOfMin = k;
266         }
267       }
268       return indexOfMin;
269     }
271     // misc display helpers for demo
273     static void ShowData(double[][] data, int decimals, bool indices, bool newLine)
274     {
275       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
276       {
277         if (indices) Console.Write(i.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " ");
278         for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
279         {
280           if (data[i][j] >= 0.0) Console.Write(" ");
281           Console.Write(data[i][j].ToString("F" + decimals) + " ");
282         }
283         Console.WriteLine("");
284       }
285       if (newLine) Console.WriteLine("");
286     }
288     static void ShowVector(int[] vector, bool newLine)
289     {
290       for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; ++i)
291         Console.Write(vector[i] + " ");
292       if (newLine) Console.WriteLine("\n");
293     }
295     static void ShowClustered(double[][] data, int[] clustering, int k, int decimals)
296     {
297       for (int w = 0; w < k; ++w)
298       {
299         Console.WriteLine("===================");
300         for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
301         {
302           int clusterID = clustering[i];
303           if (clusterID != w) continue;
304           Console.Write(i.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " ");
305           for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
306           {
307             if (data[i][j] >= 0.0) Console.Write(" ");
308             Console.Write(data[i][j].ToString("F" + decimals) + " ");
309           }
310           Console.WriteLine("");
311         }
312         Console.WriteLine("===================");
313       }
314     }
315   }
316 }


本篇文章《K-Means 聚类算法》由 Dennis Gao 发表自博客园个人博客,未经作者本人同意禁止以任何的形式转载,任何自动的或人为的爬虫转载行为均为耍流氓。

K-Means 聚类算法



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