1.例子利用oracle 11g 的dbms_scheduler包执行perl脚本加载数据文件,其中主要用到三个过程分别为SET_JOB_ARGUMENT_VALUE,CREATE_JOB,RUN_JOB三个过程,其中三个过程的参数说明如下:
Attribute | Description |
Name of the job |
Name of the job class |
Style of the job:
Name of the program that the job runs |
Inline action of the job. This is either the code for an anonymous PL/SQL block or the name of a stored procedure, external executable, or chain. |
Job action type (‘ |
Name of the schedule that specifies when the job has to execute |
Inline time-based schedule |
Maximum delay time between scheduled and actual job start before a job run is canceled |
Start date and time of the job |
End date and time of the job |
Event condition for event-based jobs |
File watcher name or queue specification for event-based jobs |
Number of job arguments |
Array of job arguments |
Job priority |
*** Deprecated in Oracle Database 11gR2. Do not change the value of this attribute from the default, which is 1. Weight of the job for parallel execution. |
Maximum run duration of the job |
Maximum number of runs before the job is marked as completed |
Maximum number of failures tolerated before the job is marked as broken |
Job logging level |
Indicates whether the job is restartable ( |
Indicates whether the job is stopped when the window that it runs in ends ( |
State changes that raise events |
Comments on the job |
If |
Indicates whether the job should be enabled immediately after creating it ( |
If |
For event-based jobs only. If If |
For internal use only |
The instance ID of the instance that the job must run on |
The credential to use for a single destination or the default credential for a group of destinations |
The name of a single external destination or database destination, or a group name of type external destination or database destination |
In an Oracle Data Guard environment, the database role (‘ |
If |
Parameter | Description |
The name of the job to be altered |
The name of the program argument being set |
The position of the program argument being set |
The new value to be set for the program argument. To set a non- |
Parameter | Description |
A job name or a comma-separate list of entries, where each is the name of an existing job, optionally preceded by a schema name and dot separator. If you specify a multiple-destination job, the job runs on all destinations. In this case, the |
This specifies whether or not the job run should occur in the same session that the procedure was invoked from. When
For jobs that have a specified destination or destination group, or point to chains or programs with the detached attribute set to |
This specifies that the job is an anonymous PL/SQL block. Job or program arguments are not supported when the job or program type is PLSQL_BLOCK
. In this case, the number of arguments must be 0.
This specifies that the job is a PL/SQL or Java stored procedure, or an external C subprogram. Only procedures, not functions with return values, are supported.
This specifies that the job is external to the database. External jobs are anything that can be executed from the command line of the operating system. Anydata
arguments are not supported with a job or program type of EXECUTABLE
The job owner must have the CREATE
system privilege before the job can be enabled or run.
This specifies that the job is a chain. Arguments are not supported for a chain, so number_of_arguments
must be 0.
[root@ETL ~]# useradd -d /home/etl/ -m etl
[root@ETL ~]# passwd etl
Changing password for user etl.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/common/nls/admin/data
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/common/nls/admin/data
[root@ETL /]# mkdir /ETL
[root@ETL /]# cd ETL
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir bad
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir log
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir loader
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir control
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir data
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir backup
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir sh
[root@ETL ETL]# mkdir perl
[root@ETL ETL]# cd ..
[root@ETL /]# chown -R etl:etl /ETL
[root@ETL /]# chmod -R 777 /ETL
1.查看$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora 权限
[root@ETL ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@ETL ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@ETL dbhome_1]$ pwd
[oracle@ETL dbhome_1]$ exit
[root@ETL ~]# cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
[root@ETL dbhome_1]# cd rdbms
[root@ETL rdbms]# cd admin
[root@ETL admin]# ls -al|grep externaljob.ora
-rw-r----- 1 root oinstall 1536 Jan 30 13:28 externaljob.ora
2.配置$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora,将run_user=etl run_group=etl 具体如下:
[root@ETL admin]# vi externaljob.ora
# $Header: externaljob.ora 16-dec-2005.20:47:13 rramkiss Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
# externaljob.ora
# This configuration file is used by dbms_scheduler when executing external
# (operating system) jobs. It contains the user and group to run external
# jobs as. It must only be writable by the owner and must be owned by root.
# If extjob is not setuid then the only allowable run_user
# is the user Oracle runs as and the only allowable run_group is the group
# Oracle runs as.
# For Porters: The user and group specified here should be a lowly privileged
# user and group for your platform. For Linux this is nobody
# and nobody.
# rramkiss 12/09/05 - Creation
# External job execution configuration file externaljob.ora
# This file is provided by Oracle Corporation to help you customize
# your RDBMS installation for your site. Important system parameters
# are discussed, and default settings given.
# This configuration file is used by dbms_scheduler when executing external
# (operating system) jobs. It contains the user and group to run external
# jobs as. It must only be writable by the owner and must be owned by root.
# If extjob is not setuid then the only allowable run_user
# is the user Oracle runs as and the only allowable run_group is the group
# Oracle runs as.
run_user =etl
run_group =etl
[root@ETL admin]# su - oracle
[oracle@ETL ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME
[oracle@ETL dbhome_1]$ pwd
[oracle@ETL dbhome_1]$ exit
[root@ETL admin]# cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
[root@ETL dbhome_1]# ls -al|grep extjob
[root@ETL dbhome_1]# cd bin
[root@ETL bin]# ls -al|grep extjob
-rwsr-x--- 1 root oinstall 1249595 Jan 18 00:53 extjob
-rwx------ 1 oracle oinstall 1249595 Jan 18 00:53 extjobo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 1249958 Sep 17 2011 extjobO
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 1249958 Sep 17 2011 extjoboO
1.创建 ETL_TEST用户
create user etl_test identified by etl_test
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace temp;
grant connect, resource to etl_test;
grant select on sys.v_$session to etl_test;
grant select on sys.v_$process to etl_test;
grant create job to etl_test;
grant create any job to etl_test;
grant create external job to etl_test;
grant MANAGE SCHEDULER to etl_test;
grant alter system to etl_test;
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to etl_test;
grant execute on DBMS_PIPE to etl_test;
grant execute on UTL_FILE to etl_test;
grant execute on DBMS_SCHEDULER to etl_test;
grant all on DBMS_SCHEDULER to etl_test;
grant execute on DBMS_CRYPTO to etl_test;
grant create any directory to etl_test;
grant debug any procedure, debug connect session to etl_test;
grant select on sys.dba_free_space to etl_test;
grant select on sys.dba_data_files to etl_test;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_DATA as ‘/ETL/data‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_BAD as ‘/ETL/bad‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_LOG as ‘/ETL/log‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_CONTROL as ‘/ETL/control‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_LOADER as ‘/ETL/loader‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_SH as ‘/ETL/sh‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_BACKUP as ‘/ETL/backup‘;
create or replace directory RWA_FILE_PERL as ‘/ETL/perl‘;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_DATA to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_PERL to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_BAD to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_LOG to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_CONTROL to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_LOADER to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_SH to etl_test;
grant read, write on directory RWA_FILE_BACKUP to etl_test;
create table F_MUREX_GL
data_dt DATE,
areano VARCHAR2(10),
currency VARCHAR2(10),
apcode VARCHAR2(20),
orgcde VARCHAR2(20),
damount NUMBER,
camount NUMBER,
remark VARCHAR2(1000)
a.RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.ctl -- sqlldr控制文件 目录:/ETL/control
[etl@ETL control]$ more RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.ctl
load data
fields terminated by X‘01‘
trailing nullcols
b.RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.sh -- 加载数据的shell文件 目录:/ETL/loader
[etl@ETL loader]$ more RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.sh
. /home/etl/.bash_profile
sqlldr userid=etl_test/$vOraPwd@ETL control=/ETL/control/RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.ctl data=/ETL/data/RWA_EDW_RWA_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO_20140630_001.txt log=/ETL/log/RWA
#! /usr/bin/perl
# @parameter : db user pasaword
# @description : run RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.sh and load data to table F_MUREX_GL
# @create_date :2015-02-09
# @author :Tux
# @version :1.0.0
# @source :
# @target :
# @modify :
# @copyright :
use strict;
my $passwd;
my $clm_shell = ‘/ETL/loader/RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.sh‘;
$passwd = $ARGV[0];
# run shell script
eval {
system("sh $clm_shell $passwd");
if ($@ ne ‘‘) {
die "execute sqlldr script failed\n";
print "the sqlldr script run sucessessfull !!\n";
d.RWA_EDW_RWA_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO_20140630_001.txt -- 数据文件
[etl@ETL data]$ more RWA_EDW_RWA_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO_20140630_001.txt
2014-06-30 00350AED0232 6114 0.000 1000000.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0148 6107 4538300.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0110 6107 1526300.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0971 6107 8006100.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0158 6107 154.430 0.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD5497 6108 0.000 15200.000
2014-06-30 00350AUD0155 6108 1000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0239 6107 0.000 950000.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0247 6107 0.000 950000.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD9317 6107 262222.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CAD0123 6114 1000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CHF0971 6107 2383200.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY9867 6118 572590.240 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY7066 6118 9000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY7048 6118 7546536516.090 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY6814 6118 1323765.700 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY5512 6107 0.000 1089729877.740
2014-06-30 00350CNY9861 6118 248471.230 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY9887 6118 2666.660 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY5433 6104 0.000 130676.080
2014-06-30 00350CNY5453 6107 500495181.380 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY5562 6107 0.000 50571245.930
2014-06-30 00350CNY7591 6124 69524032.280 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY9971 6104 4313539.170 0.000
2014-06-30 00036CNY6025 6121 105.860 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY5149 6118 0.000 108304.850
2014-06-30 00350CNY5605 6110 0.000 1790434.050
2014-06-30 00350CNY7274 6110 78709183.050 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY7272 6110 1000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY9322 6107 0.000 316363894.130
2014-06-30 00350CNY8804 6120 328682.870 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY0961 6116 330410.960 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY0845 6116 0.000 3041470.520
2014-06-30 00350CNY0745 6116 3041470.520 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY0975 6116 200000000.000 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY8578 6110 0.000 98844709.540
2014-06-30 00350CNY7492 6110 3501396.240 0.000
2014-06-30 00350CNY8635 6110 98844709.540 0.000
2014-06-30 00350EUR9875 6112 0.000 3000000.000
-- 创建executable job
job_name => ‘LF_PERL‘,
job_type => ‘EXECUTABLE‘,
job_action => ‘/ETL/loader/RWA_EDW_PLEDGE_IMPAWN_INFO.pl‘,
start_date => systimestamp,
number_of_arguments => 1,
-- job_class => ‘no_logging_class‘,
auto_drop => true,
comments => ‘LF_PERL‘);
-- 传入参数
dbms_scheduler.set_job_argument_value(job_name => ‘LF_PERL‘,
argument_position =>1 ,
argument_value =>‘etl_test‘ );
-- 执行
dbms_scheduler.run_job(job_name =>‘LF_PERL‘);
-- 删除job
dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name => ‘LF_PERL‘);
-- 清除job日志
dbms_scheduler.purge_log(job_name => ‘LF_PERL‘);
-- 查看JOB
select * from user_scheduler_jobs t
where job_name = ‘LF_PERL‘
-- 查看JOB执行情况
select * from user_scheduler_job_run_details t
where job_name = ‘LF_PERL‘