type TMsgType = (event, text, image, voice, video, location, link); TMessage = Record ToUserName: String; FromUserName: String; CreateTime: Integer; MsgType: String; end; uses System.SysUtils, System.JSON, TypInfo, Xml.XMLIntf, Xml.XMLDoc, ActiveX; function ReplyText(Msg: TMessage; MsgText: String): RawByteString; var X: IXMLDocument; begin X := NewXMLDocument; try X.Xml.text := TextMsg; X.Active := true; with X.DocumentElement.ChildNodes do begin Nodes[‘ToUserName‘].NodeValue := Msg.FromUserName; Nodes[‘FromUserName‘].NodeValue := Msg.ToUserName; Nodes[‘CreateTime‘].NodeValue := UnixTime(now); Nodes[‘MsgType‘].NodeValue := ‘text‘; Nodes[‘Content‘].NodeValue := MsgText; end; Result := UTF8Encode(X.Xml.text); finally X.Active := False; X := nil; end; end; function ResponseText(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin Result := ReplyText(M, ‘有什么问题留言吧,我们会尽快答复您!‘); end; function ResponseImage(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin Result := ReplyText(M, ‘您发的图片很漂亮!‘); end; function ResponseVoice(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin try with X.DocumentElement.ChildNodes do begin Result := ReplyText(M, Format(VoiceMsg, [Nodes[‘Recognition‘].NodeValue])); end; except Result := ReplyText(M, ‘没听清您说什么,不过您的声音很有磁性^_^‘); end; end; function ResponseVideo(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin Result := ReplyText(M, ‘什么视频?不会是A片吧?‘); end; function ResponseLocation(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin Result := ReplyText(M, ‘把你的位置发给我了,不怕我跟踪你?哈哈!‘); end; function ResponseLink(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; begin Result := ReplyText(M, ‘什么链接?不会木马吧?‘); end; procedure AddLog(S: String); begin Form1.Log.Lines.Add(formatdatetime(TimeFormat, now) + ‘: ‘ + S); end; function Response(M: TMessage; X: IXMLDocument): RawByteString; var MsgType: TMsgType; begin MsgType := TMsgType(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TMsgType), M.MsgType)); case MsgType of event: begin Result := ResponseEvent(M, X); end; text: begin Result := ResponseText(M, X); addlog(‘收到文本消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; image: begin Result := ResponseImage(M, X); addlog(‘收到图片消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; voice: begin Result := ResponseVoice(M, X); addlog(‘收到语音消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; video: begin Result := ResponseVideo(M, X); addlog(‘收到视频消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; location: begin Result := ResponseLocation(M, X); addlog(‘收到位置消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; link: begin Result := ResponseLink(M, X); addlog(‘收到链接消息...‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end else begin Result := ‘‘; addlog(‘收到未知消息:‘ + M.MsgType + ‘, ‘ + M.FromUserName); end; end; end; function Analysis(Stream: TStream): RawByteString; var X: IXMLDocument; M: TMessage; begin try X := NewXMLDocument; X.Xml.BeginUpdate; X.Xml.text := StreamToString(Stream); X.Xml.EndUpdate; X.Active := true; with X.DocumentElement.ChildNodes do begin M.ToUserName := Nodes[‘ToUserName‘].NodeValue; M.FromUserName := Nodes[‘FromUserName‘].NodeValue; M.CreateTime := Nodes[‘CreateTime‘].NodeValue; M.MsgType := Nodes[‘MsgType‘].NodeValue; end; Result := Response(M, X); finally X.Active := False; X := nil; end; end; procedure Form1.IdHTTPServerCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo); begin if CheckSignature(ARequestInfo) then if ARequestInfo.Params.Values[‘echostr‘] <> ‘‘ then begin AResponseInfo.ContentType := ‘text/html; charset=UTF-8‘; AResponseInfo.ContentText := ARequestInfo.Params.Values[‘echostr‘]; end else begin if ARequestInfo.PostStream <> nil then begin CoInitialize(nil); try AResponseInfo.ContentType := ‘text/html; charset=UTF-8‘; AResponseInfo.ContentText := Analysis(ARequestInfo.PostStream); finally CoUninitialize; end; end; end; end;
Delphi XE7 用indy开发微信公众平台(4)- 接收普通消息