<?php if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH‘)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed‘); class Xwhcommonweal extends CI_Controller { //var $appUrl = ‘ ‘; var $appUrl = ‘http:// ‘; var $serviceUrl = ‘ /‘; var $appName = ‘ ‘; var $appTitle = ‘ ‘; var $appkey = ‘gongyi‘; var $language = ‘zh-CN‘; var $debug = false; /* var $data = array( ‘index‘=> ‘ ‘, ‘rule‘=> ‘http://1 ule‘, ‘updowm‘=> ‘h dowm‘, ‘commonweal‘=> ‘http: weal‘, ‘trading‘=> ‘htt g‘, ); */ var $data = array( //切换卡信息 ‘index‘=> ‘ l‘, ‘rule‘=> ‘htt l/rule‘, ‘updowm‘=> ‘http://w monweal/updowm‘, ‘commonweal‘=> ‘http://we eal/commonweal‘, ‘trading‘=> ‘http://web. mmonweal/trading‘, //登录注册信息 ‘loginUrl‘=> ‘http://web.so l/login‘, ‘registerUrl‘=> ‘http://we ation‘, ‘code‘=> ‘http://web.soc tion_code‘, ‘check_phone‘=> ‘http://web. heck_phone‘, ); function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // 保存一天 //$lifeTime = 24 * 3600; //session_set_cookie_params($lifeTime); //session_start(); } //首页 public function index() { $data = $this->data; if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $data[‘trading‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $welfare = $this->public_information(); if($welfare[‘re‘]){ $data[‘total_balance‘] = $welfare[‘total_balance‘]; $data[‘total_profit‘] = $welfare[‘total_profit‘]; }else{ $data[‘total_balance‘] = ‘-‘; $data[‘total_profit‘] = ‘-‘; } $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $datas[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/index‘, $data,true); $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $datas); } //规则 public function rule() { $data = $this->data; if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $data[‘trading‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $welfare = $this->public_information(); if($welfare[‘re‘]){ $data[‘total_balance‘] = $welfare[‘total_balance‘]; $data[‘total_profit‘] = $welfare[‘total_profit‘]; }else{ $data[‘total_balance‘] = ‘-‘; $data[‘total_profit‘] = ‘-‘; } $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/rule‘, $data,true); $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } //获取经济商列表 public function interdealerlist(){ $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘trusteeship/broker_list?token=‘.$_SESSION[‘token‘].‘&lang=‘.$this->lang.‘&source=‘. $this->appkey; $json = $this->getfunction($url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); var_dump($array); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $re = $array[‘data‘]; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; $re[‘msg‘] = $array[‘msg‘]; } var_dump($array); echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //涨跌 public function updowm() { $data = $this->data; if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $data[‘trading‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $welfare = $this->public_information(); if($welfare[‘re‘]){ $data[‘total_balance‘] = $welfare[‘total_balance‘]; $data[‘total_profit‘] = $welfare[‘total_profit‘]; }else{ $data[‘total_balance‘] = ‘-‘; $data[‘total_profit‘] = ‘-‘; } $masterdata = $this->follow_master(); if($masterdata->status == 200){ $list = $masterdata->data->tickets; $sum = count($list); for($i = 0;$i<$sum-1;$i++){ if(10>$i && $i>0){ $listdata[‘symbol‘] = $list[$i]->symbol; $listdata[‘name‘] = $list[$i]->name; //操作 if (strpos($list[$i]->cmd, ‘buy‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买涨 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做多‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘up‘; } else if (strpos($list[$i]->cmd, ‘sell‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买跌 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做空‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘down‘; } $listdata[‘open_price‘] = $list[$i]->open_price; $listdata[‘open_time‘] = $list[$i]->open_time; $listdata[‘stoploss‘] = $list[$i]->stoploss; $listdata[‘takeprofit‘] = $list[$i]->takeprofit; $listdata[‘close_price‘] = $list[$i]->close_price; $listdata[‘close_time‘] = $list[$i]->close_time; $listdata[‘profit‘] = $list[$i]->profit; $listdata[‘margin‘] = $list[$i]->margin; $listdata[‘ror‘] = $list[$i]->ror; $data[‘masterdata‘] .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/updowmmdl‘, $listdata,true); } } if($sum%10==0){ $pagenum = floor($sum/10); }else{ $pagenum = floor($sum/10)+1; } $data[‘page‘] = $this->num_page($pagenum,0); $data[‘pageurl‘] = $this->appUrl . ‘/masterpage‘; }else{ $data[‘masterdata‘] = ‘‘; $data[‘page‘] = ‘‘; $data[‘pageurl‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/updowm‘, $data,true); $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } public function num_page($num,$page){ //显示分页 if($page<5){ for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $pages[‘num‘] = $i; if($pages[‘num‘]<=5){ $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); }else if($num == $i){ $pages[‘num‘] = ‘...‘; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); $pages[‘num‘] = $i; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); } } }else if($page>=5&&$page<$num-5){ for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $pages[‘num‘] = $i; if($pages[‘num‘]==1){ $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); $pages[‘num‘] = ‘...‘; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); }else if($pages[‘num‘] >= $page-2 && $pages[‘num‘] <= $page+2){ $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); }else if($num == $i){ $pages[‘num‘] = ‘...‘; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); $pages[‘num‘] = $i; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); } } }else if($page>=$num-5 && $page<=$num){ for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ $pages[‘num‘] = $i; if($pages[‘num‘]==1){ $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); $pages[‘num‘] = ‘...‘; $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); }else if($pages[‘num‘]>$num-5 && $pages[‘num‘]<=$num){ $data .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/page‘, $pages,true); } } } return $data; } //涨跌分页 public function masterpage(){ $request = $this->input->get(); $masterdata = $this->follow_master(); if($masterdata->status == 200){ $list = $masterdata->data->tickets; $sum = count($list)-1; for($i = 0;$i<$sum;$i++){ if($request[‘page‘]*10>$i && $i>($request[‘page‘]-1)*10){ $listdata[‘symbol‘] = $list[$i]->symbol; $listdata[‘name‘] = $list[$i]->name; //操作 if (strpos($list[$i]->cmd, ‘buy‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买涨 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做多‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘up‘; } else if (strpos($list[$i]->cmd, ‘sell‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买跌 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做空‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘down‘; } $listdata[‘open_price‘] = $list[$i]->open_price; $listdata[‘open_time‘] = $list[$i]->open_time; $listdata[‘stoploss‘] = $list[$i]->stoploss; $listdata[‘takeprofit‘] = $list[$i]->takeprofit; $listdata[‘close_price‘] = $list[$i]->close_price; $listdata[‘close_time‘] = $list[$i]->close_time; $listdata[‘profit‘] = $list[$i]->profit; $listdata[‘margin‘] = $list[$i]->margin; $listdata[‘ror‘] = $list[$i]->ror; $data[‘masterdata‘] .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/updowmmdl‘, $listdata,true); } } if($sum%10==0){ $pagenum = floor($sum/10); }else{ $pagenum = floor($sum/10)+1; } $data[‘page‘] = $this->num_page($pagenum,$request[‘page‘]); }else{ $data[‘masterdata‘] = ‘‘; } echo json_encode($data,TRUE); exit; } //公益 public function commonweal() { $data = $this->data; if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $data[‘trading‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $welfare = $this->public_information(); if($welfare[‘re‘]){ $data[‘total_balance‘] = $welfare[‘total_balance‘]; $data[‘total_profit‘] = $welfare[‘total_profit‘]; }else{ $data[‘total_balance‘] = ‘-‘; $data[‘total_profit‘] = ‘-‘; } $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/commonweal‘, $data,true); $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } //我的交易 public function trading() { $data = $this->data; $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); //我的信息 $myinfo = $this->myinfo(); if($myinfo->status == 200){ $data[‘equity‘] = $myinfo->data->equity; $data[‘balance‘] = $myinfo->data->balance; $data[‘last_balance‘] = $myinfo->data->last_balance; $data[‘ror‘] = $myinfo->data->ror; $data[‘position‘] = $myinfo->data->position; $data[‘profit‘] = $myinfo->data->profit; $data[‘this_month_profit‘] = $myinfo->data->this_month_profit; $data[‘following‘] = $myinfo->data->following; $data[‘history‘] = $myinfo->data->history; $data[‘account_type‘] = $myinfo->data->account_type; $data[‘valid‘] = $myinfo->valid; $data[‘history_balance‘] = $myinfo->history_balance; } //我的历史记录 $mydata = $this->my_history(); $data[‘listpage‘] = ‘none‘; if($mydata->status == 200){ $trader = $mydata->data->trader; $position = $trader[0]->position; $sum = count($position); for($i = 0;$i<$sum;$i++){ if(10>$i && $i>0){ $listdata[‘ticket‘] = $position[$i]->ticket; $listdata[‘id‘] = $position[$i]->id; //操作 if (strpos($position[$i]->type, ‘buy‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买涨 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做多‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘up‘; } else if (strpos($position[$i]->type, ‘sell‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买跌 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做空‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘down‘; } $listdata[‘symbol‘] = $position[$i]->symbol; $listdata[‘volume‘] = $position[$i]->volume; $listdata[‘open_price‘] = $position[$i]->open_price; $listdata[‘open_time‘] = $position[$i]->open_time; $listdata[‘close_price‘] = $position[$i]->close_price; $listdata[‘close_time‘] = $position[$i]->close_time; $listdata[‘profit‘] = $position[$i]->profit; $listdata[‘margin‘] = $position[$i]->margin; $listdata[‘ror‘] = $position[$i]->ror; if($listdata[‘profit‘]<=0){ $listdata[‘donation‘] = ‘-‘; }else{ $listdata[‘donation‘] = $listdata[‘profit‘]*0.2; } $data[‘masterdata‘] .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/mytradingmdl‘, $listdata,true); } } if($sum%10==0){ $pagenum = floor($sum/10); }else{ $pagenum = floor($sum/10)+1; } $data[‘page‘] = $this->num_page($pagenum,0); $data[‘pageurl‘] = $this->appUrl . ‘/historypage‘; }else{ $data[‘masterdata‘] = ‘‘; } $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/trading‘, $data,true); $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } //我的历史交易分页 public function historypage(){ $request = $this->input->get(); $mydata = $this->my_history(); $data[‘listpage‘] = ‘none‘; if($mydata->status == 200){ $trader = $mydata->data->trader; $position = $trader[0]->position; $sum = count($position); for($i = 0;$i<$sum;$i++){ if($request[‘page‘]*10>$i && $i>($request[‘page‘]-1)*10){ $listdata[‘ticket‘] = $position[$i]->ticket; $listdata[‘id‘] = $position[$i]->id; //操作 if (strpos($position[$i]->type, ‘buy‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买涨 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做多‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘up‘; } else if (strpos($position[$i]->type, ‘sell‘) != ‘flase‘) {//买跌 $listdata[‘cmd‘] = ‘做空‘; $listdata[‘style‘] = ‘down‘; } $listdata[‘symbol‘] = $position[$i]->symbol; $listdata[‘volume‘] = $position[$i]->volume; $listdata[‘open_price‘] = $position[$i]->open_price; $listdata[‘open_time‘] = $position[$i]->open_time; $listdata[‘close_price‘] = $position[$i]->close_price; $listdata[‘close_time‘] = $position[$i]->close_time; $listdata[‘profit‘] = $position[$i]->profit; $listdata[‘margin‘] = $position[$i]->margin; $listdata[‘ror‘] = $position[$i]->ror; if($listdata[‘profit‘]<=0){ $listdata[‘donation‘] = ‘-‘; }else{ $listdata[‘donation‘] = $listdata[‘profit‘]*0.2; } $data[‘masterdata‘] .= $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/mdl/mytradingmdl‘, $listdata,true); } } if($sum%10==0){ $pagenum = floor($sum/10); }else{ $pagenum = floor($sum/10)+1; } $data[‘page‘] = $this->num_page($pagenum,$request[‘page‘]); $data[‘pageurl‘] = $this->appUrl . ‘/masterpage‘; }else{ $data[‘masterdata‘] = ‘‘; } echo json_encode($data[‘masterdata‘],TRUE); exit; } /* //修改账号 public function reviseuser() { $data = $this->data; $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/revise-user‘, $data,true); $data[‘body-class‘] = ‘js-height‘; $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } */ //修改密码 public function revisepw() { $data = $this->data; $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $data[‘changepwd‘] = $this->appUrl.‘/changepwd‘; $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/revisepw‘, $data,true); $data[‘body-class‘] = ‘js-height‘; $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } public function changepwd(){ $request = $this->input->post(); $data[‘token‘] = $_SESSION[‘token‘]; $data[‘oldpwd‘] = $request[‘oldpwd‘]; $data[‘newpwd‘] = $request[‘newpwd‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/changepwd‘; $json = $this->postfunction($data, $url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; } echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //修改名字 public function revisenike() { $data = $this->data; $data[‘headTitle‘] = $this->appTitle; $data[‘logininfo‘] = $this->exist_user(); $data[‘changenike‘] = $this->appUrl.‘/changenike‘; $data[‘bodyHtml‘] = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/revisenike‘, $data,true); $data[‘body-class‘] = ‘js-height‘; $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/layout‘, $data); } public function changenike(){ $request = $this->input->post(); $data[‘token‘] = $_SESSION[‘token‘]; $data[‘nickname‘] = $request[‘username‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/‘; $json = $this->postfunction($data, $url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $_SESSION[‘name‘] = $request[‘username‘]; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; } echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //判断用户是否登录,登录后显示用户信息 public function exist_user() { if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $login = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/login/not_logged‘,‘‘,true); }else{ //$data[‘reviseuser‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/reviseuser‘; $data[‘revisepw‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/revisepw‘; $data[‘revisenike‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/revisenike‘; $data[‘signout‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/signout‘; $data[‘index‘]=$this->appUrl; $data[‘name‘]=$_SESSION[‘name‘]; $login = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/login/are_logged‘, $data,true); } return $login; } //判断用户是否登录,登录后显示用户信息 public function exist_user_power() { if($_SESSION[‘token‘]==‘‘){ $login = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/login/not_logged‘,‘‘,true); }else{ //$data[‘reviseuser‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/reviseuser‘; $data[‘revisepw‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/revisepw‘; $data[‘revisenike‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/revisenike‘; $data[‘signout‘]=$this->appUrl . ‘/signout‘; $login = $this->parser->parse($this->appName . ‘/login/are_logged‘, $data,true); } return $login; } //退出登录 public function signout() { session_unset(); session_destroy(); $re[‘re‘]= TRUE; echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //手机号+邮箱+呢称注册 //手机号+验证码注册 public function registration(){ $request = $this->input->post(); if($request[‘type‘]==‘mobile‘){ $data[‘mobile‘] = $request[‘phone‘]; $data[‘captcha‘] = $request[‘verify‘]; $data[‘password‘] = $request[‘password‘]; }else{ $data[‘mobile‘] = $request[‘phone‘]; $data[‘email‘] = $request[‘email‘]; $data[‘username‘] = $request[‘username‘]; $data[‘password‘] = $request[‘password‘]; } $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/register‘; $json = $this->postfunction($data, $url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $_SESSION[‘token‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘token‘]; $_SESSION[‘uid‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘uid‘]; $_SESSION[‘name‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘nikename‘]; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; } echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //手机号+密码登录 public function login(){ $request = $this->input->post(); $data[‘username‘] = $request[‘username‘]; $data[‘password‘] = $request[‘password‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/login‘; $json = $this->postfunction($data, $url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $_SESSION[‘token‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘token‘]; $_SESSION[‘uid‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘uid‘]; $_SESSION[‘name‘] = $array[‘data‘][‘nickname‘]; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; } echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } //检测手机号是否已经被注册 public function check_phone(){ $phone = $this->input->get(‘phone‘); $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/check/phone‘ . $phone; $json = $this->getfunction($url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); echo $array[‘data‘]; exit; } //获取验证码 public function verification_code(){ $request = $this->input->get(); $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $param = ‘mobile=‘.$request[‘phone‘].‘&type=‘.$request[‘type‘].‘&Lang=‘.$this->lang.‘&source=‘. $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘user/captcha?‘ . $param; $json = $this->getfunction($url); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); if($array[‘status‘] == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $re = $array[‘data‘]; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; $re[‘msg‘] = $array[‘msg‘]; } echo json_encode($re,TRUE); exit; } /** * * 公益信息 * * */ public function public_information(){ $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘activity/gongyi_data?Lang=‘.$data[‘lang‘].‘&source=‘.$data[‘source‘]; $json = $this->getfunction($url); $array = json_decode($json); if($array->status == 200){ $re[‘re‘] = TRUE; $re[‘total_balance‘] = $array->data->total_balance; $re[‘total_profit‘] = $array->data->total_profit; }else{ $re[‘re‘] = FALSE; } return $re; } /** * 订单信息 * */ //我的信息 public function myinfo(){ $data[‘token‘] = $_SESSION[‘token‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘account?token=‘.$data[‘token‘].‘&lang=‘.$data[‘lang‘].‘&source=‘.$data[‘source‘]; $json = $this->getfunction($url); return json_decode($json); } //我的历史记录 public function my_history(){ $data[‘token‘] = $_SESSION[‘token‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘position/history?token=‘.$data[‘token‘].‘&lang=‘.$data[‘lang‘].‘&source=‘.$data[‘source‘]; $json = $this->getfunction($url); return json_decode($json); } //跟随高手 public function follow_master(){ $data[‘token‘] = $_SESSION[‘token‘]; $data[‘lang‘] = $this->language; $data[‘source‘] = $this->appkey; $url = $this->serviceUrl . ‘activity/gongyi/ace_history?token=‘.$data[‘token‘].‘&lang=‘.$data[‘lang‘].‘&source=‘.$data[‘source‘]; $json = $this->getfunction($url); return json_decode($json); } //get请求接口 public function getfunction($url) { $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $file_contents = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $file_contents; } //post请求接口 public function postfunction($post_data, $url) { if (is_array($post_data)) { $post_data = http_build_query($post_data); } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // 把post的变量加上 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); // 设为TRUE把curl_exec()结果转化为字符串,而不是直接输出 $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } //put请求接口 public function putfunction($url, $data, $method) { $ch = curl_init(); //初始化CURL句柄 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //设置请求的URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //设为TRUE把curl_exec()结果转化为字串,而不是直接输出 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); //设置请求方式 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-HTTP-Method-Override: $method")); //设置HTTP头信息 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); //设置提交的字符串 $document = curl_exec($ch); //执行预定义的CURL if (!curl_errno($ch)) { $info = curl_getinfo($ch); //echo ‘Took ‘ . $info[‘total_time‘] . ‘ seconds to send a request to ‘ . $info[‘url‘]; } else { //echo ‘Curl error: ‘ . curl_error($ch); } curl_close($ch); return $document; } //后台页面的编辑 }