2.尝试在sqlplus下用将tablespace offline后修改
SQL> alter tablespace WST_DATA rename datafile ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA .DBF‘ TO ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\te blespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘ ; alter tablespace WST_DATA rename datafile ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA .DBF‘ TO ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblesp ace\WST_DATA.DBF‘ * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01525: error in renaming data files ORA-01141: error renaming data file 6 - new file ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘ not found ORA-01110: data file 6: ‘D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WST_DATA .DBF‘ ORA-27041: unable to open file OSD-04002: unable to open file O/S-Error: (OS 2) 系统找不到指定的文件。 SQL> alter tablespace WST_DATA rename datafile 6 TO ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘ ; alter tablespace WST_DATA rename datafile 6 TO ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘ * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02236: invalid file name
G:\oraclebackup\InstanceNames>rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Feb 10 14:50:09 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. connected to target database: ORA11 (DBID=723822444) RMAN> shutdown immediate; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog database closed database dismounted Oracle instance shut down RMAN> startup mount; connected to target database (not started) Oracle instance started database mounted Total System Global Area 1071333376 bytes Fixed Size 1375792 bytes Variable Size 738197968 bytes Database Buffers 327155712 bytes Redo Buffers 4603904 bytes RMAN> copy datafile 6 to ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘; Starting backup at 10-FEB-15 allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=156 devtype=DISK channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy input datafile fno=00006 name=D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WST_DATA .DBF output filename=D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WST_DATA.DBF tag=TAG20150210T145554 recid=1 stamp=871311470 channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:01:56 Finished backup at 10-FEB-15 RMAN>run{ 2> set newname for datafile 6 to ‘D:\oracle11\oradata\teblespace\WST_DATA.DBF‘; 3> switch datafile 6; 4> } executing command: SET NEWNAME datafile 6 switched to datafile copy input datafile copy recid=1 stamp=871311470 filename=D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WST_DATA.DBF RMAN> alter database open; database opened RMAN> exit Recovery Manager complete.
G:\oraclebackup\InstanceNames>sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Feb 10 15:01:41 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> col name format a60; SQL> set linesize 180; SQL> select file#,status,name from v$datafile; FILE# STATUS NAME ---------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 SYSTEM D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORA11\SYSTEM01.DBF 2 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORA11\SYSAUX01.DBF 3 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORA11\UNDOTBS01.DBF 4 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\ORA11\USERS01.DBF 5 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WSTJFX_DATA.DBF 6 OFFLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WST_DATA.DBF 7 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WSXXZB_DATA.DBF 8 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\TESTBIRPT.DBF 9 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\WFGS.DBF 10 ONLINE D:\ORACLE11\ORADATA\TEBLESPACE\ZDJWBI.DBF 11 ONLINE E:\DATA\GYBANK\KHFX.DBF