#!/bin/sh #ocpyang@126.com #Modified according to the actual situation mysql server IP and username password export black='\033[0m' export boldblack='\033[1;0m' export red='\033[31m' export boldred='\033[1;31m' export green='\033[32m' export boldgreen='\033[1;32m' export yellow='\033[33m' export boldyellow='\033[1;33m' export blue='\033[34m' export boldblue='\033[1;34m' export magenta='\033[35m' export boldmagenta='\033[1;35m' export cyan='\033[36m' export boldcyan='\033[1;36m' export white='\033[37m' export boldwhite='\033[1;37m' cecho () ## -- Function to easliy print colored text -- ## # Color-echo. # 参数 $1 = message # 参数 $2 = color { local default_msg="No message passed." message=${1:-$default_msg} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值default_msg. color=${2:-black} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值black. case $color in black) printf "$black" ;; boldblack) printf "$boldblack" ;; red) printf "$red" ;; boldred) printf "$boldred" ;; green) printf "$green" ;; boldgreen) printf "$boldgreen" ;; yellow) printf "$yellow" ;; boldyellow) printf "$boldyellow" ;; blue) printf "$blue" ;; boldblue) printf "$boldblue" ;; magenta) printf "$magenta" ;; boldmagenta) printf "$boldmagenta" ;; cyan) printf "$cyan" ;; boldcyan) printf "$boldcyan" ;; white) printf "$white" ;; boldwhite) printf "$boldwhite" ;; esac printf "%s\n" "$message" tput sgr0 # tput sgr0即恢复默认值 printf "$black" return } cechon () # Color-echo. # 参数1 $1 = message # 参数2 $2 = color { local default_msg="No message passed." # Doesn't really need to be a local variable. message=${1:-$default_msg} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值default_msg. color=${2:-black} # 如果$1没有输入则为默认值black. case $color in black) printf "$black" ;; boldblack) printf "$boldblack" ;; red) printf "$red" ;; boldred) printf "$boldred" ;; green) printf "$green" ;; boldgreen) printf "$boldgreen" ;; yellow) printf "$yellow" ;; boldyellow) printf "$boldyellow" ;; blue) printf "$blue" ;; boldblue) printf "$boldblue" ;; magenta) printf "$magenta" ;; boldmagenta) printf "$boldmagenta" ;; cyan) printf "$cyan" ;; boldcyan) printf "$boldcyan" ;; white) printf "$white" ;; boldwhite) printf "$boldwhite" ;; esac printf "%s" "$message" tput sgr0 # tput sgr0即恢复默认值 printf "$black" return } #1.the server infomation echo "the system basic infomation:" echo "***********************************************************************" echo hostname=`hostname` #主机名 ipaddress=`ifconfig |grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` #IP地址 gtway01=`cat /etc/sysconfig/network|grep GATEWAY|awk -F "=" '{print $2}'` #网关 gtway02=`netstat -rn | awk '/^ {print $2}'` cpuinfo=`cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep "name"|cut -d: -f2 |awk '{print "*"$1,$2,$3,$4}'|uniq -c` #cpu phmem=`dmidecode | grep -A 16 "Memory Device$" |grep Size:|grep -v "No Module Installed"|awk '{print "*" $2,$3}'|uniq -c` #物理内存数量 sysver=`cat /etc/issue | head -1` #--系统版本 kerver=`uname -a |awk '{print $3}'` #内核版本 #mem usage mem_total=$(free -m |grep Mem|awk '{print $2}') mem_used=$(free -m |grep Mem|awk '{print $3}') mem_rate=`expr $mem_used/$mem_total*100|bc -l` #mem_summary mem_sum=`free -m | xargs | awk '{print "Free/total memory: " $17 " / " $8 " MB"}' | awk -F":" 'BEGIN{print " FREE / TOTAL " } {print $2 }'` #disk space dk_usage=`df -h | xargs | awk '{print "Free/total disk: " $11 " / " $9}'` cechon "1.1 server hostname is:" red echo ${hostname} cechon "1.2 server ipaddree is: " red echo ${ipaddress} if [ "${gtway01}" = "" ];then cechon "1.3 server gateway is:" red echo ${gtway02} else cechon "1.3 server gateway is:" red echo ${gtway01} fi cechon "1.4 server cpuinfo is: " red echo ${cpuinfo} cechon "1.5 server Physical memory number is: " red echo ${phmem} cechon "1.6 server version is: " red echo ${sysver} cechon "1.7 server system kernel version is: " red echo ${kerver} cechon "1.8 server memory Summary is: " red echo ${mem_sum} cechon "1.9 server memory usage rate is: " red echo ${mem_rate:0:5}% cechon "1.10 server disk usage is: " red echo cechon "detail: " green echo #disk usage df -H |awk -F '\t' '{ print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' echo cechon "Summary: " green echo echo ${dk_usage} echo cechon "1.11 server CPU load average is: " red echo uptime | awk 'BEGIN{print "1min, 5min, 15min"} {print $10,$11,$12}' echo cechon "1.12 server started services is: " red echo chkconfig --list | grep on echo echo cechon "1.13 server CPU free is: " red top -b -n 1 | grep Cpu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -f 1 -d "." echo cechon "1.14 mysql ESTABLISHED connect is: " red echo netstat -an -t | grep ":3306" | grep ESTABLISHED | awk '{printf "%s %s\n",$5,$6}' | sort |sed 's/^::ffff://' echo cechon "1.15 server ESTABLISHED TCP connect number is: " red echo netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}' echo echo echo "***********************************************************************" echo