absolute : to specify an absolute time for a time-range (in time-range configuration mode)
no absolute
buffer-length : to specify the maximum length of the data stream to be forwarded (in line configuration mode)
no buffer-length
buffers : to make adjustments to initial public buffer pool settings and to the limits at whih temporarybuffers are created and destroyed (in global configuration mode)
no buffers
buffers huge size : to dyn amically resie all huge buffers to the value you specify (in global configuration mode)
no buffers huge size
buffers tune automatic : to enable automatic tuning of buffers (in global configuration mode)
no buffers tune automatic
calendar set : to manually set the hardware clock(calendar) (in EXEC mode)
clear platform hardware capacity rewrite-engine counter : to clear the packet drop and performance counters of the central rewrite engine on supervisirs and line cards (in privileged EXEC mode)
clock calendar-valid : to configure a system as an authoritatve time source for a network based on its hardware clock(calendar) (in global configuration mode)
no clock calendar-valid
clock read-calendat : to manually read the hardware clock (calendar) settings into the software clock (in EXEC mode)
clock save interval : to preserve recent date and time information in NVRAM for when a Cisco IOS device without a battery-backed calendat is power-cycled or reloaded (in global configuration mode)
no clock save interval
clock set : to manuallyset the system software clock (in privileged EXEC mode)
clock summer-tmie : to configure the system to automatically switch to summer time(daylight saving time) (in global configuration mode)
no clock summer-time
clock timezone : to set the time zone for display purpose (in global configuration mode)
no clock timezone
clock update-calendar : to perform a one-time updat of the hardware clock(calendar) from the software clock (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
exception core-file : to specify the name of the core dump file in Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS Software odularity software (in global configuration mode)
no exception core-file
exception crashinfo buffrsize : to change the size of the buffer used for crashinfo files (in global configuration mode)
no exception crashinfo buffersize
exception crashinfo dump : to specify the type of output information to be written to the crashinfo file (in global configuration mode)
no exception crashinfo dump
excpetion crashinfo file : to enable the creation of diagnostic file at the time of unexpected system shutdowns (in global configuration mode)
no exception crashinfo file
exception crashinfo maximum files : to enable a Cisco device to automatically delete old crashinfo files to help create space for writing the new crashinfo files when a system crashes (in global configuration mode)
no exception crashinfo maximum files
exception data-corruption : to manage data error excpetion (in global configuration mode)
no exception data-corruption
exception delay-dump : to pause or delay the dump of data error exception to the host (in global configuration mode)
no exception delay-dump
exception dump : to configure the router to dump a core file to a prticulat server when the router crashes (in global configuration mode)
no exception dump
exception linecard : to enable storing of crash information for a line card and optionally specify the type and amount of information stored (in global configuration mode)
no exception linecard
exception memory : to set free memory and memory block size threshold parameters (in global configuration mode)
no exception memory
exception memory ignore overflow : to configure the Cisco IOS software to correct corruption in memory block headers and allow a router to continue its normal operation (in global configuration mode)
no exception memory ignore overflow
exception protocol : to configure the protocol used for core dumps (in global configuration mode)
no exception protocol
exception region-size : to specify the size of the region for the exception-time memor pool (in global configuration mode)
no exception region-size
exception spurious-interrupt : to configure the router to create a core dump and reload after a specified number of spurious interrupts (in global configuration mode)
no exception spurious-interrupt
monitor event-trace cpu-report : to monitor the event tracing of the CPU reports (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
monitor event-trace cpu-report : to monitor the collection of CPU report traces (in global onfiguration mode)
ntp access-group : to control access to Network Time Protocol(NTP) services on the system (in global configuration mode)
no ntp access-group
ntp allow mode private : to allow the processing of private mode Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets (in global cofiguration mode)
no ntp allow mode private
ntp authenticate : to enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) authentication (in global configuration mode)
no ntp authenticate
ntp authentication-key : to define an authentiation key for Network Time Protocol (NTP) (in global configuration mode)
no nep authentication-key
ntp broadcast : to configure the options for broadcasting Network Time Protocol(NTP) traffic (in interface configuration mode)
no ntp broadcast
ntp broadcast client : to configure a device to receive Network Time Protocol(NTP) broadcast messages on a specified interface (in interface configuration mode)
no ntp broadcast client
ntp broadcastedlay : to set the estimated round-trip delay between the Cisco IOS software and a Network Time Protocol(NTP) broadcast server (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp clear drift : to reset the drift value stored in the persistent data file (in privileged EXEC mode)
ntp clock-period
no ntp clock-period
ntp disable : to prevent an interface from receiving Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets (in interface configuration mode)
no ntp disable
ntp logging : to enable Networking Time Protocol(NTP) message logging (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp master : to configure the Cisco IOS software as a Netwrok Time Protocol (NTP) master clock to which peers synchronie themselves when an external NTP souce is not available (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp max-associations : to configure the maximum number of Network Time Protocol (NTP) peers and clients for a routing device (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp maxdistance : to configure a maximum distance threshold value to govern the number of packets required for synchronization of peers in NNetwork Time Protocol version 4 (NTPv4) (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp multicast : to configure a system to send Netwrok Time Protocol (NTP) multicast packets on a specified interface (in interface configuration mode)
no nep multicast
ntp multicast client : to configure the system to receive Network Time Protocol (NTP) multicast packets on a specified interface (in interface configuration mode)
no ntp multicast client
ntp orphan : to enable a group of Network Time Protocol (NTP) evices to select one among them to be the simulated Coordinated Universal Time (UTC0 source if all real-time clock sources become inaccessible (in global configuration mode)
no ntp orphan
ntp panic update : to configure Network Time Protocol(NTP) to reect time updates greater then the panic threshold of 1000 seconds (in global configuration mode)
no ntp panic update
ntp passive : to configure passive Network Time Protocol(NTP) associations (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp peer : to configure a router to allow its software clock to be synchronized with the software clock of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) peer or to allow the software clock of a NTP peer to be synchronized with the software clock of the router (in global configuration mode)
no ntp peer
ntp refclock : to configure an external clock source for use with Network Time Protocol (NTP) services (in line configuration mode)
no nep refclock
ntp server : to configure a router to allow its software clock to be synchronized with the software clock of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) time server (in global configuration mode)
no ntp server
ntp source : to use a particular source address in Network Time Protocol(NTP) packets (in global configuration mode)
no ntp
ntp trusted-key : to authenticate the identity of a system to which Network Time Protocl (NTP) will synchronize (in global configuration mode)
no ntp trusted-key
ntp update-caledar : to periodically update the hardware clock (calendar) from a Network Time Protocol(NTP) time source (in global configuration mode)
no ntp update-caendar
show buffers leak : to display the details of all the buffers that ate older than one minute in the system (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show buffers tune : to display the details of automatic tuning of buffers (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show buffers usage : to display the details of the buffer usage pattern in a specified buffer pool (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show calendar : to display the current time and date setting for the hardware clock (in EXEC mode)
show clock : to display the time and date from the system software clock (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show ntp associations : to display the status of Ntwrok Time Protocol (NTP) associations (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show ntp info : to display static information about Network Time Protocol(NTP) entities (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show ntp packets : to display information about Network Time Protocol(NTP) packets (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show ntp status : to display the status of the Network Time Protocol(NTP) (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
show sntp : to show information about the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) (in EXEC mode)
show time-range : to display information about configured time ranges (in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode)
sntp broadcast client : to use the Simple Network Tme Protocol9SNTP) to acept Network Time Protocol(NTP) traffic from any broadcast server (in global onfiguration mode to configure a Cisco router
no sntp broadcast client
sntp logging : to enable Simple Network Time Protocol 9SNTP) message logging (in global configuration mode)
no sntp logging
sntp server : to configure a Cisco router to use the Simple Network Time Protocol(SNTP) to request and accept Network Time Protocol(NTP) traffic from a stratun 1 time server (in global configurationn mode)
no sntp server
sntp source-interface : to use a particular source address in Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) packets (in global configuration mode)
no sntp source-interface
time-period : to set the time increment for automatically saving an archive file of the current running configuration in the Cisco configuration archive (in archive configuration mode)
no time-period
time-range : to enable time-range configuration mode and define time ranges for functions (such as extended access lists) (in globa configuration or webvpn context configuration mode)
no time-range
Cisco IOS basic system management command reference